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CONCRETE POETRY. H. Engl. I Koper Dec. 2011.

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  1. CONCRETE POETRY H. Engl. I Koper Dec. 2011

  2. “Concrete poetry is sometimes called picture poetry or shape poetry. It combines poetic writing and drawing. The form that the poem is written in mirrors the topic of the poem. There are three traditional ways this is down: (1) the poem can follow the outline of the object, (2) the poem can fill a shape that is the subject of the poem, or (3) the poem can use the way words are written on the page to form an image.” http://homepage.mac.com/mseffie/assignments/poem-a-day/10.html

  3. http://www.educationworld.com

  4. http://homepage.mac.com http://birdsofawriter.blogspot.com

  5. http://prairiesunshine.net/ http://www.philobiblon.com/

  6. http://homepage.mac.com

  7. www.poetrytodayonline.com/ Butterfly by David Schondelmeyer http://homepage.mac.com

  8. http://www.short-story-time.com/ http://www.acpathope.org/

  9. http://www.schools.pinellas.k12.fl.us/

  10. http://quest.nasa.gov/

  11. http://www.k12handhelds.com http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/

  12. Having trouble getting started? Try a few of these sites for ideas: http://www.wild-about-woods.org.uk/elearning/concretepoetry/ http://www.newpollution.co.uk/101/concretepoetry/ http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/shape/ Want to see more examples? Try this site: http://people.oregonstate.edu/~smithc/vita/concrpoe.html

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