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Research and Demonstration of Agricultural Uses of Gypsum and Other FGD Materials. WELCOME. Research and Demonstration of Agricultural Uses of Gypsum and Other FGD Materials. Warren A. Dick 1 and Ken Ladwig 2 1 The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH dick.5@osu.edu

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research and Demonstration of Agricultural Uses of Gypsum and Other FGD Materials WELCOME Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  2. Research and Demonstration of Agricultural Uses of Gypsum and Other FGD Materials Warren A. Dick1 and Ken Ladwig2 1The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH dick.5@osu.edu 2Electric Power Research Institute keladwig@epri.com Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  3. Workshop Goals • To bring together a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties • To assess the state of knowledge related to agricultural uses of FGD gypsum • To create a national network focused on information exchange and research on large-volume uses of FGD gypsum in agriculture Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  4. Questions/Issues to be Addressed by Workshop What FGD materials can be used? What are the potential benefits of FGD gypsum for agricultural applications? What soils/crops are responsive to FGD gypsum? Where are the responsive soils and crops located in the United States? How do we derive the proper recommended application rates? Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  5. Questions/Issues to be Addressed by Workshop How will scrubbing processes and boiler additives affect FGD gypsum quality? How can a consistent supply and quality of FGD be guaranteed? What is the monetary value of a ton of FGD for agricultural use? What are the scientific/technological barriers? What are potential environmental issues? Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  6. Questions/Issues to be Addressed by Workshop What are the regulatory barriers? What are the education/extension barriers? What are the marketing barriers? Other? Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  7. Workshop Schedule SESSION I - Review of Agricultural Benefits SESSION II - Utility, Policy and Regulatory Perspectives SESSION III - Marketer’s Perspectives SESSION IV - National Research and Demonstration Network Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  8. SESSION IV - National Research and Demonstration Network On Thursday morning we will: (1) Review the main points learned during the workshop, and (2) Discuss specific plans to create a national network of research demonstration sites. Your participation will be greatly appreciated so that we can create the most effective network possible Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

  9. Additional Information • Breakfast will be served Wednesday and Thursday • morning. • Lunch will be served Wednesday noon and a box lunch • will be made available for Thursday lunch at the end of the workshop. • See Warren for expense reimbursement details. • Presentations will be made available at the web site • http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/agriculturalfgdnetwork/ • This web site will be enhanced as a central place for • depositing information related to agricultural uses of FGD materials. Workshop, 12-14 September 2006, St. Louis, MO, USA

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