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RAPID FIRE. Best of luck to all the teams. May the best team win. RULES OF RAPID FIRE ROUND. Each Team has to choose one speaker among themselves who will only be authorized to give the answer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RAPID FIRE Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  2. Best of luck to all the teams. May the best team win Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  3. RULES OF RAPID FIRE ROUND Each Team has to choose one speaker among themselves who will only be authorized to give the answer Each Team will get only 10 questions to answer within the total time limit of 2 minutes, after which the rapid fire round for that concerned team will be over. Until and unless the speaker say pass, Next question will not be put forth. Each question carries 10 marks There will be No Negative Markingin this round Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  4. Semifinal Round Team 01 Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  5. 1. Recombinant preparation of hirudin that inhibits thrombin directly……………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  6. 2. ……………… centrally acting α2 agonist is used for pre˗aneasthesthetic medication. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  7. 3.What is the concentration of Adrenaline given by intracardiac route for cardiac arest. • 1: ? Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  8. 4. DOC for cardiogenic shock with oliguric renal failure is ………………………… Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  9. 5. The antidote for iron toxicity is deferoxamine • True / False • True/False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  10. 6. All the following substances can be used for enteric coating, except: • Cellulose acetate phthalate • Gelatin • Silica • Shellac Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  11. 7. Diuretics + NSAIDs = ? Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  12. 8. Which group of drugs has GABA facilitatory action…………. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  13. 9. Coronary steal phenomenon is exhibited by which coronary dilator ................... Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  14. 10. Antidepressant preferred for smoking cessation is ............................. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  15. Semifinal Round Team 02 Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  16. 1.Amphetamines causes psychological as well as physical dependence. • True / False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  17. 2. t ½ determines elimination time, steady state plasma concentration, dosing rate, maintenance dose • True / False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  18. 3. Vanishing cream is the type of emulsion…… • A) W/O • B) O/W Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  19. 4. Bentonite is used in calamine as a ………….. agent Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  20. 5. Beta receptor stimulation typically causes inhibition of adenylcyclase- • True /False • True /False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  21. 6. The transmitter substance at parasympathetic ganglia is ACh- • True /False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  22. 7. Coronary steal phenomenon can be caused by…………… anaesthetic inhalational agent. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  23. 8. Guedels stages anesthesia is seen classically with which anesthetic agent? Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  24. 9. The specific antidote to combat extreme digitalis overdose is…………………… Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  25. 10. Alopecia areata is one of the therapeutic use of this anti hypertensive agent …………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  26. Semifinal Round Team 03 Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  27. 1. The substrates of CYP enzymes include metabolic intermediates such as lipids and steroidal hormones, as well as xenobiotic substances such as drugs and other toxic chemicals. • True / False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  28. 2. MgSO4 can be administered by Oral, Intravenous and Transdermal routes except subcutaneous route. True/False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  29. 3. The modern name of “materiamedica” is …………………………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  30. 4. Dimercaprol is another name of……………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  31. 5. In diagnosis of myasthenia gravis Edrophonium is used in a dose of .......... Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  32. 6.The name Ahlquist is associated with...................... receptors Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  33. 7. Dissociate anaesthesia is produced by………. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  34. 8. Inverse agonist at benzodiazepine site is................ Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  35. 9. Drugs which prevent cardiac remodeling? Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  36. 10. Pick the odd one out : • Nimodipine • Verapamil • Flunarizine • Pirenzipine Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  37. Semifinal Round Team 04 Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  38. 1. Diuretics + Lithium = ? Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  39. 2. Of the following pairs which is not matched properly : a. Clonidine : Hit and Run drug b. Methyl dopa : Pseudo – transmitter Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  40. 3. Bier’s block is also known as………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  41. 4. Which antidiabetic drug reacts with alcohol to produce disulfiram like reaction.................... Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  42. 5. Terbutaline acts on ..........receptors to relax bronchial smooth muscle Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  43. 6. Yohimbine is a selective antagonist of …….. receptor Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  44. 7. Orally active chelating agent which is used in thalassemia patient is……………………….. Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  45. 8.The branch of pharmacology deals with the adverse effect of the drugs & also with the study of poisons is called……………………… Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  46. 9. Lactose can be used to enhance absorption of a drug. • True/False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  47. 10. Phencyclidine is a drug of addiction also called as angel dust? • True/False Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  48. Thank you for your valuable participation! Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

  49. ..\Rules for extempore.pptx Aditi Chaturvedi + hemant K Dutt

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