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Pointers. Pointers. Every variable is a memory location and every memory location has its address defined which can be accessed using ampersand (&amp;) operator. E.g. int var_1 ; printf (“address of var_1 variable: %x<br>&quot;, &amp; var_1 ); Output of these statements:

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  1. Pointers

  2. Pointers • Every variable is a memory location and every memory location has its address defined which can be accessed using ampersand (&) operator. E.g. intvar_1; printf(“address of var_1 variable: %x\n", &var_1 ); • Output of these statements: address of var_1 variable: cef50400 • A pointer is a variable whose value/content is the address of another variable, i.e., direct address of its memory location.

  3. Pointers • Like any variable or constant, you must declare a pointer before you can use it to store any variable address. • The general form of a pointer variable declaration is: type *ptr_var_name; • type is the pointer's base type; it must be a valid C data type (primitive or programmer defined) • ptr_var_name is the name of the pointer variable. The asterisk (*) used to declare a pointer is used to designate a variable as a pointer.

  4. Pointer Declaration • Following are valid pointer declarations: int *p; /* pointer to an integer */ double *d; /* pointer to a double */ float *f; /* pointer to a float */ char *c /* pointer to a character */

  5. Initializing Pointer Variables • The address of the first byte of a variable is the address of the variable. • In the following figure, the address of the integer variable i is 3100: • We can store the address of a variable i in the pointer variable p and we say that p “points to” i. 3100 i 3101 p i

  6. Initializing Pointer Variables • One way to initialize a pointer variable is to assign it the address of a variable: int i, *p; p = &i; • Assigning the address of i to the variable p makes p point to i: p ? i

  7. Initializing Pointer Variables • It’s also possible to initialize a pointer variable at the time it’s declared: int i; int *p = &i; • The declaration of i can even be combined with the declaration of p: int i, *p = &i; p ? i ? i

  8. The Indirection Operator (*) • Once a pointer variable points to a variable, we can use the * (indirection) operator to access what’s stored in the variable. • If p points to i, we can print the value of i as follows: printf("%d\n", *p); • As long as p points to i, *p is an alias for i. • *p has the same value as i. • Changing the value of *p changes the value of i.

  9. The Indirection Operator Example p = &i; i = 10; printf("%d\n", i); /* prints 10 */ printf("%d\n", *p); /* prints 10 */ *p = 20; printf("%d\n", i); /* prints 20 */ printf("%d\n", *p); /* prints 20 */ p p p ? 10 20 i i i

  10. The Indirection Operator • Applying the indirection operator to an uninitialized pointer variable causes unpredictable behavior: int *p; printf("%d", *p); /*** WRONG ***/ • Assigning a value to *p is also wrong when p is not pointing to any valid variable: int *p; *p = 1; /*** WRONG ***/

  11. Pointer Assignment • We canuse of the assignment operator to copy pointers of the same type. • Assume the following declaration: int i, j, *p, *q; • Example of pointer assignment: p = &i; q = i; • qnow points to the same place as p p p ? ? i i q q

  12. Pointer Assignment • If p and q both point to i, we can change i by assigning a new value to either *p or *q: *p = 1; *q = 2; • Any number of pointer variables may point to the same variable. q q p p 2 1 i i

  13. Pointer Assignment • The following assignment statements are NOT the same: q = p; *q = *p; • The first statement is a pointer assignment, but the second assigns the value of whatever is pointed-to by p to whatever is pointed-to by q.

  14. Pointer Assignment p = &i; q = &j; i = 1; *q = *p; p q p q 1 ? 1 1 i j i j

  15. Pointers and Arrays

  16. Pointers and Arrays • Arrays and pointers are very much related concepts • The name of an array acts as a pointer to the first element of that array • Consider the following declaration: intmy_array [10]; int *my_ptr; • Then these are valid assignment statements: my_ptr = &my_array[0]; OR my_ptr = my_array;

  17. Pointers and Arrays • After this statement, my_ptr and my_array are equivalent. • Difference between the two: • my_ptr can be assigned some other address since it is a pointer variable • my_array can never be re-assigned since it will always represent the same block of 10 integers. • Therefore, the following statement is invalid: my_array = my_ptr;

  18. Pointers and Arrays • After assigning my_ptr the address of the first element of my_array, we can access other elements of my_array just as well: my_ptr = &my_array[0]; *(my_ptr + 1) = 20; // assign 20 to 2nd element of my_array *(my_ptr + 4) = 30; // assign 30 to 5th element of my_array my_ptr= &my_array[3]; *(my_ptr + 1) = 50; // assign 50 to 5th element of my_array • Practice program

  19. Pointer Arithmetic • For pointers, only addition and subtraction are allowed • Other arithmetic operations don’t make much sense • With pointers however, addition and subtraction have different behavior than integer addition or subtraction • That depends upon the type of data a pointer points to…

  20. Pointer Arithmetic • As we know that different data types have different sizes • Size of data types depends upon the compiler being used • Suppose, char is 1-byte, int is 2-bytes and float is 4-bytes • Now we declare three pointers of types char, int and float as follows: char *char_ptr; int *int_ptr; float *float_ptr;

  21. Pointer Arithmetic • Assume that the three pointers point to the three memory locations 1000, 2000 and 3000 respectively • This can be visually represented as follows: 3003 3007 1003 2003 2001 3001 3005 1001 3006 1002 3000 3002 1000 2000 3004 2002 1000 2000 3000 char_ptr float_ptr int_ptr

  22. Pointer Arithmetic • See the effect of following statements: char_ptr++; int_ptr++; float_ptr++; 3003 3007 1003 2003 2001 3001 3005 1001 3006 1002 3000 3002 1000 2000 3004 2002 1001 2002 3004 char_ptr float_ptr int_ptr

  23. Pointer Arithmetic • Notice the difference between: int_ptr++; (*int_ptr)++; 300 300 2003 2003 2001 2001 126 125 2002 2000 2002 2000 2002 2000 int_ptr int_ptr

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