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Lessons 3 & 4 . Melissa Daisy Montalvo and Julia Macrino . Matrix. n. The surroundings within which something begins or develops. . Matriarchy . n. A society ruled or controlled by women. Matriculate . n. To register as a student at a collage or university. P atriarch.
Lessons 3 & 4 Melissa Daisy Montalvo and Julia Macrino
Matrix n. The surroundings within which something begins or develops.
Matriarchy n. A society ruled or controlled by women
Matriculate n. To register as a student at a collage or university
Patriarch n. The male head of a family or tribe
Patrimony n. A family inheritance
Patronage n. support; encouragement
Patronize v. 1. To go to regularly 2. To treat someone as an inferior
Patronymic n. Name derived from a paternal ancestor
Fraternal Adj. Pertaining to brothers; brotherly
Fraternize v. 1. To be friendly with 2. To socialize with an enemy population
Avuncular Adj. Like an uncle
Familial • Adj. Having to do with the family
Uxorious Adj. Dominated by one’s wife.
Bigamy n. Marriage to two mates
Monogamy n. Marriage to a single mate
Puerile Adj. Childish; immature
Orthopedics n. Branch of medicine treating disorders of the skeletal ad tissues related to movement
Pedagogue n. A teacher
Pedant n. 1. A person who pays excessive attention to learning rules rather than to understand 2. A scholarly show-off.
Entity n. Something that has a real or independent existence
Nonentity n. 1. A person or thing of no importance 2. Something that does not exist or exists only in the imagination
Essence n. 1. The basic element; the identifying characteristics 2. A substance in concentrated form obtained from a plant or drug 3. A perfume
Moribund Adj. About to die or end
Mortify v. 1. To shame 2. To discipline oneself by denial
Postmortem n. An examination to determine the cause od death; an autopsy
Euthanasia n. The act of painlessly killing a suffering person or animal; mercy killing
Innate Adj. Possessed at birth; inborn
Naive Adj. Childlike; unsophisticated
Nascent Adj. Emerging; coming into existence
Renaissance n. A rebirth; a renewal