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GENIUS LOCI, FEAR, FUN, AND HOPE. BOHEMIAN FOLK TALES. presented by Gymnazium bratri capku a PCSSOU, PRAGUE. What is FOLK TALE?. „ short narrative with historical essence, but getting more fictional; connected with some concrete location (in spite of myths or fairy tales) “
What is FOLK TALE? • „short narrative with historical essence, but getting more fictional; connected with some concrete location (in spite of myths or fairy tales)“ • kinds of folk tales: • mythical – intimately connected with the genre of myths and mythical fairy tales • local – what had happen many times ago on some place: castle, house, mountain, hill, mines, forest, swamp, or fountain • heraldic – about the origin of national symbols • about special characters (heroes, like bandits or highwaymen or executioners)
What is FOLK TALE? F O L K T A L E S
1. Mythical folk tales • folk tales with mythical origin • the origin of the nation (its name, its territory, the establishment of the dynasty which will rule) • mythological characters (Bohemian fairy tales have these characters based on Slavonian and German mythology, and later with Christianity) – represent elements (water, fire, wind, earth)
2. Local folk tales • what is GENIUS LOCI: people believe that some places have its special creative and charming atmosphere. • original of this term: Roman mythology • in modern literature: special spiritual power of some place, which can inspirate or make the catharsis • local folk tales are based on thisnarrativecomponent: • thecastle: underground, walls, tower • mountain, hill • rock, cave, mine • house in thetown • forest, swamp • lake, river, pond, fountain
Local folk tales (continuing) typical motives of local folk tales - murder, damage - haunting - meatingwithmythologicalcharacters (undine, merman, dwarf) - treasure (latent) - punishmentofhuman´ssins - somebodyspecialreachedthis place (e. g. king, alchymist, doctor, Jew…) functionofthistales: etymology oftoponyms; warning
Bohemian heraldic folk tales, in its origin romances inspired by German literature in High Middle Ages, explain why we have the she-eagle and the lion in national shield 3. Heraldic folk tales the knight called Bruncwik fought with dragon and he saved injured lion, who helped him with fighting the knight called Štilfrid won the eagle and changed the first shield – a cauldron.
4. Folk tales about special people • these folk tales are similar with legends (hagiography), but they do not narrate about the whole life of some hero, and the hero is not a Saint • like Robin Hood in England, Rob Roy in Scotland, and Jánošík in Slovakia, also Bohemian folk has its highwaymen, who were stealing to rich and giving to poors - e. g. Ondráš in East Moravian mountains • like Daidalos in Greek mythology, also we have our great scientists and inventors: e. g. mister Hanuš and his astronomical clock, Rabi Lów and his Golem
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) The mountain ŘÍP high hill with vulcanic origin in Middle Bohemian lowland forefather and ancester ČECH, who established Czech nation, hac come here from Early Middle Age, there is a Byzantian chape
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) LIBUŠE´S PROPHECY: THE NAME OF PRAGUE - the daugher of the first judge KROK, Libuše, had said a prohpecy before her death: I cee a big city whose glory is touching the stars….Its name will be Praha, because you will find a man in forest who is making a doorsill (PRÁH)
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) MAIDENS´ WAR - how women wanted to rule after Libuše´s deasth. They were furious and angry, but men won. - this local folk tales tells the origin of the name „WILD ŠÁRKA“ in Prague
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) KING JEČMÍNEK (BARLEY) • Moravian folk tale • he wasborn in barley in which his motherwastrying to escapebeforesoldiers • he willapearwhen Morava (east part of Czech rep.) is in biggestdanger • hope forpeople
Some of Bohemian folk tales… (very raugh selection) PRAGUE´S ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK horolog, 14th century many folk tales, e. g. about sceleton, sparrow in sceleton´s skull, 27 execuded, devil´s eye, master Jan Hanuš professedly Hanuš arranged horolog and aldermen made him blind – they were afraid that he could arrange orology in other towns. Blind Hanuš put his hand to the mechanism and died. The horolog had been stopped for 100 years.
