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2 . Outline . Structure of 2003 IECC Residential Energy CodesPre-Inspection: Review of Compliance Certificates and Inspection Checklists Code Compliance OptionsInspection Code RequirementsBuilding EnvelopeMechanical SystemsService Water HeatingLighting SystemsCase Study w/software demo
1. 1 Inspecting for the Residential Energy Code
2. 2 Outline Structure of 2003 IECC Residential Energy Codes
Pre-Inspection: Review of Compliance Certificates and
Inspection Checklists
Code Compliance Options
Inspection Code Requirements
Building Envelope
Mechanical Systems
Service Water Heating
Lighting Systems
Case Study w/software demo
3. 3
4. 4 Scope of the Residential Chapters of 2003 IECC
5. 5 Overview of Code ComplianceStructure of the IECC The first 3 chapters of the IECC contain general provisions that impact both commercial and residential construction and should be carefully reviewed and understood.
Chapter 1 addresses Administration and Enforcement.
Chapter 2 is Definitions
Chapter 3 deals with Design Conditions
Chapter 4 is exclusively residential and is the starting point of this presentation.
The first 3 chapters of the IECC contain general provisions that impact both commercial and residential construction and should be carefully reviewed and understood.
Chapter 1 addresses Administration and Enforcement.
Chapter 2 is Definitions
Chapter 3 deals with Design Conditions
Chapter 4 is exclusively residential and is the starting point of this presentation.
6. 6 InspectionsChapter 1 - Administration & Enforcement
7. 7
8. This is an example of the prescriptive building envelope requirements for detached one and two-family dwellings. This particular table is for buildings with a window area of 15% of the gross exterior wall. Tables for other window areas are similar.This is an example of the prescriptive building envelope requirements for detached one and two-family dwellings. This particular table is for buildings with a window area of 15% of the gross exterior wall. Tables for other window areas are similar.
9. 9 This is Figure 502.2(1) Uo-Factors--Walls: Detached one and two-family dwellings and Type R-2 and R-4 groups or townhouses.
The combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) of the gross area of exterior walls shall not exceed the value given in Table 502.2(1). Equation 5-1 shall be used to determine acceptable combinations to meet this requirement. This equation will account for all opaque wall area, glazed area, and all opaque door area.
Note that the requirements for detached one and two-family dwellings, R-2 and R-4 buildings differ.
This is Figure 502.2(1) Uo-Factors--Walls: Detached one and two-family dwellings and Type R-2 and R-4 groups or townhouses.
The combined thermal transmittance value (Uo) of the gross area of exterior walls shall not exceed the value given in Table 502.2(1). Equation 5-1 shall be used to determine acceptable combinations to meet this requirement. This equation will account for all opaque wall area, glazed area, and all opaque door area.
Note that the requirements for detached one and two-family dwellings, R-2 and R-4 buildings differ.
10. 10
11. 11 BECP Code Compliance Tools
12. 12 Pre-Inspection Before beginning the field inspection, verify that the approved building plans, specifications, or documentation are on site.
Ensure that the documentation has been checked for energy code compliance.
Compliance Documentation should include: insulation r-values
window/door/skylight u-values
% of glazing
equipment efficiencies
Plans should include: duct design/duct sealing
air sealing
water heating equipment and insulation
recessed lightingBefore beginning the field inspection, verify that the approved building plans, specifications, or documentation are on site.
Ensure that the documentation has been checked for energy code compliance.
Compliance Documentation should include: insulation r-values
window/door/skylight u-values
% of glazing
equipment efficiencies
Plans should include: duct design/duct sealing
air sealing
water heating equipment and insulation
recessed lighting
13. 13 REScheck Compliance Report Explain what the major areas are to review for complianceExplain what the major areas are to review for compliance
14. 14
15. 15 This is an example of a Prescriptive Compliance ReportThis is an example of a Prescriptive Compliance Report
16. 16 Additions and Window Replacements Chapter 5 Additions < 500 ft2 may meet Table 502.2.5
Glazing area for additions (other than sunrooms) must be < 40% of gross wall and roof area of addition
Skylight replacement shall have a maximum U-factor of 0.60 when installed in climates > 1,999 HDD
Fenestration replacement must meet the SHGC req. in locations <3500 HDD
This prescriptive path makes compliance determination easier for small additions. The path is not available for additions of conditioned space of 500 square feet or greater.This prescriptive path makes compliance determination easier for small additions. The path is not available for additions of conditioned space of 500 square feet or greater.
17. 17 Additions (cont’d) Compliance options for additions
Treat as a stand-alone building
Bring entire building into compliance 1. Treat the addition as a stand-alone building and ignore the common walls between the existing building and the addition.
2. Combine the existing building with the addition and bring the whole building up to compliance. Compliance can be harder to achieve if the existing building is quite old.1. Treat the addition as a stand-alone building and ignore the common walls between the existing building and the addition.
2. Combine the existing building with the addition and bring the whole building up to compliance. Compliance can be harder to achieve if the existing building is quite old.
