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Rovers in Les scouts association - Belgium. Scout from 6 To 18 years. Boys and girls of 16-18 years old. The Rover’s logo. Educational purpose , several challenges. To imagine, build and live some projects in accordance with the values of the Scout Law.
Educationalpurpose, several challenges • To imagine, build and live someprojectsin accordance with the values of the Scout Law. • To develop open-mindedness.
A few activities for rovers 1styear Exploit Be a pi 2ndyear Commitment Explorations
Exploit • Personalproject • To developnews skills or strengthen • To strengthen self-confidence
Be a pi • Week-end held once a yearabout the involvementin the society • To meet people involvedin social projects • To meetroversfromotherslocal groups • To think about whatevery rover wouldlike to do to make a better world
Explorations and Pi-days • To discover the roleof the scout leader (most of thembecoming scout leaders nextyear) • Exploraions: learning by doing • Pi-days: Woodbadge’s first session (4 days).
Commitment • To renewhis/herScout Promise. • To think about the impact of the values of the Scout Law on his/herdaily life in order to make the world better
Triennialstrategic plan • Rovers are one of the priorities of triennialstrategic Plan linkedwith the world brotherhood.
World brotherhood : International Day • Once a yearwith the othersscout and guide associations in Belgium • Promotion of international camps, Jamborees and projects • Sharing of others scouts experiencesabroad
World brotherhood: roverway 2012 • 313 roversparticipated • Meetings organizedwith the roversbeforegoingto Finlandto talk about international dimension of Scouting and to beready for this
World brotherhood: JamBe 2013 • International camp organized by scouts and guides associations in Belgium www.jambe2013.be
World brotherhood: erasmus scout • To join a scout group abroad to discoverscouting in an other country and meet new people. • Our international service helpsbelgianand foreign scouts to find a scout group neartheir location.