Some of Bohemian folk tales… (very raugh selection) • jewish mysticism: anthropomorphic being • Prague´s Golem created by Loew ben Bezalel (rabbi Löw) (1520-1609) • friend of emperor Rudolph II • Golem was created to defend the Jews of the Prague Ghetto from antisemitic attacks, particularly the blood libel. • Golem is said to have used mystical power based on the esoteric knowledge of how God created Adam • two versions: • the commands, what Golem has to do, was rabbi putting on small paper to Golem´s mouth • rabbi was resuscitating Golem with SHEM-HA-M-PHORASH, spehurule in which was written the name of God. GOLEM
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) THE HOUSE OF DOCTOR FAUST • owners of the house were dealing with alchemy – this is the origin of the folk tale, because historical doctor Faust never lived here • it has been said that Faust assigned his soul by blood to Devil. When devil came for him, he brought him through the roof • later one poor student tried to live in this abandoned house. He found a golden coin inside every day, but he wanted more. He began to deal with alchemy and calling devil. After cruel fight, devil brought him away. Only his magician book and blood was foud. • childrens´ boots and skeletons of cats were found blinded there
Some of Bohemian folk tales… (very raugh selection) WHITE LADY PERCHTA “The White Lady, as they called her, used to appear at the castles in Český Krumlov, Rožmberk or other castles in the Rosenberg property, wearing a simple white dress with keys around her waist and sauntering through the corridors and chambers, prepared to face the future events. A smile on her face was a sign of good tidings whereas black gloves in her hands and a solemn countenance foreshadowed impending disaster or death.“ • probably Perchta von Rosenberg, a beautiful daughter of Ulrich II of Rosenberg • married with cruel Jan von Lichtenstein who was torturing her • after her death, people were seeing her in dreams… and in the castle! - The White Lady took care of the children of her family and protected them from harm. When nurses fell asleep from tiredness she cradled and soothed the babies. The nurses who had known her let her do so. The White Lady took special care of the last child of her family, Peter Wok.
Some of Bohemian folk tales… (very raugh selection) MOUNTAINS DWARVES (PERMONÍCI) • in mines (silver, gold, gems, black coal, salt) • element of earth • small, strong, they hate whistling and noice • thousands of short local folk tales • some of these folk tales are terrifying and spooky (dwarves induced tragedy in mines and miners died) • but some of them WARN before disaster • some of them gifted poor miners with coal or stone, which turned into gold
Some of Bohemian folk tales…(very raugh selection) RIDERS OF BLANÍK HILL inside the hill, riders have been sleeping. they depart and go to fight when Bohemian folk is in biggest danger and bane some maiden met one of knights. He asked her to clean inside the mountain. She thought it was few hours, but when she came home, she noticed she was away for the whole year…
SOME OF BOHEMIAN FOLK TALES…(very raugh selection) many of these MYTHICAL CHARACTERS are connected with the archetypal element of WATER, which impresses fear: • undines - nymphswhocharmmen and thendrownthem • mermen (vodyanoys) - green waterghostwhocatchswimmingpeople and hold theirsouls in pots noon witch has its origin maybe in pagantimes. Childrenwerehauntedwith a witchwhoappears in noon, so theymustbehome to have a lunch everyoldcastle has itsownGHOST, folk peoplebelievethatthesoulsofmurderedorbadlivingpeoplecannotfindthe rest aftertheirdeath, so theappearduringthe night. firemen are connectedwiththe element offire „Hejkal“ (porevit) used to beseen in forest, issimilar to Greek Pan or Roman Faun alsojack-o'-lanternsare believed to live in swamps and forest, theytemptwayfarers to go astray
MOTIVES FUNCTION CONCLUSION - elements (mythical)water (undines), earth (mine dwarves, jack-o-lanterns), fire (firemen, devils), air (noon witch)- historical characters White lady, rabbi Löw, master Hanuš…- devils and alchemy Faust and the student, Golem, astronomical clock- town x countryhills, swamps, mines x houses, castles, graveyards - to explainetymology of toponyms (names of places)Wild Šárka, Říp-Bohemia- to warnWhite Lady, dwarves- to terrify undines, mermen, jack-o-lanterns, noon witch, devils, dwarves- to give faith and hopeJečmínek, riders of Blaník- to explain something what people do not understandHouse of Faust, tragedy in mines