18. 18 Special Rules for Sunrooms
19. 19 Prescriptively: the two tables represent the difference in stringency for sunrooms vs. addtionsPrescriptively: the two tables represent the difference in stringency for sunrooms vs. addtions
20. 20 Building Envelope Construction Assemblies:
Above Grade Walls
Below Grade Walls
Skylights, Windows, and Doors
Mandatory Requirements:
Moisture Control (vapor retarder)
Air Leakage (air sealing)
What comprises the bldg. Envelope
Bldg. Envelope separates conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoor.
Conditioned Space is the area that is being heated and cooled.
What comprises the bldg. Envelope
Bldg. Envelope separates conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoor.
Conditioned Space is the area that is being heated and cooled.
21. 21
22. 22 Foundation Inspection
23. 23 Example of where the proposed r-value of insulation is summarized on the Inspection Checklist.Example of where the proposed r-value of insulation is summarized on the Inspection Checklist.
24. 24 Slab Edge Insulation Inspect slab insulation before it is covered with backfill or concrete.
Check the correct r-value of insulation has been installed is placed at he proper vertical and horizontal distances.
Exposed insulation in direct contact with outside air, is required to be covered with a rigid, opaque, and weather-resistant protective covering to prevent degradation of the insulation’s thermal performance. Materials that can be used include exterior grade plastic, fiberglass, galvanized metal or aluminum flashing, or cementitious coating.
Insulation that extends horizontally away from the slab must be covered by either pavement or soil to a minimum 10 inches thick.Inspect slab insulation before it is covered with backfill or concrete.
Check the correct r-value of insulation has been installed is placed at he proper vertical and horizontal distances.
Exposed insulation in direct contact with outside air, is required to be covered with a rigid, opaque, and weather-resistant protective covering to prevent degradation of the insulation’s thermal performance. Materials that can be used include exterior grade plastic, fiberglass, galvanized metal or aluminum flashing, or cementitious coating.
Insulation that extends horizontally away from the slab must be covered by either pavement or soil to a minimum 10 inches thick.
25. 25 This is an example of insulation cut at a 45-degree bevel cut this is a way to avoid bringing the insulation to the top of the slab edge so a carpet tack strip can be attached.This is an example of insulation cut at a 45-degree bevel cut this is a way to avoid bringing the insulation to the top of the slab edge so a carpet tack strip can be attached.
26. 26 Below-Grade Walls
In all cases the insulation must start at the top of the foundation walls. The perimeter joist directly connected to the foundation wall must also be insulated.
Verify the R-values of insulation meet the plans.
The code requires that exterior below grade wall insulation exposed to outdoor air be covered with a rigid, opaque, and weather resistance protective covering to prevent degradation of the insulation’s thermal performance.
Protective covering should cover the exposed area of the exterior insulation and extend a minimum of 6 inches below grade.
Check that the perimeter joist directly connected to the foundation wall is insulated
In all cases the insulation must start at the top of the foundation walls. The perimeter joist directly connected to the foundation wall must also be insulated.
Verify the R-values of insulation meet the plans.
The code requires that exterior below grade wall insulation exposed to outdoor air be covered with a rigid, opaque, and weather resistance protective covering to prevent degradation of the insulation’s thermal performance.
Protective covering should cover the exposed area of the exterior insulation and extend a minimum of 6 inches below grade.
Check that the perimeter joist directly connected to the foundation wall is insulated
27. 27
28. 28 Crawl Space Wall Insulation If mechanically ventilated, the crawl must be ventilated at 1 cfm per 50 sq. ft.
Where the inside ground surface is 12 inches or greater below the outside finish ground level, insulation shall extend from the top of the wall to at least the inside ground surface.
Where the inside ground surface is less than 12 inches below the outside finish ground level or the vertical wall insulation stops less than 12 inches below the outside grade, the insulation must extend vertically and horizontally a minimum of 24 linear inches from the outside grade level.
Compare the R-value of the installed insulation against the plans. If the insulation is to be installed as part of the foundation form, the R-value should be verified prior to pouring the concrete. Ask for manufacturer’s literature if R-value is not printed on the insulation.
Make sure the insulation is securely fastened to the foundation wall.If mechanically ventilated, the crawl must be ventilated at 1 cfm per 50 sq. ft.
Where the inside ground surface is 12 inches or greater below the outside finish ground level, insulation shall extend from the top of the wall to at least the inside ground surface.
Where the inside ground surface is less than 12 inches below the outside finish ground level or the vertical wall insulation stops less than 12 inches below the outside grade, the insulation must extend vertically and horizontally a minimum of 24 linear inches from the outside grade level.
Compare the R-value of the installed insulation against the plans. If the insulation is to be installed as part of the foundation form, the R-value should be verified prior to pouring the concrete. Ask for manufacturer’s literature if R-value is not printed on the insulation.
Make sure the insulation is securely fastened to the foundation wall.
