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Down & Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea 韩国信用卡业的启示

Down & Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea 韩国信用卡业的启示. Dae Young Kim Financial Supervisory Service Republic of Korea 韩国金融监管委员会. Credit Card Industry in Korea. What happened in early 2003 to Korean Credit Card Businesses 2003 年初,韩国信用卡业告诉我们的故事. Credit Card Industry in Korea.

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Down & Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea 韩国信用卡业的启示

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  1. Down & Up of Credit Card Industry in Korea韩国信用卡业的启示 Dae Young Kim Financial Supervisory Service Republic of Korea 韩国金融监管委员会

  2. Credit Card Industry in Korea What happened in early 2003 to Korean Credit Card Businesses 2003年初,韩国信用卡业告诉我们的故事

  3. Credit Card Industry in Korea Market situation 市场状况 ◇ SK Global event(February 2003) SK Global事件(2003年2月) • Family owner was arrested as a suspect of accounting fraud 家族产业所有人因涉嫌财务欺诈被捕。 • Investors of Money Market Fund which invested in debt instruments issued by SK Global suffered loss. 投资SK Global债券的货币市场基金投资者遭受巨大损失。 ◇ Investors getting more sensitive about overissued credit card companies’ bonds 投资者对信用卡机构滥发债券行为十分敏感。 • Increasing concern about credit card companies’ loss 市场对信用卡机构的关注增加。

  4. Credit Card Industry in Korea Market getting deep 市场陷入低谷 ◇ Investors began to redeem investment trust funds in the fear of loss 投资者担心亏损,开始将信托投资基金变现。 ◇ Investment trust companies had to sell or stop rolling over credit card bonds 信托投资公司不得不出售或停止购买信用卡债券。 ◇ Other institutional investors were deeply concerned about their investment positions in credit card bonds。 其他机构投资者对其在信用卡债券方面的投资状况十分焦虑。

  5. Credit Card Industry in Korea Resource of funds ( 8 credit card companies combined as of Dec31 2002 (in Million US dolar, %)资金来源(2002年12月31日前8家信用卡机构综合数据) (百万美元,%)

  6. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Shrink of bond transaction volume 债券交易量萎缩 • Average daily trade volume of bonds issued by credit card companies 信用卡机构债券的日均交易量 174 m U$ (Feb.) → 51 m U$ (Mar.) ◇ Decreasing total asset of Investment trust funds 信托投资基金总资产下降 - 22,257 m U$ (during 3.11~3.31)

  7. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Difficulties in refinancing 再融资面临的困境 • Refinaning by issuing new bond was almost impossible 通过发新债的再融资几乎没有可能 • One of the credit card company failed to raise debt with more than 300 bp above the rate of AA graded corporate bond. 一家信用卡机构以比AA级公司债券高300个基点的再融资宣告失败。 • Before March the spread was less than 30bp. 三月份前,债券差价不足30个基点。

  8. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Liquidity problem surged up 流动性问题开始凸显 Liquidity reserve on the date of Mar17 3 月17日的流动性储备 U$ 2,628 m Maturing debt instruments from Mar 18 to Mar 31 3 月18日至3 月31日到期债务 U$ 3,341 m Shortage of liquidity resource 流动性缺口 U$ -713 m • Liquidity resource included cash, cash equivalents, securities available for immediate sale, unused amount of credit line 流动性包括现金、现金等价物、可即售的有价证券、未使用的信贷额度。 • One of the credit card companies already depended on call money market for liquidity requirement at this time 此时,一家信用卡机构已经靠提前赎回其再货币市场投资来满足其流动性需求。

  9. Credit Card Industry in Korea Countermoves of Regulators 监管层的应对措施

  10. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ To intervene or not to intervene? 是干预还是放任其发展? (numbers are during or as of end of 2002) (2002年内或年末数据) • Total use of credit card信用卡使用总量: U$ 519 billion Cash advance service预支服务: U$ 298billion GDP of Korea韩国国内生产总值: U$ 547billion • Number of cards per economically active person • 持卡人人均持有信用卡数: 4.6 Number of people with more than 4 cards 持卡数量超过4张的人数: 10.3 million Number of economically active population 持卡人总数: 22.8 million Population of Korea 韩国总人口:about 45 million

  11. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ What if not to intervene ? 不干预的后果 • If one of the credit card company defaults → Customers (who use multiple credit cards to pile up large credit) of defaulted company cannot borrow money to pay other credit company → Other company also defaults in short of liquidity → Systemic risk is expected • 若一家信用卡机构陷入困境 →该机构用户(拥有多张信用卡以取得较大信贷额度)无法借款支付其它信用卡机构帐户→ 其它信用卡机构因流动性不足陷入困境→出现系统风险 • If credit card companies default → Investors (individuals, banks, investment trust companies, insurance companies) would suffer large loss →Market participants stop investing abruptly → Hard landing of economy is expected • 如果所有信用卡机构都陷入困境→投资者(个人、银行、信托投资公司、保险公司)将蒙受巨大损失→ 市场参与者骤然停止投资→可以预见的经济硬着陆 • Many people would be pushed onto the verge of personal insolvency • 许多人将被推至破产边缘。 (About 1.5m new insolvency cases would arise, if all credit card companies default) (若所用信用卡机构陷入困境,估计导致150万宗破产案例)

