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Derek Candelore: Tips To Have a Healthier And Happier Living

Life is better if we know that we are happy and healthy. With all the options in life that we may face, these must be our priorities. And so, to achieve these, there are countless ways. Here are some of the most recommended tips by Derek Candelore on how we can achieve healthier and happier living. Derek Candelore is renowned for his excellence in the field of matters like this one!

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Derek Candelore: Tips To Have a Healthier And Happier Living

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Derek Candelore: Tips To Have a Healthier And Happier Living

  2. Go to Healthy Meal Options • First, on the list, we need to always choose healthy meals. It must be a balanced one that includes carbs, protein, vitamins, and more. It shouldn’t be overpowered by only one such only eating chicken for some time as it isn’t considered healthy. We should also be more into home-cooked meals and leafy salads as these are guaranteed safer and healthier. Plus, our water intake should be plentiful to keep our bodies hydrated at all times– Derek Candelore

  3. Do Meditation • Up next, doing meditation can also aid in achieving a healthier and happier life by allowing us to release any of the negativity and toxicity within ourselves. It helps to clear our minds from problems and worries that are only suppressedat the bottom. Moreso, meditating effectively helps in letting positivity vibrate within our bodies. It can be done in the parks woods, rooms, spiritual places.

  4. Laugh and Smile More • Lastly, we need to uphold the value of laughing and smiling more. Making our faces frown and look at bad terms will never put us into good situations. Besides, laughing and smiling are proven effective in letting the negativity out of our bodies and replacing it with positivity. Also, by doing this, we aren’t only letting ourselves benefit from it as other people also can. We can inspire others to smile and laugh more too. After all, a laugh and smile are always contagious.


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