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Lighting . Direct Light From one direction Highlight and shadow Highest contrast. Back Lighting Silhouette Golden hour (sunset and sunrise). Ambient/Soft/Diffused Light No highlights and shadows Picture looks soft. Artificial Light Artificial sources such as ? L ight that falls off.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lighting

  2. Direct Light • From one direction • Highlight and shadow • Highest contrast

  3. Back Lighting • Silhouette • Golden hour (sunset and sunrise)

  4. Ambient/Soft/Diffused Light • No highlights and shadows • Picture looks soft

  5. Artificial Light • Artificial sources • such as ? • Light that falls off

  6. Artificial Light • Artificial sources • such as ? • Light that falls off • Fill Light

  7. Shooting Assignment #5 Lighting 5 photos: Direct/Hard Light 5 photos: Backlighting/ Golden Hour 5 photos: Ambient/Soft/Diffused Light 5 photos: Artificial Light (include, night or OUTDOORS fill flash, but NO indoor flash photography! Many of these will be night/ photography so you can see the light sources.

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