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1. Go to: http://katy.edmodo.com/

1. Go to: http://katy.edmodo.com/. Click on I’m a student Type in your group code by class period: 1 st : bt0pve (third character is a zero) 2 nd : i03eww (second character is a zero) 4 th : ci4c7u 6 th : rmfoh7 (fourth character is a letter o)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Go to: http://katy.edmodo.com/ Click on I’m a student Type in your group code by class period: 1st: bt0pve (third character is a zero) 2nd: i03eww (second character is a zero) 4th: ci4c7u 6th: rmfoh7 (fourth character is a letter o) 8th: npuwzl (that last letter is a lower case L) Katy ID@students.katyisd.org

  2. Enter your KISD user name Enter your KISD password Enter your KISD email: KISD ID number@students.katyisd.org Enter your first and last name Click sign up Once signed on, you will be able to see Your class Edmodo page. When you finish your storyjumper .com timeline, click on assignments due on your edmodo home page. Copy and paste the link by pasting it in the box ‘turn in assignment’ Click turn in assignment. That will let me know it is complete and ready to be checked.

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