  12. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Limited intervention was required 需要有限的干预措施 • Minimize market intervention 最大程度地减少市场干预 • Save stability of the national economy 维持国民经济稳定 • Suggest institutional lenders to get together to overcome the situation 建议所有机构借款人携手共同应对 • Regulators also convened and announced appropriate measures to stabilize financial market 召集监管机构应对会议,并公布相应对策,稳定金融市场。

  13. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Initiatives by the Government in April 2003 2003年4月,政府主动采取一系列措施 • Major measures were announced 公布主要对策措施 • In the name of Ministry of Finance and Economy, Financial Supervisory Committee, Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea 以财政经济部、金融监管委员会、金融监督部和韩国银行的名义颁布相应措施 • Also SROs from banking industry, brokerage industry, investment trust industry, insurance industry, credit card industry 银行业、证券经纪业、保险业和信用卡业的行业自律组织也参与措施制定

  14. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ What measures? 措施的具体内容 • Rolling over maturing debt securities issued by credit card companies 展期处理信用卡机构发行的正在到期的债券。 • Funding a pool to support refinancing credit card companies’ debt securities which are held by investment trust companies 建立一个资金池,对信托投资公司公司持有的信用卡机构债务性证券的再融资提供支持。 (U$ 4.1 billion from banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies) (由银行、中介公司和保险公司提供41亿美金资金) (intended to refinance 50%, the other half be rolled over by investment trust companies themselves) (预计对信用卡机构再融资50%,另外一半由信托投资公司以债务展期方式处理)

  15. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Extension of grandfather clause of new regulation • 新规则中不追索条款的延伸 New rule(introduced in July 2002) requires credit card companies to reduce the amount of cash advance services to less than the amount of credit for purchases 2002年7月实施的新规则要求将信用卡机构的透支额度降低到不高于购买的额度 The companies had to meet the requirement until the end of 2003 到2003 年底,信用卡机构要达到上述要求。 → Extend to the end of 2004(one year postponement) →延迟到2004年底(一年的宽限期)

  16. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Overcome the situation 摆脱困境 • Increasing investment trust asset 增加投资信托资产 Individual investors stopped selling out investment trust. 个人投资者停止出售信托资金。 Changes of assets million U$ 资产变化,百万美元

  17. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Recoveringdaily transaction volume of credit card companies’ debt securities in the market • 信用卡机构债券的日均交易量回升 Million U$百万美元

  18. Credit Card Industry in Korea What went wrong with Credit Card Companies ? 信用卡机构问题的症结何在?

  19. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Some historical background 部分出于历史原因 • Deregulation after financial crisis in 1998 1998年金融危机后的放松管制的结果 - Enactment of new law which is intended to deregulate financial companies without the function of banking deposits (the law encompasses credit card business, leasing companies, installment financing companies, venture capital companies) -实施新法律,旨在放松对无银行存款业务的金融机构的管制。(范围包括信用卡机构、租赁机构、分期付款融资机构和风险资本机构) -Credit card companies were allowed to make loans, discount notes, factor accounts receivables -允许信用卡机构发放贷款、贴现票据、代理应收帐款。

  20. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Abolishment of legal limitation for cash advance (1999) 取消透支法律限额(1999) • Old version: cash advance limit to U$ 600 per card. 旧规定:每张卡最多透支600美元 • Credit card companies quickly increased the limit as high as U$ 10,000 per card. 信用卡机构迅速将此限额上调至每张卡1万美元。

  21. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Abolishment of limitation on the credit card companies’ debt raising(1999) 取消对信用卡机构的举债限制(1999) (Old law limited to 20 times of capital) (原有规定是其资本金的20倍) ◇ Korean tax authority allowed income deduction of personal consumption made through credit card.(1999) 韩国税务部门允许以信用卡支付的个人消费抵免应交所得税额度。(1999)

  22. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Untapped new market of consumer finance 新的消费者金融市场尚未启动 • Before 1998, individuals had a lower pecking order in the credit market • 1998年以前,个人在信贷市场位次很低 • After 1998, business entities stopped financing new investment • 1998年以后,停止对对企业新增投资的融资 • Every financial company in Korea began to enter consumer loan market • 韩国各家金融机构开始进入消费信贷市场

