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Welcome to Parent Night!. Grace Warner Elementary Vision: GWES will ensure a positive, safe and consistent environment for all students, staff and families within the community in order to prepare students to be life-long learners and responsible, productive citizens.
Welcome to Parent Night! Grace Warner Elementary Vision: GWES will ensure a positive, safe and consistent environment for all students, staff and families within the community in order to prepare students to be life-long learners and responsible, productive citizens. Mission: GWES will commit to the belief that all students can learn, achieve and succeed through equitable, consistent and effective social, emotional and academic instruction.
Title I Program Purpose School participation
Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students meet the challenging State academic standards PURPOSE • Title I funds are targeted to schools with high numbers of children from low-income families. • Title I is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act and provides about $15 billion per year in federal aid to local schools across the United States. • More than 55,900 public schools receive Title I funds. • Title I serves more than 26 million children. • US Department of Education • Title I, Part A • Budget Tables
Assessments Types Timeline for results
Use of FUNds Program funds
Program Funds • Allocated so schools with the most low income students get the most funding • Allocated from the highest percentage down This chart is an example of four elementary schools and the percentage of students who receive free or reduced lunches.
Additional parent notification requirements parent and family engagement policy, school-parent compact, educator qualifications, additional right-to-know
District Policy – family engagement Board Policy 5200
educator Qualifications • Teachers must meet Nevada certification requirements • Paraprofessionals are highly qualified • Timely notice given if a student has been taught for 4 or more weeks in a row by a teacher who does not meet the State certification requirements, i.e., long-term substitute
NEVADA School Performance Framework • Schools receive points based on student performance across various indicators and measures … these include the following: • Academic Achievement • English Language Proficiency • Student Engagement (attendance) • Growth • Closing Opportunity Gaps
How is the Star Rating Determined? • Points are totaled and divided by the points possible to generate an index score from 1-100. Index scores are associated with a one- to five-star rating as follows: • Below 27 = 1 STAR • At/above 27, less than 50 = 2 STARS • At/above 50, less than 67 = 3 STARS • At/above 67, less than 84 = 4 STARS • At/above 84 = 5 STARS
Warner 2018-19 school rating Index Score = 51.5 Rating = 3 STAR This rating is up from the previous school year! 2017-18 Rating was: Index Score 36 Rating = 2 STAR
TSI Designation TSI – Targeted support and improvement • Warner was identified as a TSI school in 2017-18 and will remain a TSI school for three years regardless of growth.
How are schools identified as TSI? • One or more subgroups not meeting target(s) two years in a row on one or more measures within Academic Achievement Indicator (Math proficiency, ELA proficiency, or RBG3) AND • One or more subgroups not meetings taget(s) two years in a row within two or more remaining Indicators: Growth (Math/ELA MGP/AGP), ELPA (WIDA AGP), or Student Engagement (Math/ELA Opportunity Gap, Chronic Absenteeism)
Warner’s 2018-19 School Performance Plan • Objective #1 Increase the percentage of students in the average to high performance groups by 4-7% in grades k-2 as measured by the Spring 2019 MAP assessment in Reading. Objective for Grades 3-6 will be to increase the performance levels by 5-10% in ELA as well as to increase the number of AGP by 5-10%, with special attention to Catch up kids going from17%-21% • K-2 Results: • K Winter - 42% were Average-High * K Spring – 60% were Average-High • 1st Fall – 48% were Average-High * 1st Spring – 38% were Average-High • 2nd Fall – 24% were Average-High * 2nd Spring – 46% were Average-High • Total Increase of 30%...GOAL MET • 3-6 Results: Remained the same at 5 points…goal not met • Growth Results: ELA AGP – 35%...GOAL MET
Warner’s 2018-19 School Performance Plan Continuned • Objective #2 Increase the percentage of students in the average to high performance groups by 4-7% in grades k-2 as measured by the Spring 2017 MAP assessment in Mathematics. Objective for Grades 3-6 will be to increase the performance levels by 5-10% in Math as well as to increase the number of AGP by 5-10%, with special attention to Catch up kids going from 29%-33%. • K-2 Results: • Kinder does not take MAP Math • 1st Fall – 40% Average-High * 1st Spring – 46% Average-High • 2nd Fall – 32% Average-High * 2nd Spring – 31% Average-High • Total Increase of 5 %...GOAL MET • 3-6 Results: Remained the same at 5 points…goal not met • Growth Results: Math AGP – 19%...goal not met
2019-20 School Performance plan goals • Warner Staff will continue to work on the previous goals while adding support and professional development to improve outcomes by doing the following: • Professional Development Focus: Professional Learning Communities, new ELA curriculum (Benchmark Advanced), Positive Discipline, Equitable Practices, Partner with District Math Specialists • Curriculum & Instruction – Increase rigor to support higher levels of proficiency and growth in both ELA & Math. We will accomplish this through more structured approach to PLC process and data analysis, implementation of ELA curriculum with fidelity, and increased support around Math content and instruction. • Use of grant funding, Title I and SB 178, to add necessary support staff and resources.
Additional Grant Funding • SB 178 $79,000 • Intervention Aide • Kindergarten Aide • Clerical Aide • Dreambox Math Intervention • iPad Cart • Professional Development
ATTENDANCE - We miss them when they’re gone! • The morning bell rings at 8:55. Students should be on campus when the bell rings. • New Attendance Policy: If students miss school, they need to make up the work or may be considered chronically absent. Students missing more than 10% of the year will be retained.
CELL PHONES • Student cell phones must be kept in the OFF position during the school day. You will need to keep your cell phone in your backpack during the school day. • If students are found using your phone during the instructional day, it will be confiscated and not returned until the end of the day. • If students are found using your phone a second time it will only be returned to a parent or legal guardian.
What is MAP? •MAP assessments are computer adaptive tests that measure your child’s instructional level in reading and math. The difficulty of each question is based on how well the student answered previous questions.
Read by Grade 3 Legislation • This state law aims to improve the literacy skills of K-5th grade students. • This law requires extra services be provided for those students identified as struggling readers. • The MAP reading assessment is being used to determine a possible reading deficiency. • Any student performing below the 40th percentile on the MAP reading assessment will receive a parent notification letter, a reading plan and additional reading services.
What percentage of time do students spend in a year… • In school • Away from school • Sleeping
What percentage of time do students spend in a year… • In school • Away from school • Sleeping
Our partnership with you is critical! This Phto by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Tonight… • Two 20 minute rotations to visit your student’s classrooms • Barbeque hosted by Sierra Bible Church Enjoy your evening!