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“Choice” = G’s & R’s ~Ignore & Blam.G . Lk =G’s Ch : G . Defnds It

“Choice” = G’s & R’s ~Ignore & Blam.G . Lk =G’s Ch : G . Defnds It. Lk =Biggst, 30% NT ( Drischl =3yrs ) Promise: U’ll Undrst . G’s Ch & Urs. Auth =“ We Psg ”=w/ P.@Rom = Lk . & Ch.Fathrs & Sophist.Grk & Dr.trms Lk = Only Gentl =JC ‘human’=G’s Ch

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“Choice” = G’s & R’s ~Ignore & Blam.G . Lk =G’s Ch : G . Defnds It

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Choice” = G’s & R’s~Ignore & Blam.G. Lk=G’s Ch:G. Defnds It Lk=Biggst,30% NT (Drischl=3yrs)Promise: U’llUndrst. G’s Ch & Urs Auth=“We Psg”=w/P.@Rom=Lk.&Ch.Fathrs &Sophist.Grk &Dr.trmsLk=Only Gentl=JC ‘human’=G’s Ch Whn? 58-60ad=P.Prison=OvrsghtOrig.Src.“Circul”=‘Logia’=Synop/Mk&Eyewh(Mary) ‘Lk=Hist.1stDegr’ =Reliabl,~Fiction:Verifbl,~DEBUNK

  2. TO? =‘G.Lvr’=U/Me (‘Excellnt’??)G.HasSpkn! (?Lstn? =9/11 Prob) Hypoc=‘?G ~Stp?’  ‘~Blv.Miracls’ U=‘Theoph’?=Lstn=Wrk:G.Laid Out >Finest Historian/Sources/Prsrvd Naz.=Dirty Pl. Galilee=Hillbilly ‘Engag’=Serious &14-16 yrold ‘Joshua’=Messh. =Anticip: Is.9 ‘?B?’~Dumb! ‘HS..Details ~Mttr’ JB:‘@Wrk/~Imposs’

  3. Mry=Bear Messh?? Xtrem.. &Familiar! Joe,othsG=Will 4u Bbl,Convict,.. CHOICE! ~E.Z… ?Say Joe? Luvs J ‘I ~Do It..Angel’ ?Parents? ‘AftrSch’ ?U Xplain? =Ramif: SHAME!~Lk 2dy:Neighbors/Friends/Child=Outcst =GudRsn: ‘?Ur Dad?’ =Well Kwn. =Capital Punish“I’ve Got Plans!” Resist=Possibl:G=Respect Will Hypoc:Ppl~Care..“?U Let Fr.Will?”

  4. “I ~HEAR U!”  or ~So Immat. =Stay AwayFrm. BOC/Word HABIT: Downhill Slide… Principle of SIN=DEVOURS See Ppl. Aftr YRS=UGLY

  5. =Fail 2 Decide G.WntsCh: ‘Fllw?’ ‘Will U Trst Me?’ ‘~Sure it’ll Wrk..’ / ‘I=Diff.Plans’ Can U believe “Nothing is impossible with God” ?? G: “If it wasn’t the best plan…I wouldn’t say this…” ‘Can I TrstG?’ > Maybe ~Luv Me? G=Cruel? Indiff? Joker/Clown? ^Passv.Resist: Thnk.,~Do.. > MELS Mny:Knw.Gosp> Dely,Distractd Yrs Pass > Finally! > Kick Rselves

  6. “Hey, Joe..Sex!” ~Strng: Abrahm =Arabs 2dy > MESS G’s Will=IMPOSS! (We=2 Weak) Legalist: “I=GUD!” >INVENT Rules G=Offnd / =JC’s Enemies,~LISTN!! ^FlshlyWrks=ROBOTS ^ Lungers =1Co.3 Bonfire! P: ‘~Confid.Flesh’=Wait on G=Real Trst=Ro.7:18 =Avail.,~Ability =G.Asks 4 “I=Able,U=Avail?” DAILY=“?Let G.Use?” ~Pray: “Will 2b Will” Avail=Anti-Resist=GIVE IN!!

  7. “May..come true”=DEPEND,~Indep Legalst= “I’ll DO IT”, Dpnd= “Wait” Helplss=Opn 2 Gs Luv/Pwr/ANSW! (~Bittrnss=Helplss w/Attit=Victim) DPND=Faith/Walk.. ~Regrets! • Will U OpnHrt? • Begins Here: • ‘w/Ppl..~Pos’ • 1 Sin=LOST • Nd. “G’s Salv.” Will U B Demas? Opport = P’s CG! ?Was in Thess? HVN..Remembr? @Crossroads..Hist > Found…??I=Demas Vaca  Lrn: “~Do It!”

  8. Lk= “Belvd”=Signif! G=Uses Ppl..~Undrst =Great Glory > ME Mary=Real SACRIF  Will Meet “?Wrth It?”  “U Kidding?” Following G=Risky/Costly/Worthy

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