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Do different people value ecosystems in different ways?

Do different people value ecosystems in different ways?. 4.3 Conservation of biodiversity. 4.3 Conservation of biodiversity. Discussion: Why should we preserve habitats and species?. The value of the rainforest. Goods from RF: what are they?

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Do different people value ecosystems in different ways?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do different people value ecosystems in different ways? 4.3 Conservation of biodiversity

  2. 4.3 Conservation of biodiversity Discussion: Why should we preserve habitats and species?

  3. The value of the rainforest Goods from RF: what are they? Ecosystem ‘services’: what services does the RF ecosystem provide?

  4. Ecosystem services: abiotic factors in the RF system Soil Water Temperature/weather pattern/climate Carbon store Atmosphere

  5. And the aesthetically pleasing value of the forest • Does that have a value?

  6. State the arguments for preserving species and habitats.Include - Economic values of the rainforest: Other values: RF services: Abiotic, biotic - biodiversity Science Education Genetic diversity Recreation Aesthetic value Human rights Ethical reasons

  7. Compare and contrast the role and activities of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity.

  8. Conservation organisations GOs NGOs e.g. Greenpeace, WWF e.g. UNEP, IUCN Non-governmental organization Intergovernmental organization Bodies established through international agreements to protect the environment Not run by, funded by or influenced by governments of any country

  9. Mix and match: Media • Advertise on popular channels • Professional media officers prepare statements • Leaflets and events • Informative videos released

  10. Mix and match: Speed of response • Independent and make own decisions so response can be rapid • Many countries have to come to a consensus so fairly slow

  11. Mix and match: Diplomatic constraints • Generally unaffected by politics • Have to consult lawyers and other countries • Disagreements can cause serious constraints • Activities may be illegal although this is discouraged

  12. Mix and match: Political influence • No direct political influence but may have had effect on getting green issues on political agendas • Direct access to governments of many countries so great political influence

  13. Mix and match: Enforceability • Rely on public pressure; no power to enforce laws • International agreements and laws

  14. Research and plot: UNEP, IUCN, WWF and Greenpeace Governmental Radical Conservative Field

  15. What is the IUCN? • Draw a timeline to show its history. • What are the Red data Books and the Red List? • And remind me of the factors that determine the conservation status of a species…

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