29. 29
30. 30 Framing Inspection Additional inspections that can be added in to your typical inspection process.Additional inspections that can be added in to your typical inspection process.
31. 31 Example of where the proposed building envelope criteria can be double checked while inspecting in the field.Example of where the proposed building envelope criteria can be double checked while inspecting in the field.
32. 32 Windows, Glass Doors, and Skylights Key Elements
Glazing Area
U-values Glazing Area: use the plans to compare the installed glazing or rough openings with what is on plans. Look for added windows, skylights, glass doors or windows larger than those on the plans. Any increase in glazing could cause non-compliance and new documentation will need to be submitted.
Glazing Area: use the plans to compare the installed glazing or rough openings with what is on plans. Look for added windows, skylights, glass doors or windows larger than those on the plans. Any increase in glazing could cause non-compliance and new documentation will need to be submitted.
33. 33 This is an example of a window that was not called out on the plans and was added at the last minute.This is an example of a window that was not called out on the plans and was added at the last minute.
34. 34 Windows, Glass Doors, and Skylights Key Elements
Glazing Area
U-values SHGC is a measure of how much solar gain is transmitted through the window by solar radiation.
The lower the SHGC value of a window the less sunlight and heat can pass through the glazing.
The SHGC requirement is affected by overhangs on a building. The code uses the term projection factor to determine how well the overhang shades the glazing. The PF is calculated by measuring the distance from the window to the farthest-most edge of the overhang and dividing that by the distance from the bottom of the window to the lowest point of the overhang
The greater the PF the better the window is shaded. The better the window is shaded the less important the solar heat rejection qualities of the window. So a window with a higher SHGC value can be used to comply with the code.
If overhangs are shown on the building plans, ensure that they have been installed according to the design.
SHGC is a measure of how much solar gain is transmitted through the window by solar radiation.
The lower the SHGC value of a window the less sunlight and heat can pass through the glazing.
The SHGC requirement is affected by overhangs on a building. The code uses the term projection factor to determine how well the overhang shades the glazing. The PF is calculated by measuring the distance from the window to the farthest-most edge of the overhang and dividing that by the distance from the bottom of the window to the lowest point of the overhang
The greater the PF the better the window is shaded. The better the window is shaded the less important the solar heat rejection qualities of the window. So a window with a higher SHGC value can be used to comply with the code.
If overhangs are shown on the building plans, ensure that they have been installed according to the design.
35. 35 Locations with SHGC Requirements
36. 36 Windows, Glass Doors, and Skylights U-Factor is a measure of how well the assembly conducts heat. The lower the number, the better the assembly acts and an insulator.
A window U-factor is based on the interior surface area of the entire assembly, including glazing, sash, curbing, and other framing elements. Center-of-glass U-factors cannot be used.
The code requires windows, glass doors, and skylights to be rated by National Fenestration Rating Council and to have labels that show the rated u-factor and SHGC values for the glazing unit.
If the windows, glass doors, and/or skylights are not rated, the appropriate default tables from the code can be used.
Any glazing product that is double pane with tinted glass in a thermally broken frame (e.g., wood, vinyl, or aluminum with a thermal break) will meet the requirements for a fenestration U-factor of 0.60 and an SHGC of 0.60.
U-Factor is a measure of how well the assembly conducts heat. The lower the number, the better the assembly acts and an insulator.
A window U-factor is based on the interior surface area of the entire assembly, including glazing, sash, curbing, and other framing elements. Center-of-glass U-factors cannot be used.
The code requires windows, glass doors, and skylights to be rated by National Fenestration Rating Council and to have labels that show the rated u-factor and SHGC values for the glazing unit.
If the windows, glass doors, and/or skylights are not rated, the appropriate default tables from the code can be used.
Any glazing product that is double pane with tinted glass in a thermally broken frame (e.g., wood, vinyl, or aluminum with a thermal break) will meet the requirements for a fenestration U-factor of 0.60 and an SHGC of 0.60.
37. 37 Check the proposed u-values and SHGC’s for windows, doors, and skylights on the plans against the labels posted on the products. Check the proposed u-values and SHGC’s for windows, doors, and skylights on the plans against the labels posted on the products.
38. 38 Windows, Glass Doors, and Skylights – SHGC’s Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Requirements dependent on Projection Factor
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) tested
Default SHGC range diagrams
SHGC = SC x .87
39. 39 If it is not tested and labeled with an NFRC label, the following default table would apply
Use assembly U-value
Must meet or exceed the U-values shown
Windows, Glass Doors, and Skylights – U-values
40. 40 Building Envelope
Sealed with caulking materials or
Closed with gasketing systems
Joints and seams sealed or taped or covered with a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material
Sealing materials spanning joints between construction materials shall allow for expansion and contraction of the construction materials.
Air Leakage/Sealing the Building Envelope There is no specific code language that precisely dictates how a leak should be sealed or how to judge the quality of a seal.
