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7. PLEIOTROPI, GEN MODIFIER, PENETRASI DAN EKSPRESIVITAS. Pleiotrophy. One gene has effect(s) on multiple phenotypes Many examples Cystic fibrosis Marfan syndrome Porphyria variegata Cannot metabolize porphyrin, deep red urine
Pleiotrophy • One gene has effect(s) on multiple phenotypes • Many examples • Cystic fibrosis • Marfan syndrome • Porphyria variegata • Cannot metabolize porphyrin, deep red urine • Becomes toxic to brain (also abdominal pain muscular weakness fever insomnia headaches vision problems, delerium, etc.) • King George III of England (U.S. Revolution) may have suffered from condition
GEN MODIFIER • Gen modifier adalah gen yang mengubahsedikitkuantitaskenampakan gen lain (dapatdiukur) • Gen modifier dapatberperansebagaipenghambat (inhibitor genes), pendukung (enhancer genes), penekan (supressor genes). • Gen utamamengaturpenampakanfenotipedarisuatusifattetapimungkinberubahkarenapengaruhbeberapaataubanyak gen minor
GEN MODIFIER • Gen Pendukung (Enhancer genes) • Gen minor dapatsangatmempengaruhi gen utama (major gen) dalammenampakkansuatusifat • Contoh : sifatwarnakepalapadatikus yang disebabkan gen resesif. Seleksiterusmenerusterhadapsifattersebutmeningkatkanpigmentasiwarnabulukarenapeningkatanjumlah gen modifier • Gen penghambat (Inhibitor genes) • Dapatmencegahpenampakkandari gen lain • Contoh : warnakulitpadabawangmerah (epistasisdominandanresesif) • Gen penekan (supressor genes) • Berperanmenekan gen mutansehinggafenotipe yang normal tidaktampakmeskipun gen mutantersebutada. • Contoh : gen resesifsu yang menekan gen Hw pada Drosophila yang menyebabkansayapberbulu. Padapersilanganduatetuatakberbuluketurunannyadapatmempunyaisayapberbulu Hw Hwsusu x hw hw Su Su tidakberbulutidakberbulu F1 Hw hw Su su berbulu Hw = sayapberbulu Su = tidakmenekan Hw
penetrasi • Penetrasi = proporsiindividu yang menampakkanfenotipe yang diharapkan. • Penetrasisempurna (100%) bilasemuaindividumenampakkansifattersebut • Penetrasitidaksempurnabilasifatterlihatpadabeberapaindividutapitidakterlihatpadaindividu lain meskipun gen tersebutterdapatpadasemuaindividutersebut. P : GG x gg kuninghijau F1 : Gg (kuningsemua) F2 : 3 G_ : 1 gg Penetrasi = 100% Sorghum P: RR x rr BatangmerahBatanghijau F1 Rr (batangmerah) F2 : 3 merah : 1 hijau (dibawahsuhu normal) dalampopulasiada 40 tanaman, padasuhutinggidiperolehnisbah 20:20 bukan 30:10. Penetrasi = 66 2/3%
Phenotype Is Not Always a Direct Reflection of Genotype • Penetrance – the percentage of individuals that show at least some degree of expression of the mutant genotype • Partial penetrance • Expressivity – the range of expression of the mutant phenotype • Can be the result of either or both genetic background differences or environmental effects
Expressivity and Penetrance Variable (or Incomplete) Penetrance: Variable Expressivity: Variable Expressivity and Penetrance:
Expressivity • “Eyeless” mutation in Drosophila • Reduces eye size from a partial reduction to complete elimination (average 0.25 to 0.50)
Genetic Background Effects • Genetic suppression – mutant allele at a locus partially or completely restores the wt phenotype of another locus homozygous (or hemizygous) for a mutant allele • Position effect – the physical location of a gene influences its expression (relative position to other genetic material • Translocations or inversions • Heterochromatin effects…
Position Effect • (a) female heterozygote for white eye genotype showing normal dominant phenotype • (b) chromosomal rearrangement leading to variegated effect (also female heterozygote for white eye)
Environmental Effects • Temperature effects • Evening primrose produces red flowers at 23C and white flowers at 18C • Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits have darker fur on cooler areas of body (tail, feet, ears) • Enzymes lose catalytic function at higher temperature • Temperature sensitive mutations • Mutant allele only expressed (phenotype) at [generally] lower temperature • ts phage mutants, restrictive and permissive temperatures • Heat-shock genes
Environmental Effects:Temperature-sensitive Alleles vestigal alleles himalayan Rabbits
Nutritional Effects • Nutritional mutations • Prevent synthesis of nutrient molecules • Auxotrophs • Phenotype expressed or not depending upon the diet • Phenylketonuria • Loss of enzyme to metabolize phenylalanine • Severe problems unless low Phe diet • Galactosemia (very bad again) and lactose intolerance (unpleasant)…