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Poetic-Elements. By: Lacey Thompson. Simile. Definition-comparing two nouns that unlike, with “like” or “as.”. Example:
Poetic-Elements By: Lacey Thompson
Simile Definition-comparing two nouns that unlike, with “like” or “as.” Example: Sadness is as happy as laughter.You might cry because it hurts.You might laugh because it hurts.But I know one thing,laughter is laughter and sadnessis sadness.They can show the same things like hurting and gladness. By Rachel
My Poem Riding a horse is like reading a book When you ride a horse You learn something different about them And if you were to read a book You could some thing new And possible be interested Just as in riding. Each are very different, but Some what the same Like peanut butter and jelly!
Alliteration Definition-when tow or more words in a poem begin with the same letter or sound. Example: Rain Rain races,Ripping like wind.Its restless rageRattles likeRocks ripping throughThe air. By Jake
My poem Happy hoping horses On there marry way Eating hayee hay bales And horsen around all day. Bucking, Kicking, stomping, Snorting up a storm Off they do a running When the thunder starts to roar! Happy hoping horses Love to play and dance But when its time to go to bed They would rather prance.
Personification Definition-when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only humans can do. Example: STARSStars, bring me up with youBring me to the placeyou sleep.How do you do it?Bring me to your home.Bring your thoughtsto me.Share themwith me.By Alex
My poem My blanket talks to me When I’m happy She shows a smile When I’m mad She tries to relax me When I’m upset She converts me To do these things It takes strength And all those fibers Are the strength that Hold me and it’s self TOGETHER
Repetition • Definition- when you have a word you use more than once. The Lock The lock in my heartholds memories,of love,joy, hate,fear, family,and death.The key in my heart,is sadness andcaring.My dream--I have no dream.I live in a dream. By Ronnie
My Poem Riding horse I fell the breeze Riding horse It is peaceful Riding horse Makes me feel happy Riding horse Teaches me knew things Riding horse Makes me feel alive!
Onomatopoeia Definition-are words that sound like the objects they name or the sounds those objects make. Example:CafeteriaBoom!Went the foodtrays. Clap! Clap!Goes the teacher.Rip! Went the plastic bag.Munch! Munch!Go the students.Slurp!!!Went the straws.WhisperIs what half the kidsin the roomare doing.Crunch! Crunch!gothe candy bars. By: Rachael
My Poem Buzz! Buzz! There it goes again Buzz! There is no end Buzz! Is what I say She just turns around and walks away Buzz! I hear it again Dad gets confused as I laugh again Buzz! I imitate one last time, And she never got caught, But I’ll get her next time!
Paradox • Definition- a statement that seems impossible at first but actually makes sense. Example: Dark and lightDark remembers light,The day they separated,They try to be friends, butcan't.Dark doesn't like light Their friendship no longer exists. By Alex
My Poem Laughing is exercise Why? How? Someone could ask Well it doesn’t make since To a lot of P.E teachers But the reality is true When you laugh You work your abs And working your abs Is a form of exercise So it comes back to the question Is laughing exercise?
Metaphor Definition- Metaphor is when you use two nouns and compare or contrast them to one another. Example: I AM A SWORD I am a sword,Sharper than a tongueNobody can defeat me,Because I am a sword,I can not be hurt by what people sayAbout me, I will not show my angerAgainstSomeone else. By Alex
My Poem I am an eraser My life is full of mistakes, But why Why do I try to fix them, My mistakes, because I hate them? So when I make one Does that mean I erase it Yes? No? I don’t know, But I do know that I …. I am an eraser
Imagery Definition-refers to the descriptive elements of a poem or to the visual idea presented to the reader through the poem. Example: Pink petals passingScents above so highPainted porcelain perfectionBlossoms caress the skySwaying silent shroudSuitors strolling byPink petals passingLover's gentle sighPastel hues fallingSlow fluttering gracePink petals passingLining streams in lacePink petals passingSmoothest transit bySoft essence floatingIn most subtle lullabyInducing springtime slumberUpon a satin shoreSailing with the currentPink petals pass before(1999) Mary Fumento
My poem The sound I hear it from a long way The throbbing and thumping Of hooves I hear them It’s beautiful The sound The rhythm flows like a river It is a graceful beat I hear it and it’s near My dreams My live It’s what I live for
Symbolism Definition- the subject stands for something else that has a greater meaning Example: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth.Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same.And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference
My Poem As we roam Across the hilly land The freedom As the breeze blows My heart beats faster The longing stride of my horse As she runs, Runs up the steep, beautiful, hill She is me, I am her We Are one
Mood Definition-feeling or atmosphere of a piece. A Dream by: Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) In visions of the dark nightI have dreamed of joy departed—But a waking dream of life and lightHath left me broken-hearted. Ah! what is not a dream by day To him whose eyes are castOn things around him with a ray Turned back upon the past? That holy dream—that holy dream,While all the world were chiding, Hath cheered me as a lovely beam,A lonely spirit guiding. What though that light, thro' storm and night, So trembled from afar—What could there be more purely bright In Truth's day star?
My Poem It was his time He has gone To God’s home Where God will take care of him All of his sin’s are forgiven They are in God’s hands The sorrow is horrifying Everything is dark This sets the mood And he will be remembered The day is glom, But I know he was always LOVED!