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AS Level Physical Education Skill Acquisition Revision Guide. Ability and Skill. ‘Abilities are enduring characteristics which underline a persons potential to acquire skill in one sport or another’. Ability and Skill . A bility is something you are born with, it is innate .
Ability and Skill ‘Abilities are enduring characteristics which underline a persons potential to acquire skill in one sport or another’
Ability and Skill • Ability is something you are born with, it is innate. • Abilities are enduring (long-lasting) characteristics which underlie a person's potential to acquire skill in one sport or another. • To be skilful in one particular sport requires the person to have a specific profile of abilities.
Abilities • perceptual ability - the ability to detect and use different types of stimuli • conceptual ability - the ability to think through skills quickly • gross abilities - the ability to move the larger parts of the body quickly • fine abilities - the ability to perform delicate movements • kinaesthetic ability - the ability to detect the positions of your limbs in space
Finger dexterity Response integration Response orientation Reaction time Speed of movement Manual dexterity Perceptual Motor Ability Those that involve processing information and implementing movement
Static Strength Dynamaic Flexibility Dynamic Strength Stamina Trunk Strength Explosive Strength Gross Motor Ability Those that involve movement and often linked to fitness
Skill "The learned ability to bring about predetermined results with maximum certainty, often with the minimum outlay of time or energy or both.“ Knapp Consistent Learned Goal Directed Characteristics of skill Economic Aesthetic Recognisable Fluent Efficient
What perceptual skills does the player on the ball need to be successful?
Types of Skill • “ Skill is an organised, coordinated activity in relation to an object or situation which involves a whole chain of sensory, central and motor mechanisms” Welford • Cognitive – skills that involve thought process and intellectual ability. What to do, which action to use and when! • Perceptual – Skills that involve selecting, interpreting and making sense of information from our senses. • Psych-motor – movement decided upon and controlled by the brain. Mixture of motor and perceptual.
Open/closed skills Open skills Closed skills Unpredictable environment Predictable environment Decisions to be made No decisions - same skill
Self/externally paced skills Self-paced skills Externally-paced skills Performer decides when to start Start determined by outside agency Performer decides speed of movements Speed of movement decided by others
Discrete skills Serial skills Continuous skills Discrete/serial/ continuous skills Distinct beginning and end Series of discrete skills Repetitive - no beginning and end
Fine skills Gross skills Gross/fine skills Uses large muscle groups Uses small muscle groups
Information processing A simplified model Input – stimuli to sense organs Decide – what stimuli mean and what to do Output – motor programme runs muscles
3 stages to decision-making • Stimulus identification stage Decide what information represents • Response selection stage Decide on an appropriate response • Response programming stage Decide how to organise response
Expanded IP model Sense organs Muscles -movement Stimulus identification Response selection Response programming
Stimulus identification Response selection Response programming Senses Movement Feedback Anything missing? Memory
Input 3 main senses involved in sport 4 • Eyes/vision/visual sense • Ears/hearing/auditory sense • Touch/proprioception • Body awareness / kinaesthetic sense
Perception Three components/stages • Detection • Comparison • Recognition
Selective attention Idea of single channel hypothesis
Memory • Short-term sensory storage • Short-term memory • Long-term memory
Characteristics • STSS – lasts 0.5-1 seconds; requires immediate attention or is lost • STM – only attended information; limited capacity and duration; DCR occurs in STM; rehearsed information goes to LTM • LTM – unlimited capacity; requires rehearsal, meaningfulness, speed of learning and overlearning to be remembered/retrieved
Feedback Expanded model of IP Long-term memory Short-term memory Sense organs Stimulus Perception Decision Movement
Typical question (a) A basic information processing system consists of perception, translation and effector control. Explain what you understand by these terms, using appropriate examples from volleyball. (6 marks) (b) Selective attention is an important part of information processing. How can a coach improve a player’s selective attention? (3 marks)
Answer Perception – make sense of incoming information; e.g the ball has left the opposition server’s hand/equiv; Translation – decision making; E.g. the ball is at chest height I will use a set/volley/equiv; Effector control – motor programme/doing the movement; Send impulses to the muscular system in order for the movement to be carried out; E.g hands high/viewfinder/extend the legs. (1 mark for description and 1 mark for appropriate example) (d) Increase intensity of the stimulus/e.g’s; Motivate and arouse the performer; Highlight/ focus cues; Learn to ignore irrelevant stimulus;
Decision-making • Response time Time taken from initiation of signal to completion of movement Time taken from start of movement to completion of movement • Movement time Time taken from initiation of signal to beginning of movement • Reaction time
Reaction time Simple – single stimulus or single response Choice – several stimuli or responses to be selected from Hick’s Law – more choices more time needed to decide
Reaction time - implications Avoid repeating movements/same response – becomes SRT for opponent – easy to react to Choice RT – provide variety of responses – means opponent has to select from many stimuli Practice – develop as wide a range of actions as possible
Psychological refractory period Unable to respond to second stimulus until first stimulus has been responded to – because of single channel Basis of ‘faking’ or ‘dummying’ Give a signal concerning intended movement, then move another way – opponent responds to first signal before responding to second signal, by which time you are long gone!