There are several places where air leakage can occur:
Exterior joints around window and door frames
Between wall sole plates, floors, and exterior wall panels
Openings for plumbing, electrical, refrigerant and gas lines in exterior walls, floors and roofs
Openings in the attic floor such as where ceiling panels meet interior and exterior walls and masonry fireplaces
Service and access doors or hatches
Sealing materials spanning joints between construction materials shall allow for expansion and contraction of the construction materials.There is no specific code language that precisely dictates how a leak should be sealed or how to judge the quality of a seal.
There are several places where air leakage can occur:
Exterior joints around window and door frames
Between wall sole plates, floors, and exterior wall panels
Openings for plumbing, electrical, refrigerant and gas lines in exterior walls, floors and roofs
Openings in the attic floor such as where ceiling panels meet interior and exterior walls and masonry fireplaces
Service and access doors or hatches
Sealing materials spanning joints between construction materials shall allow for expansion and contraction of the construction materials.
41. 41
42. 42
43. 43
Some of these penetrations may be subject to other building code provisions, such as the fire code, and may require special measures. Check for additional requirements relating to penetrations in the floor of conditioned spaces to a crawl space and in the ceiling of conditioned space into an attic.
Some of these penetrations may be subject to other building code provisions, such as the fire code, and may require special measures. Check for additional requirements relating to penetrations in the floor of conditioned spaces to a crawl space and in the ceiling of conditioned space into an attic.
44. 44
45. 45 Recessed Lighting Fixtures Non IC rated: must be installed inside a sealed box: the other assembly option is constructed from a preformed polymeric vapor barrier, or other air tight assembly manufactured for this purpose maintaining required clearances of not less than .5 inch from combustible material and not less than 3 inches from insulation material
ASTM E 283 admitting no more than 2.0 cubic feet per minute cfm of air movement from the conditioned space to the ceiling cavity
IC: Insulation ContactNon IC rated: must be installed inside a sealed box: the other assembly option is constructed from a preformed polymeric vapor barrier, or other air tight assembly manufactured for this purpose maintaining required clearances of not less than .5 inch from combustible material and not less than 3 inches from insulation material
ASTM E 283 admitting no more than 2.0 cubic feet per minute cfm of air movement from the conditioned space to the ceiling cavity
IC: Insulation Contact
46. 46 RecessedLighting Fixtures Top: Typical “rough-in” for recessed light fixtures.
Bottom: Completed installation after the drywall. Note that the fixture is caulked to the drywall.
These installations comply based on the first requirement.Top: Typical “rough-in” for recessed light fixtures.
Bottom: Completed installation after the drywall. Note that the fixture is caulked to the drywall.
These installations comply based on the first requirement.
47. 47 Duct Sealing Seal and securely fasten all joints, longitudinal and transverse seams and connections with:
mastic-plus-embedded fabric systems
Duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any metal ducts Tapes and mastics used to seal ductwork shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181 A or UL 181 B.
Properly sealing ducts will ensure that the occupied spaces receive the correct amount of space conditioning and that the attic or crawlspace does not become conditioned space because of leaky ducts.
Duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any metal ducts
This applies to supply and return air ducts
duct fittings
accessory air handling equipment and appliances
Tapes and mastics used to seal ductwork shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181 A or UL 181 B.
Properly sealing ducts will ensure that the occupied spaces receive the correct amount of space conditioning and that the attic or crawlspace does not become conditioned space because of leaky ducts.
Duct tape is not permitted as a sealant on any metal ducts
This applies to supply and return air ducts
duct fittings
accessory air handling equipment and appliances
48. 48
49. 49 HVAC Piping and Insulation Piping Insulation
Table 503.3.3.1
Factory installed piping within HVAC equipment
Piping that conveys fluids between 55 and 105 °F
Piping which conveys fluids which have not been heated or cooled by through the use of fossil fuels or electricity The minimum insulation required in Table 503.3.3.1 is expressed in inches of thickness and varies according to piping system type, fluid temperature range, and pipe size. Refer to the table for guidance on insulating piping.The minimum insulation required in Table 503.3.3.1 is expressed in inches of thickness and varies according to piping system type, fluid temperature range, and pipe size. Refer to the table for guidance on insulating piping.
50. 50
51. 51 Be sure to check the insulation thickness against the system type and verify installation compliance.Be sure to check the insulation thickness against the system type and verify installation compliance.
52. 52 Insulation Inspection Insulation Inspection would be a completely new field inspection to add to your typical inspection process if your inspection process does not currently include energy code compliance.Insulation Inspection would be a completely new field inspection to add to your typical inspection process if your inspection process does not currently include energy code compliance.