  23. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ How lucrative the credit card market look like ! 信用卡市场看上去利润丰厚! • Average lending rate of bank 银行平均贷款利率: 6~7% per annum • Cash advance fee 透支费用: over 20% per annum • Financing cost of credit card companies 信用卡机构的融资成本:6~7% per annum ◇ Especially Credit card companies with less financial market experience which are subsidiary of business conglomerate used market share maximization strategy. 特别值得注意的是,那些金融市场经验不足的信用卡机构,是大企业集团为实施市场份额最大化战略而成立的子公司。

  24. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Number of credit cards peaked in the late 90s’ and early 2000s’ 在90年代末和新世纪初,信用卡数量达到顶峰。

  25. Credit Card Industry in Korea

  26. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ As consumer loan expands, household debts get grown. 随着消费借贷的扩张,家庭举债也随之增长。

  27. Credit Card Industry in Korea Situation just before crisis 危机前的状况

  28. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Increasing personal insolvency • 个人破产案件增加 (Thousand people) • Rising past due ratio (excluding rescheduled debt) 逾期贷款率增加(不包括债务重新安排的情况)

  29. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Declining net income of credit card companies • 信用卡机构净收入下降 (million U$ 百万美元)

  30. Credit Card Industry in Korea Long term Remedies of the Regulators 监管层的长期补救措施

  31. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Harnessing on solicitation 规范信用卡营销行为 • Prohibited solicitation at the street wagon 禁止街头推销行为 • Prohibited solicitor to visit home without appointment 禁止营销员未预约随便登门推销 • Prohibited offering economic benefit with solicitation 禁止以提供经济回报进行推销 • Solicitors should register with the regulator 营销员应在监管部门登记

  32. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Put restraints on credit card membership 对信用卡会员资格进行限制 • Cardmember should be 18 years old or more 持卡人应年满18周岁 • Cardmember should have income or proper assets 持卡人应具有一定的收入和资产。

  33. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Strengthening guidance on sound management 加强指导和健全管理机制 • Reintroduction of loan service ratio 重新引入放贷率 • In calculating past due ratio, liquidated asset should be included 在计算逾期贷款率时,应包括流动资产。 • In calculating adjusted capital ratio, 20% of liquidated asset should be included in the denominator 在计算可调整资本比率时,20%的流动资产应计入分母项。

  34. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Credit Counselling & Recovery Service(founded in 2003) 信用咨询及复业服务中心(2003年设立) • 1 out of 10 economically active population is registered as insolvent and the number was increasing 每十个持卡人中就有一人登记破产,并且这一数字还在不断增加。 • Increasing personal insolvency not only hurts financial institutions profitability but becomes the reason of social unrest 破产人数增加不仅影响金融机构的盈利,还成为导致社会动荡的因素。 • Financial companies co-founded CCRS to reschedule personal debts and help finding jobs for troubled people 金融机构共同出资建立公司信用评级制度,为个人重新安排债务,帮助困难群体就业。 • Number of applications for debt reschedule 申请债务重新安排的人数 2003: 62,550 → 2004: 287,352

  35. Credit Card Industry in Korea Afterwards 后来的情况

  36. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Number of credit card companies 信用卡机构数量变化 • Three companies were merged into mother banks 三家信用卡机构被母银行兼并。 • Six credit companies left on business 市场上仅剩六家信用卡机构。

  37. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Credit card companies are recovering from crisis 信用卡机构在危机后复苏。 • Assets are still shrinking 其资产仍在萎缩 • Past due ratio (including rescheduled debt) has decreased to 11.9%(Sep 2005) from 28.3%(end of 2003) 逾期贷款率(包括债务重新安排)从2003年底的28.3%减少到2005年9月的11.9%。 (billion U$, %)

  38. Credit Card Industry in Korea • Credit card usage has kept decreasing 信用卡使用数量持续走低 • Number cardmember is decreasing 持卡人数量减少 (billion U$, million)

  39. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Recently credit card industry is regaining interest in M&A market 近期信用卡行业重新赢得并购市场的青睐。 • Commercial banks are eager to get access to large customer data base held by credit card companies 商业银行渴望能获取信用卡机构拥有的大规模客户信息资源

  40. Credit Card Industry in Korea Lessons from the experience 从中吸取的教训

  41. Credit Card Industry in Korea ◇ Entrepreneurs with less financial market experience sometimes overlook longtime effect of credit risk 缺少金融市场经验的企业家们有时会忽视信用风险的长期性影响。 ◇ Credit card companies are more sensitive to economic cycle than other financial companies (no or less collateral, high risk customers tend to use more credit) 信用卡机构对经济周期性变化要比其它金融机构更为敏感。(无抵押或低抵押、高风险的消费者更倾向于使用信用卡) ◇ Credit only companies sometimes bear systemic risk 只经营信用卡业务的机构有时要承担系统风险。 ◇ Regulatory lag 管制滞后 (in the middle of the deregulation trend, establishing new regulation was hard) (在放松管制的过程中,很难建立新规则。)

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