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Flip Videos Revolutionize Project Monitoring and Reporting

Learn how CRS Jerusalem uses Flip Videos for real-time M&E, donor reports, and project dissemination in humanitarian work.

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Flip Videos Revolutionize Project Monitoring and Reporting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flip Videos Go Beyond Your Family Vacation CRS JWBG Name: Mariane Mathia M&E Project officer March 30, 2011 ICT4 Development Conference Lusaka, Zambia

  2. Introduction • Name: Mariane Mathia • Location: Jerusalem/ Palestine • Current role: Head of M&E in CRS Jerusalem center office. Responsible of monitoring and evaluating all the ongoing CRS projects.

  3. Project Background • Humanitarian Assistance, Safety Net, Advocacy and M&E • Opportunity: With the advent of Face Book and YouTube, the 15 – 20 minute professional produced project video is too long for online audiences. There is also an expectation that information be near-real time for donor reports, M&E requirements, and management decisions. Flip Videos provide a simple and low-cost solution for CRS’s M&E, management, emergency programming, project report, public dissemination, and in-country representation needs.

  4. ICT Solution • Flip Ultra HD Video Camera • Hardware: Flip UltraHD Video Camera - Black, 8 GB, 2 Hours ASIN: B0040702HA Item model number: U32120B • Software: Flip Share and Subtitle Workshop • Vendor: Any major retailer in the US, including Amazon, Best Buy, etc

  5. ICT Solution • Programming requirements: 1 day to pilot 3 – 4 minute video without subtitles and 3 days with subtitles. • Technology support time: Suggested to have one person to have Flip Video Share installed on their computer to ensure only approved material is posted on the Internet.

  6. Key Challenges • Getting staff to understand that Flip Videos need to be meticulously planned and not to simple “shoot everything and then put it together”.

  7. Lessons Learned • Establish a protocol of who can use the Flip Video and posting rights • Develop Flip Video proposals prior to filming • Think through the editing of the video before shooting and editing • Translate and edit English translation before subtitling

  8. Lessons Learned 5. Understand how the video and subtitle files are saved and subsequently stitched together 6. Know where to save the flip videos.

  9. Sustainability • Once storyboarding and protocols are in place, the approach does not differ even if Flip Video is not available or becomes outdated.

  10. Summary and Close • CRS/JWBG has produced at least 8 Flip Videos in the last 9 months to assist in project reporting; fundraising; maneuvering around political sensitivities; informing other CRS/JWBG staff of processes; and documenting experiences in closed sectors.

  11. Thank You!

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