53. 53 Example of where the proposed insulation R-values can be found on the Inspection ChecklistExample of where the proposed insulation R-values can be found on the Inspection Checklist
54. 54 Requirements based on
Assembly type
Continuous insulation
Insulation between framing
Check insulation for
Proper installation
Proper supports Floors For raised floors (over crawl, over outdoor air, a garage)
Check the r-value of insulation installed meets the plans and that if fills the joist cavity completely
If rigid foam board is installed verify its r-value
For sprayed on insulation check the insulation certificate against the plans
Check that the insulation is properly supported and installed:
insulation between framing should be installed with no gaps between insulation and sub floor
properly installed floor insulation should be flush against the sub floor
Vapor retarders are only required in un-vented floor spaces and must have a perm rating of 1.0 or less
Twine, metal rods, wire and netting are common materials used for supporting insulation and ensuring the insulation remains in place
Rigid foam board insulation should be installed with a good mechanical bond between the floor and the insulation
For raised floors (over crawl, over outdoor air, a garage)
Check the r-value of insulation installed meets the plans and that if fills the joist cavity completely
If rigid foam board is installed verify its r-value
For sprayed on insulation check the insulation certificate against the plans
Check that the insulation is properly supported and installed:
insulation between framing should be installed with no gaps between insulation and sub floor
properly installed floor insulation should be flush against the sub floor
Vapor retarders are only required in un-vented floor spaces and must have a perm rating of 1.0 or less
Twine, metal rods, wire and netting are common materials used for supporting insulation and ensuring the insulation remains in place
Rigid foam board insulation should be installed with a good mechanical bond between the floor and the insulation
55. 55
56. 56 Above Grade Walls Best time to inspect is before the sheetrock goes up.
Check: has the correct level of insulation been installed
has it been installed correctly
Insulation should not be compressed behind the wiring or plumbing; this reduces the r-value of insulation
Be sure the insulation has filled the entire cavity, Batts that are cut too short will leave voids.
For continuous insulation make sure there are no voids and the insulation is well bonded to the outside framing.
Perimeter joists between floors must be insulated
While not a requirement, in some climates it is important to insulate exterior corners and on or in headers over doors and windows to eliminate heat transfer through the surfaces.
Best time to inspect is before the sheetrock goes up.
Check: has the correct level of insulation been installed
has it been installed correctly
Insulation should not be compressed behind the wiring or plumbing; this reduces the r-value of insulation
Be sure the insulation has filled the entire cavity, Batts that are cut too short will leave voids.
For continuous insulation make sure there are no voids and the insulation is well bonded to the outside framing.
Perimeter joists between floors must be insulated
While not a requirement, in some climates it is important to insulate exterior corners and on or in headers over doors and windows to eliminate heat transfer through the surfaces.
57. 57
58. 58 Knee Wall Insulation
59. 59 Roofs Roof Assemblies:
All-wood joist/truss
Energy Truss
Metal joist/truss First thing to look for is the attic access hatch is insulated to the same r-value as the plans and that weatherstripping has been installed around the hatch door to reduce infiltration.
R-values are to be printed on the batt insulation or rigid foam board
Blown-in insulation shall have a insulation certificate at or near the opening of the attic. The certificate should include:
r-value of installed thickness
initial installed thickness
settled thickness
coverage area
number of bags installed
Insulation markers must be installed every 300 square feet and are marked with the minimum installed thickness and the minimum settled thickness.
Check insulation is installed uniformly to an even thickness throughout the attic and extends over the top of the exterior wall.
Baffles should be installed at each soffit, cornice or eave vent to direct vent air up and over the top of the insulation
First thing to look for is the attic access hatch is insulated to the same r-value as the plans and that weatherstripping has been installed around the hatch door to reduce infiltration.
R-values are to be printed on the batt insulation or rigid foam board
Blown-in insulation shall have a insulation certificate at or near the opening of the attic. The certificate should include:
r-value of installed thickness
initial installed thickness
settled thickness
coverage area
number of bags installed
Insulation markers must be installed every 300 square feet and are marked with the minimum installed thickness and the minimum settled thickness.
Check insulation is installed uniformly to an even thickness throughout the attic and extends over the top of the exterior wall.
Baffles should be installed at each soffit, cornice or eave vent to direct vent air up and over the top of the insulation
60. 60
61. 61 Duct Insulation Duct insulation requirements have changed from the 2000 IECC to the 2003. In the 2000 IECC R5 or R3.3 was required and was based on annual cooling degree days or heating degree days whichever was more stringent. Now in 2003 the requirements are strictly based on hdd and more specific as to duct location (I.e. unconditioned basements, crawl spaces outside the building.
Insulation requirements for ducts located outside the building envelope also apply to both supply and return.
Ducts must be properly insulated to ensure that the supply air does not heat up (when the space calls for cooling) or cool down (when the space calls for heating). Duct insulation requirements have changed from the 2000 IECC to the 2003. In the 2000 IECC R5 or R3.3 was required and was based on annual cooling degree days or heating degree days whichever was more stringent. Now in 2003 the requirements are strictly based on hdd and more specific as to duct location (I.e. unconditioned basements, crawl spaces outside the building.
Insulation requirements for ducts located outside the building envelope also apply to both supply and return.
Ducts must be properly insulated to ensure that the supply air does not heat up (when the space calls for cooling) or cool down (when the space calls for heating).
