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Reception Curriculum Evening. Welcome. Reading. Reading in Reception. A large emphasis will be placed on getting your child to read by the end of the year. The expectation is for the majority of children to leave Reception reading yellow banded books.
Reception Curriculum Evening Welcome
Reading in Reception • A large emphasis will be placed on getting your child to read by the end of the year. • The expectation is for the majority of children to leave Reception reading yellow banded books. • Reading will be taught through the Letters and Sounds programme, which is taught daily in 20 minute sessions. .
Letters & Sounds phase 2 • Set 1 s a t p • Set 2 i n m d • Words we’ll cover - sat, tip, nit, din, pin, tin • Set 3 g o c k • Set 4 ck e u r • Set 5 h b f, ff l, ll ss
Reading Books • All children have already had an Oxford reading tree book. This scheme is good for enforcing tricky high frequency words that aren’t phonetically decodable – to, the, no • Once your child knows set 1 of the letters and sounds they will receive a phonics reading book which will have words which they should be able to, with help, sound out • Books will be changed on a Monday
What you can do to help. • The role of parents/ carers is vital in supporting your child to read. • Listen to your child, or read to your child daily if possible. • Try not to worry about what colour reading band your child is on, every child moves at a different pace. • Get children to have a good look at the pictures first, always talk about what they can see in the pictures, what they think the story may be about before attempting the text. • Please write in the reading record and inform teachers of how your child has read. • Read to your child, in particular dads to sons!
Book club • Every Wednesday • Emphasis on saving • Volunteers needed and welcomed!
Writing in Reception • Children will gradually be introduced to writing – this will mainly consist of letter formation and using a correct pencil grip for the Autumn term • We encourage ‘talk for writing’. • From the earliest opportunity children are asked to ‘read back’ their work. • Don’t be surprised if your child starts ‘cursive writing’, we introduce this ASAP once all letters are formed correctly.
What you can do to help. • Don’t force your child to write! • If your child wants to write, try to help them form their letters correctly. • If your child brings home a ‘cursive writing mat’ encourage and support them. • Let them see you write (dads in particular)!
Spellings will be introduced probably in the summer term, or maybe earlier if your child is becoming a fluent reader • Spellings will be introduced only when your child is ready • Don’t panic if other children have spellings and your child doesn’t
What you can do to help. • If writing at home please encourage your child to have a go at spelling words. • Help them ‘stretch’ words out so they can hear all the sounds. • Praise them for trying. • Encourage your child to practise sounds they have covered that week in L&S on Education City.
Numeracy in Reception • Children will cover counting up to a minimum of 20 • Counting in 2s and 10s • Knowing doubles and halves of numbers to 10 • Understand terms more, less equal to • Be able to give 1 more/less of given numbers • Lots of maths in Reception will be practical to enhance understanding • Children will complete RM maths daily on the computers.
What you can do to help. • Play maths games in the car • Play cards, games using dice which involve quick adding calculations • Use the maths section of Education City
Outdoors Children will be encouraged to learn through investigation and exploration activities set up outside daily. The outdoor environment will be used in all weathers (apart from hurricanes!) We have 30 all in one waterproof and windproof suits to cater for all weathers. We have some sets of wellies, but if you would prefer to provide your own for your child, please send in a pair of cheap wellies (labelled please with name) that can be kept in school. We also provide sun hats but not sun cream.
PE Reception • Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school at all times. • Please encourage your child to dress independently at home. • Please label ALL PE kit including pumps. • Please ensure that on PE days your child wears no jewellery. • During winter months your child may wear a tracksuit as we do encourage outdoor PE even in cold weather.
PPA • PPA in Reception will be on a Monday afternoon and will be covered by Miss Street. • During this afternoon activities will be based around the Expressive Arts & Design curriculum – dance, music art and design
Golden time is our reward for good behaviour in KS1. • Unacceptable behaviour results in minutes lost during golden time. • In Reception unacceptable behaviour will lead to a loss of choice, e.g. not being allowed outside • Please support our behaviour policy by encouraging your child to ‘stay on green’. • Golden time is Friday afternoon.
Learning Journeys • Learning journeys will be continued in Reception but they will not be paper based or as in as much detail as nursery providers. • We have bought into a digital ‘Learning book’ which parents can access at home. • These will not be updated daily.
Trips - Reception • We firmly believe trips bring our learning alive and enrich our curriculum. • We try to keep trip costs down to an absolute minimum and greatly appreciate your support in this area, particularly in the current economic climate. • At present we have booked Dick Whittington at the Regent theatre in Stoke on December 17th (cost approximately £13) and will also be venturing out at the end of December probably to Wheelock farm to purchase our Christmas tree
Finally……….. Please help us to get the best out of your children by: • ensuring children have enough sleep • ensuring children arrive to school on time We have an open door policy – if you have any concerns please do come and talk to me Thank you Mrs Woollam