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Tallinn University of Technology. PERSPECTIVES OF THE THIRD LEVEL EDUCATION IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING. Professor Jyri Papstel. Tallinn University of Technology.
Tallinn University of Technology In today’s competitive environment, success is determined less by traditional advantages – linked to technology or quality – than by the overall performance of the systems.
Employment trends for Fortune process groups USA (Keith M. Gardiner )
Tallinn University of Technology State of the Art • Existing education does not completely reflect real needs of the industry that faces problems of integrative nature across the traditional disciplines, such as (Thoben&Schwesig): • Working globally in a multicultural environment • Working in interdisciplinary, multi-skill teams • Sharing of work tasks on a global and around the clock basis • Working with digital tools for communication • Working in an virtual environment
Tallinn University of Technology State of the Art Industry is facing with the fact that on the labour market there is not enough qualified labour force and that workers has to be evaluated on the topic of skills’ level. There is the need for just in time labour force education with needed skills Hence, there is a clear need for a tool for active cooperation and coherence between enterprises (demand) and education providers (supply).
I N D U S T R Y A C A D E M I E Tallinn University of Technology AS - IS We teach what we know We try to find skilled employees to fulfill the company’s strategy
I NNOMET Tallinn University of Technology SHOULD - BE
Tallinn University of Technology Skills in company • Process planner • Skills (by standard): • Process planning • Tools • Machine tools • Aditional skills needed: • Production planning • .............................. Find a person Reeducate one Compose or find suitable study module
Tallinn University of Technology Context of skills • In companies: • One should do all defined by the list of skills related to particular job on the needed qualification level • In educational institutions: • Student after the passing the course: • Should know (passiv skills) • Should do (active skills)
Subject 1 Course 1 Subject 2 Course 2 .................... .................... Subject m Course n Tallinn University of Technology Skills from graduation Study programme 1 (specialisation 1) Study programme 2 (specialisation 2) Where are skills? We don’t define skills
Should know: Should do: Subject 1 Should know: Should do: Subject 2 .................... Subject m Should know: Should do: Definition of the skills in academic programmes Course 2 Sum of active skills should match to lowest set skills by qualification standard
Tallinn University of Technology Which Knowledge is Missing Just Now ? • Which specialities we are needing? • How many specialists we are needing? • What are the graduates should know and do? • What kind of courses in continuing education we are needing? • In which direction we should change our curricula and how fast? • Etc
Tallinn University of Technology Updating the academic study programmes Innovation Technology transfer R&D Structrure of knowledge in company (by qualification standard) Reaching the knowledge in academic programmes
Tallinn University of Technology New Concept of Curriculum Design • The new curriculum will be of modular with highlyintegrated structure. • Modular curriculum architecture and the use of curriculum platforms could follow the concept of reusability allowing development of customized curricula (principle of product family design). • In such way the potential benefit will be gained from organized reuse of course material elements and course presentation. • The new concept should support anytime – anyplace learning approach
Tallinn University of Technology Competency based education concept Industry needs Personnel skills Team skills Optional Engineering Skills Skills defined by particular Job • Training&education options: • University classes; • Cont. education classes; • Short courses; • Web based training modules; • Courses delivered on CD; • Books; • Etc Modular courses for the tailored study programmes and courses. Engi-nee-ring Educa-tion Design Bus Decision support system Desired profile
Problems to be solved • We must determine how to correctly modularize a courseand how to link these modules into a learning system that will allow thestudent exposure and reinforcement to spiral up the learning spectrum. • The creation of a modular suite of courses that can beentered at any stage and get the student to the desired customer outcome. • Development of some accepted scale to address what is theexit criteria measures of success. • How can a systems approach be developed toaccommodate “just in time” education and training while still recognizing thatbasic prerequisites are needed to achieve success? • Can the same systems approach to modular,competency-based, anytime – any place education be effectively used byindustry for life long learning?
Success criteria • Success would be measured as the creation of an education system paradigm thatachieves: • Outcome-focused scholarship and • Individualized Education and • Life-long Education and Training.
Tallinn University of Technology International programs in progress To support new activities described Department of machinery taking very activly part in different international programmes: • Global Education in Manufacturing (GEM-NAS) • Establishment of the Virtual Centre of Excellence for InformationSociety Technologies RTD in Estonia (technology management) (eViking II) • Integrated Knowledge-Based Interdiscipline Study Program on the Web Site • Development of the real time system for adding innovation capacity of labour force and entrepreneurs of the metal engineering, machinery and apparatus sector (INNOMET)
Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Conclusions • To be in tact with industry the new education paradigm is needed • Curricula, supporting outcome-focused scholarship should be modularised, flexible and match to industrial strategical needs • Ready-made modules and stand alone courses should be available for industry to support lifelong learning paradigm • Information system feeding the educational environment with up-to-dated information related to industry should be developed
Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Thank you for your attention !