62. 62
63. 63 Moisture ControlVapor Retarder Install in non-vented framed ceilings, walls, floors
Must have a Perm Rating of <1.0
Install on the “warm-in-winter” side of insulation Nonvented areas are framed cavities without vents or other openings to allow for free air movement.
Normally the “warm-in-winter” side of the insulation will be the inside of the building. The vapor retarder will be placed between the insulation and the sheetrock facing the interior of the building.
Typical vapor retarders include the craft facing on fiberglass batt insulation and polyethylene sheet.Nonvented areas are framed cavities without vents or other openings to allow for free air movement.
Normally the “warm-in-winter” side of the insulation will be the inside of the building. The vapor retarder will be placed between the insulation and the sheetrock facing the interior of the building.
Typical vapor retarders include the craft facing on fiberglass batt insulation and polyethylene sheet.
64. 64 Vapor retarder – wall
Vapor retarder -- soffitVapor retarder – wall
Vapor retarder -- soffit
65. 65 Vapor Retarder Exceptions
Climate Zones 1 - 7 (HDD 0-3499)
IECC Chapter 3
In construction where moisture or its freezing won’t damage materials
If other approved means to avoid condensation are provided by the building official
Vapor retarders are not required where moisture or its freezing will not damage materials.
Climate Zones 1 through 7 are exempt from this requirement. Each state is divided up into a series of climate zones. The Climate Zone maps are located in Chapter 3 of the IECC.
Vapor retarders are not required where moisture or its freezing will not damage materials.
Climate Zones 1 through 7 are exempt from this requirement. Each state is divided up into a series of climate zones. The Climate Zone maps are located in Chapter 3 of the IECC.
66. 66 IECC Vapor Retarder (2000) Overview of where the vapor retarders are required in the 2000-2003 IECC.Overview of where the vapor retarders are required in the 2000-2003 IECC.
67. 67 RICC Vapor Retarder (IECC 2004)
68. 68 Final Inspection
69. 69
70. 70 Building Mechanical Systems and Equipment The minimum equipment efficiency requirements of Table 503.2 are imposed on manufacturers and it would be rare to encounter any new equipment that did not meet these minimums.
Load Calculations (Section 503.3.1)
Use design conditions specified in chapter 3
Calculations shall be performed in accordance with ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or other equivalent method.
Systems shall be sized to meet the load
System Controls (Section 503.3.2.1)
Each dwelling unit shall be considered a zone and provided with at least one temperature control device
HVAC Piping might have already been inspected during the Insulation Inspection, if not, it should be inspected during the final inspection.The minimum equipment efficiency requirements of Table 503.2 are imposed on manufacturers and it would be rare to encounter any new equipment that did not meet these minimums.
Load Calculations (Section 503.3.1)
Use design conditions specified in chapter 3
Calculations shall be performed in accordance with ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or other equivalent method.
Systems shall be sized to meet the load
System Controls (Section 503.3.2.1)
Each dwelling unit shall be considered a zone and provided with at least one temperature control device
HVAC Piping might have already been inspected during the Insulation Inspection, if not, it should be inspected during the final inspection.
71. 71
72. 72 Thermostat/Humidistat Must be capable of being set to prevent the use of fossil fuels or electricity to reduce relative humidity below 60% or increase relative humidity above 30% While humidistats may be used for comfort purposes, most often the humidistat controls only the humidifier itself and is interlocked to permit operation of the humidifier only when the heating system is operating. Where the space conditioning control system is such that the humidistat does not control the heating and/or cooling equipment, this requirement would not apply. While humidistats may be used for comfort purposes, most often the humidistat controls only the humidifier itself and is interlocked to permit operation of the humidifier only when the heating system is operating. Where the space conditioning control system is such that the humidistat does not control the heating and/or cooling equipment, this requirement would not apply.
73. 73
74. 74 Heat Pump Auxiliary Heat Heat pumps with supplementary electric resistance heat shall have controls to prevent heater operation when the load can be met by the heat pump alone (except defrost cycles) The refrigeration cycle of a heat pump system can convert electrical energy into heat much more efficiently than can straight resistance electric heaters.The refrigeration cycle of a heat pump system can convert electrical energy into heat much more efficiently than can straight resistance electric heaters.
75. 75 Service Water Heating (SWH) Summary of requirements This diagram briefly describes the requirements for water heating systems. The next series of slides will go into more detail on each of the provisions.This diagram briefly describes the requirements for water heating systems. The next series of slides will go into more detail on each of the provisions.
76. 76 Heat Traps Required on noncirculating hot water systems Heat traps stop hot water from rising into the distribution pipes and forming a natural circulation loop.
Heat traps are required in the inlet and outlet piping of noncirculating water heaters.
Some water-heating equipment has factory-installed integral heat traps. For equipment without factory-installed integral heat traps, heat traps must be purchased and installed in the inlet and outlet connections or field-fabricated by creating a loop or inverted U-shaped arrangement of the inlet and outlet pipes.