Typical question In team games such as basketball or netball, performers need to make rapid decisions. (i) Give an appropriate example from a team game of simple reaction time and choice reaction time. (2 marks) (ii) The ‘Psychological Refractory Period’ often occurs in team games. Explain, using an example of this from a team game, how and why it occurs. (3 marks)
Answer (i) SRT - movement to whistle/equiv; CRT - movements of own players on court and who to pass to/equiv; (ii) The use of a deception/fake/dummy/in a named team game situation/equiv; Only process one item of information at a time/equiv; Response to later information likely to be delayed/equiv; Due to responding to first stimulus.
Feedback 3 functions • Change incorrect response • Reinforce correct response • Motivate performer
Types of feedback • Intrinsic • Extrinsic • Knowledge of results • Knowledge of performance • Immediate/delayed • Concurrent/terminal • Sourced from within • Sourced from outside • Concerning end result of action • Concerning movement pattern • Before/after completion • During/at end of action
Typical question Swimmers will experience different types of feedback both during and after a performance. (a) Knowledge of resultsandknowledge of performance are two types of feedback. Explain these two types of feedback. (2 marks) (b) What are the three main benefits of feedback to a swimmer? (3 marks) (c) What are the characteristics of ‘effective feedback’ for a swimmer? (4 marks)
Answer (a) KR – outcome of action; KP – information about movement/kinesthesis/feel of movement/intrinsic; (b) Correct errors/improve technique/highlight weaknesses; Reinforcement/illustrate success/highlight strengths; Motivation/self-confidence; (c) Process only limited amount of information/succinct/short; Clear information/accurate/correct/relevant/simple; Immediate; Individualised; Different forms – verbal and visual; Intrinsic; Terminal better for beginners/concurrent for elite; Positive for beginners/Negative for advanced;
Open loop theory Executive (decides) Effector (does it)
Motor programmes - Open loop theory • No feedback. • Pre-planned actions. • Explains fast, ‘ballistic’ movements • Stored as executive programmes that simply run and cannot be adjusted
Motor command Executive Effector Feedback Closed loop theory
Adam’s Closed loop theory • Feedback involved. • ‘Memory trace’ recalls previous correct responses and initiates movement • ‘Perceptual trace’ as a model of correctness that is adjusted and strengthened through practice. • Does not account for actions too fast for feedback • Does not explain limits of memory
Schema theory • Four relationships (schema) stored for every movement. • Initial conditions • General motor programme • Knowledge of results • Sensory consequences
Schema theory • Recall schema provides motor programme – 1 and 2 • Recognition schema evaluates responses – 3 and 4
Typical question (a) In relation to skilled performance, what do you understand by the terms motor programme and subroutines? Give appropriate examples from a tennis serve. (3 marks) (b) Schmidt’s schema theory is based on four sources of information which are used to modify motor programmes. List the four sources of information. (4 marks) (c) How can a coach organise practices to enable a schema to develop? (3 marks)
Answer (a) Motor programme – Controls movement/set of instructions/made up of subroutines/plan of action stored in memory (long term)/equiv; Subroutines – Sequences of movement, which are performed automatically/isolated aspects of a movement/practised in parts/equiv; Grip/footwork/backward swing/forward swing/ball toss/contact with ball/follow through; (minimum of three examples for 1 mark) (b) (Knowledge of) initial conditions/set up/requirement of skills; (Knowledge of) response specifications/demands/what is needed; Sensory consequences/Kinesthesis/Knowledge of Performance/KP; Movement outcomes/Knowledge of Results/KR;
Answer (c) Practice to be varied/avoid blocked or massed practice/examples; Should include plenty of information; Should have feedback; Should be realistic to the game/activity; Should include transferable elements; Becoming more challenging/more difficult.
Answer (c) Practice to be varied/avoid blocked or massed practice/examples; Should include plenty of information; Should have feedback; Should be realistic to the game/activity; Should include transferable elements; Becoming more challenging/more difficult.
Answer (c) Practice to be varied/avoid blocked or massed practice/examples; Should include plenty of information; Should have feedback; Should be realistic to the game/activity; Should include transferable elements; Becoming more challenging/more difficult.
Learning • A relatively permanent change in behaviour • Seen to have occurred in performance of skill • Improvements in performance seen as a learning curve
no improvement Performance deteriorates Period of rapid improvement little early improvement Learning curve Learning plateau
Causes of a learning plateau • Fatigue • Loss of motivation/boredom • Technical deficiencies
Preventing a learning plateau • If fatigued – Rest/recovery periods • To motivate - Rewards/goals • Limited skill - Change style/method of practice or isolate and correct faulty technique