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Join our home-based religion program "Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts" led by dedicated catechists. Sessions held monthly with follow-up activities to reinforce learning, with a focus on Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Mass participation.<br>
Immaculate Conception Parish Catechetical Program Coordinator: Judy McCarthy 709-597-2623 Judymarilyn_mc@Hotmail.com
Home Based Religion Program Resource - Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts
8 Catechists Level 1 Tracey Sceviour Level 2 Francis Sullivan Frances O’Neill Level 3 Francis Sullivan Frances O’Neill Level 4 Amanda Jones Level 5 Sharon Reeves Sonya Boone Level 6 Paulette Morrissey Colleen White
Delivering program to: Level 1 – Level 6 children Catchment Area: Bristol’s Hope, Harbour Grace, Riverhead, Upper Island Cove, Tilton, Spaniard’s Bay
Enrollment74 students Level 1 - 7 Level 2 - 22 Level 3 - 9 Level 4 - 7 Level 5 - 16 Level 6 - 13
Delivery of Catechetical Program (Home-Based Program) Sessions held monthly Follow-up at home
Activities to Incorporate What is Learned during Sessions and at Home: -Advent Activities -Introduction to Advent (Father Clem) -Advent Wreath with Families -The Christmas Story Presentation -Christmas Eve Children’s Mass -Presentation of Bibles with Level 4 Children -Rite of Enrolment of First Eucharist Candidates -Introduction to Lent (Father Clem) -Ash Wednesday Mass -Children Participating in the Stations of the Cross -Children Participating in Friday Masses during Lent
Future Goals Increase children’s attendance and Participation at Mass Implement Level Seven of Program
Contact Info. Finding God-Home Based Religion Program