Heat traps are not required on circulating systems.
Heat traps are a simple and inexpensive means of preventing cooling of hot water in service water heaters by thermosyphoning of the hot water to higher elevated portions of the attached piping system. Thermosyphoning is based on the simple physical principle of natural convection. Given the opportunity, hot water will ten to rise and be displaced by cold water beneath it. The heat trap stops this process, thereby retaining the hot water within the insulated storage tank.Heat traps stop hot water from rising into the distribution pipes and forming a natural circulation loop.
Heat traps are required in the inlet and outlet piping of noncirculating water heaters.
Some water-heating equipment has factory-installed integral heat traps. For equipment without factory-installed integral heat traps, heat traps must be purchased and installed in the inlet and outlet connections or field-fabricated by creating a loop or inverted U-shaped arrangement of the inlet and outlet pipes.
Heat traps are not required on circulating systems.
Heat traps are a simple and inexpensive means of preventing cooling of hot water in service water heaters by thermosyphoning of the hot water to higher elevated portions of the attached piping system. Thermosyphoning is based on the simple physical principle of natural convection. Given the opportunity, hot water will ten to rise and be displaced by cold water beneath it. The heat trap stops this process, thereby retaining the hot water within the insulated storage tank.
77. 77 SWH - Piping Insulation Recirculating systems
Insulated to levels in Table 504.5
Piping insulation is not required when the heat loss, without insulation, does not increase energy use Insulate the piping of recirculating systems in accordance with the minimums of Table 504.5 at the time of installation. Over time, changes in space usage may impact the need for insulation.
Insulate the piping of recirculating systems in accordance with the minimums of Table 504.5 at the time of installation. Over time, changes in space usage may impact the need for insulation.
78. 78 Air Leakage Check for air leakage at all penetrations, especially the vents and receptacles.Check for air leakage at all penetrations, especially the vents and receptacles.
79. 79 Air Leakage
80. 80 Review of the Inspection Checklist in fullReview of the Inspection Checklist in full
81. 81
82. 82
83. 83
84. 84
85. 85 This case study is based on a location where the mandatory solar heat gain requirement applies. This is to show the orientation and trade off features for overhangs that can be used in RESCheck.
This case study is based on a location where the mandatory solar heat gain requirement applies. This is to show the orientation and trade off features for overhangs that can be used in RESCheck.
86. 86 Building Envelope
The conditioned area or building envelope is the first thing that needs to be defined for REScheck inputs.
The highlighted areas on the plans and building section show the areas of the house that are conditioned. The conditioned area or building envelope is the first thing that needs to be defined for REScheck inputs.
The highlighted areas on the plans and building section show the areas of the house that are conditioned.
87. 87 Ceiling Area The ceiling area in this residence corresponds with the main floor area because the ceilings are flat. If this plan contained vaulted areas, the ceiling area would need to be adjusted for the larger ceiling area created by the vault.The ceiling area in this residence corresponds with the main floor area because the ceilings are flat. If this plan contained vaulted areas, the ceiling area would need to be adjusted for the larger ceiling area created by the vault.
88. 88 Vaulted ceilings are not the same as raised heel trusses. This photo shows raised trusses (energy trusses or raised heel trusses) that allow for insulation to be evenly distributed along the truss rather than being compressed at the ends like standard trusses. In REScheck the user is asked if the truss is “all-wood joist/rafter/truss” or “all-wood raised joist/rafter/truss”. The trusses in this case study are not raised trusses.Vaulted ceilings are not the same as raised heel trusses. This photo shows raised trusses (energy trusses or raised heel trusses) that allow for insulation to be evenly distributed along the truss rather than being compressed at the ends like standard trusses. In REScheck the user is asked if the truss is “all-wood joist/rafter/truss” or “all-wood raised joist/rafter/truss”. The trusses in this case study are not raised trusses.
89. 89 Exterior Wall Areas Exterior Walls:
The area of the exterior walls depend on the ceiling height of the space that the wall encloses. The highlighted sections on the main floor plan show the ceiling heights in various areas of the residence. The perimeter length of the exterior wall enclosing the space is multiplied by the wall height for the given area. This wall height includes the depth of the rim joist.
The knee walls between the 9’ ceiling and 12’ ceiling sections also enclose the conditioned space.
Exterior Walls:
The area of the exterior walls depend on the ceiling height of the space that the wall encloses. The highlighted sections on the main floor plan show the ceiling heights in various areas of the residence. The perimeter length of the exterior wall enclosing the space is multiplied by the wall height for the given area. This wall height includes the depth of the rim joist.
The knee walls between the 9’ ceiling and 12’ ceiling sections also enclose the conditioned space.
90. 90 Insulated knee wall between spaces with different ceiling heights.
Insulated knee wall between spaces with different ceiling heights.
91. 91 Including Rim Joists in the Exterior Wall Area The exterior wall height of the main floor walls includes the depth of the rim joist.The exterior wall height of the main floor walls includes the depth of the rim joist.
