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Education of Special Needs Children is tailored for individuals with distinct disabilities and characteristics. This educational approach, facilitated by trained professionals, utilizes specialized techniques to cater to each individual's unique needs. The Constitution mandates measures to support people with special needs in daily life. Different types of disabilities, such as mental retardation, hearing impairment, and physical disabilities, require specific educational strategies. Inclusive education, as outlined in the Constitution, ensures equal educational opportunities for disabled individuals. Special education teachers and qualified instructors play crucial roles in providing specialized training and support. Various educational environments, such as full-time inclusive schools and boarding schools, accommodate individuals with special needs. Inclusive education emphasizes individual abilities and aims to integrate disabled individuals with their peers. School administrators, teachers, counselors, and families all contribute to creating a supportive and inclusive educational environment. Inclusive education can be implemented in ordinary schools, separate classrooms, boarding schools, or even within a home setting. The establishment of support education involves collaboration among teachers, families, and educational institutions to address the specific needs of each student.
Education of Special Needs Children It is the education that is held in environments that are appropriate for the individuals with special needs for their disabilities and characteristics with the help of the professional staff who use specially developed tecniques.
Individual With Special Needs is defined as the individual whose personel characteristics and educational sufficiency differs from his peers because of any reason.
Each individual in the society, has different characteristics individual sufficiency. That’s why contemporary & democratic mind requires the sensitivity and the need to have the kind of education that is accurate for each individual.
Recently important steps have been taken for the benefit of individual with special needs. The 42nd article of the constitution says, ’’ The State takes measures that the people with special needs will make use of in their daily life.’’
Kind Of Disability and Characteristics • Mentally Retarted Individuals • Normal Function IQ=100 • .Slight, IQ=55-70 (can be educated) • .Medium , IQ=40-55 (can be taught) • .Heavy , IQ=25-40 (some can be taught) • .Heavier IQ= lower 25 (need total care) Partially Sighted • Light Loss • Total Loss
Hearing Impaired • Slight Hearing • Total Loss Physically Handicapped
Those with hard of hearing and speaking. • Those with the difficulty of special learning. • Those with the difficulty of emotional,behavioral,and socialization. • The Autistics • Those with superior intelligence and high ability. • Those with attention deficit order and hyperactivity.
Education of specialneeds Accordingtothe 15th article of theConstution of theDiasabled. ‘’Withoutanyjustificationtherightandtheneed of having an education of thedisabled can not be prevented.In an integratedenvironmenttogetherwiththeabledones, disabledchildren,teenagersandadultsmusthavetheequaleducationopportunitytakingtheirspecialcondition& dissimilaritiesintoconsideration.
TheBoards of NationalEducationandCultureandTourismjointlyperformsallservicesforeducationalandculturalneeds of the ‘’disabled’’ as braille, audibleandelectronicbook,subtitledfilmsandsimilarmaterials.
Thestaffwithspecialtraining Teachers of Special Education : The graduates with bachelar’s degree in the departments of SEEING, HEARING, MENTALLT RETARDED and SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE.
QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR: Has gained the proficiency of mastership; is responsible for the education of the students/trainees at school,office or institution and knows and applies vocational education tecniques .
Education in environmentproperforthehandicapsandthefutures Individuals with special needs are placed in various and suitable education environment and instutions.
Theseenvironmentsandinstitutionsare; 1-Full-Time Inclusive 2-InclusiveEducationsupportedwithsourceroom 3-Part-Time Inclusive 4-PrivateClass 5-DaytimeSchoolForSpecialEducation 6- BoardingSchoolforspecialeducation.
InclusiveEducation • Is theapplication of specialtraining. • whichprovidessupportivesservices. • And is based on lifetime of schooling. • Fortheindividuals • Whoneedspecialeducation • Withtheirpeers.
Theaim of InclusiveEducation Not to turn the child into normal, but to enable him/her to use his /her interests and abilities the best way he/she can and for him/her to ease to live a good life in the society.
Tasksandresponsibilities in InclusiveEducation • Headmaster; Plans the regulations necessary for Inclusive Applications in the institutions, ensures them to be applied and co-opperate with the Assemble Of Special Needs Services.
.Teacher .Takes measures for the student(s) with special needs to be socially accepted by the rest of the class. . Evalutes taking the individual and improvement characteristics into consideration. .Practices the programme by individualizing it. .Co-operate with the families, related institutions and organizations.
SchoolCounselor-PsychologicalCouncelor • Guides to the teacher with observing the development of the , • Students and the family training,organizing the proper education environment, • For the students who have been reported as inclusive .
Family • Takespartactively in theactivation of theprogramme , • Supplieswithmaterialsandtools of education . TheIndividualwithspecialneeds • Stateshiwish in orientationdecisionandeducationprecautionthatemerge as a result of theevaluation .
WHERE IS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION APPLIED? • Ordinary school • Source Room • Separate Classroom • Separate School • Boarding School • Home/Hospital
Inwhichstage of theeducationphase is theCounsellingandResearchCenter in ?
TheEstablishment of theNeedforSupportEducation • Classteacher is theeffectiveperson in theveryfirst step of establishment. • Thedemandforsupporteducation of theclassteacherandthelevel of need of thestudent is identified. • Thefamily is informedaboutthestudent’slevelandsuppoerteducationand it is confirmedifthey ask for a supporteducationor not. • It is guidedaboutthedocumentsthat RAM (CRC) CounsellingandResearchCenter.
THE PAPERS THAT COUNSELLING RESEARCH CENTER ASK FOR 1-Theoriginalandthephotocopy of thestudent’svalidreportfromtheHealthcareCommision. 2-Ifthestudentwilltakethesupporteducationforthefirst time: .From his school, requisition form of PedagogicEvaluation .Ifthesupporteducation had beentakenbefore ; .TheIndividualProgress Form in a closedenvelopetogetherwithcoverletter is deliveredforthefamilytoexamine. 3-Student’s ID and a Photocopy 4-Students 5 photos.
DevelopedEducationProgrammes According to the 68th article of the 2006 Special Education Guideline; ‘’General and vocational education programmes that were prepared by the Board of Education and Special Education Programmes which were prepared for the students’ characteristics in private schools, institutions and classes are applied. ’’ • Individualized Education Programme.
IndividualizedEducation Plan • A plan that shows the actions that the person has to take according to his /her needs and how and with whom the secondary steps will be taken . • Is compulsory according to the 573 rule BEP(IEP) Individualized Education Programs.
INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION(IEP) FORM Student’s Name/Surname: Class: Date of IEP Preparation : IEP Members::