92. 92 Basement Walls -
below grade The “side” basement walls are assumed to be more than 50% below grade so the entire wall is considered a “below grade basement wall (solid masonry)”. The “side” basement walls are assumed to be more than 50% below grade so the entire wall is considered a “below grade basement wall (solid masonry)”.
93. 93 Basement Wall Areas Basement Walls:
The “walkout” side of the basement is an exterior wood wall with windows and doors and is entered as “wood frame wall – 16” o.c.”. The perimeter length of this wall is 93’. This length multiplied by the basement wall height of 9’ equals 837 square feet.
The “side” basement walls are assumed to be more than 50% below grade (see slide 6) so the entire wall is considered a “below grade basement wall (solid masonry)”. The perimeter length of these side walls equals 40 feet (360 s.f.).
The “back” basement wall is totally below grade and is considered a “below grade basement wall”. The length of the back wall is 76 feet (684 s.f.).
The area of all the below grade basement walls is 1044 square feet (116’ x 9’).
Basement Walls:
The “walkout” side of the basement is an exterior wood wall with windows and doors and is entered as “wood frame wall – 16” o.c.”. The perimeter length of this wall is 93’. This length multiplied by the basement wall height of 9’ equals 837 square feet.
The “side” basement walls are assumed to be more than 50% below grade (see slide 6) so the entire wall is considered a “below grade basement wall (solid masonry)”. The perimeter length of these side walls equals 40 feet (360 s.f.).
The “back” basement wall is totally below grade and is considered a “below grade basement wall”. The length of the back wall is 76 feet (684 s.f.).
The area of all the below grade basement walls is 1044 square feet (116’ x 9’).
94. 94 Basement Walls -
REScheck inputs Screen shots of the below grade basement wall REScheck inputs are shown.
The back basement wall is assumed to have 7’ of the 9’ basement wall below grade (the 2’ above grade portion is the crawlspace section adjacent to the basement wall). The entire wall is assumed to be adjacent to the crawlspace for simplicity (this assumption is conservative). Users can separate the “back” basement wall into two sections (one adjacent to the crawlspace and one adjacent to the garage (9’ below grade) if they wish.
The side basement walls are assumed to be 4.5’ below grade. This assumption takes the average of the front of the wall that is totally above grade and the back section which is 9’ below grade.Screen shots of the below grade basement wall REScheck inputs are shown.
The back basement wall is assumed to have 7’ of the 9’ basement wall below grade (the 2’ above grade portion is the crawlspace section adjacent to the basement wall). The entire wall is assumed to be adjacent to the crawlspace for simplicity (this assumption is conservative). Users can separate the “back” basement wall into two sections (one adjacent to the crawlspace and one adjacent to the garage (9’ below grade) if they wish.
The side basement walls are assumed to be 4.5’ below grade. This assumption takes the average of the front of the wall that is totally above grade and the back section which is 9’ below grade.
95. 95 Floor Area The area of the floor above the crawlspace is entered as a “floor” in REScheck. The floor is insulated between the floor joists.
If the crawlspace wall had been insulated rather than the floor above the crawlspace, the perimeter length of the foundation stem wall would have been entered with the “crawlspace” tab in REScheck.
Note: Do not enter a floor component (area) if you enter the floor as a crawlspace (with perimeter “crawl wall” insulation).
The area of the crawlspace is highlighted in the above floor plan (783 s.f.).The area of the floor above the crawlspace is entered as a “floor” in REScheck. The floor is insulated between the floor joists.
If the crawlspace wall had been insulated rather than the floor above the crawlspace, the perimeter length of the foundation stem wall would have been entered with the “crawlspace” tab in REScheck.
Note: Do not enter a floor component (area) if you enter the floor as a crawlspace (with perimeter “crawl wall” insulation).
The area of the crawlspace is highlighted in the above floor plan (783 s.f.).
96. 96 Slab Perimeter The “front edge” of the basement exterior wall (above grade) is entered as a “slab” in REScheck. The perimeter edge measures 93 feet.The “front edge” of the basement exterior wall (above grade) is entered as a “slab” in REScheck. The perimeter edge measures 93 feet.
97. 97 Example slab edge perimeter insulation.Example slab edge perimeter insulation.
98. 98 Insulation Levels Building Sections are used to clarify insulation locations and levels for REScheck inputs.Building Sections are used to clarify insulation locations and levels for REScheck inputs.
99. 99 Window/ Door Area Window and door areas are listed to simplify REScheck inputs.Window and door areas are listed to simplify REScheck inputs.
100. 100 Overhang/Projection Factor (PF) Overhangs should be calculated an input into REScheck for compliance in areas with <3500 HDDOverhangs should be calculated an input into REScheck for compliance in areas with <3500 HDD
101. 101 Sunroom Addition
102. 102 Sunroom Addition/REScheck Screenshot
103. 103 Addition w/Existing House
104. 104