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This presentation highlights the history of staff allocation, challenges faced, and future projections for the Lower Allen Township Police Department. It covers mission statement, staffing trends, call volumes, technology integration, proactive vs. reactive approaches, and anticipated development impact.
Police Staffing Presentation For the 2019 Ad Hoc Committee
Mission Statement of the Lower Allen Township Police Department • The Mission of the Lower Allen Township Police Department is to enforce the law, protect the public, reduce fear of crime, and ensure the quality of life in our community by working in partnership with the public and providing professional and responsible service. • To perform our mission: • ► We empower Department employees, businesses and citizens to operate in a Community Oriented Policing Concept • ► We aggressively enforce laws and ordinances to provide our residents and others, who may be in the Township with a safe and secure environment • ► We vow to maintain, to the best our abilities, a zero tolerance towards any crimes involving violence, illegal drug dealing and/or use and driving after imbibing alcohol. • ► We vow to ensure the Constitutional rights of persons we encounter.
Staffing History • 1995: (28.5+ FTEs) • 18 sworn • 1 Chief, 1 LT, 2 Cpls (not part of patrol shifts), 2 Detectives, 12 patrol officers. • 11 Civilian staff (7.5+FTEs) plus CSOs (2+ FTEs) • 2 FT clerical/secretarial, 2 PT dayshift, 4+ PT evening shift • Training CSO (near FT civilian) • Technical Services (near FT civilian) • Evidence Tech (FT civilian) • 1 FT Mall CSO • Dispatched Calls from County: 5300
Staffing History • 2019: (28.5 FTEs) • 22 sworn • 1 Capt., 1 Lt., 1 Sgt Chief, 4 patrol Cpls (working patrol shifts), 1 CI Cpl, 2 Detectives, 12 patrol officers. • 7 Civilian staff (6 FTEs) plus street CSOs (1.5 FTE) • 1 Director (less than 1/3 of time dedicated to PD) • 1 Assistant to Director (again, about 1/3 of time to PD) • 2 FT clerical/secretarial, 1 PT dayshift, 1 PT Compliance Specialist • Evidence Tech (FT civilian) • Calls for Service (dispatched and logs): 17448, a 229% increase in call volume.
Staffing History vs. Dispatched Calls 1995-Present (Includes 2018) • Staffing (18% increase since 1995) • 1995 -18 • 2017 – 22 • Low – 17 in 2000 • High – 22 in 2018 • Dispatched Calls (229% increase since 1995) • 1995 5300 (low) • 2018 17448 (high)
How do we do it? • With the same FTE, how do we compensate for a 164% increase in dispatched calls? • Leverage Technology (are reaching a point where it is difficult to add something that justifies its own expense…Law of Diminishing Returns) • Less proactive work, including: random preventative patrols, self-initiated traffic, addressing traffic and quality of life complaints. • Less follow-up • Less community engagement • O/T details paid for by Mall shifts some burden from street officers (2 nights/week) • More non-patrol, administrative functions placed on command and support staff and off of patrol to allow patrol to handle calls. • PSOs (account for less than 1 FTE, based on time dedicated to PD) • CSOs (Hours added in 2019 – now 78 hours)
Current and Future Problems • Increased call volume, as a function of residential and commercial development • Additional legal mandates, training and certification requirements (Act 79, for example) • Downward trend in what behavior is acceptable in society • Result: • Gradual shift to a disproportionate amount of reactive police work • Limited ability to work proactively to address community concerns, • Limited discretionary enforcement activities, including traffic enforcement and attention to quality of life issues.
Planned Development Projections (2016) • Per the overall master plan 1106 residential units will be added by Arcona. • The occupants per household are 2.74, average throughout the township. • Based on a 20-year build out, if construction is even (although one need only look to see that it is heavily front-loaded), there will be an increase of 56 households per year.
Planned Development Projections • The population increase per year is extrapolated, giving a predicted population of approximately 19,253 in 2021.
Planned Development Projections • The number of patrol activities per citizen, in 2016 was .75 • The result of the population increase is an increase of approximately 567 patrol activities form 2016-2021.
Obligated Time vs Unobligated Time • Obligated • Time on calls for service • Transports • Hearings • Initial paperwork • *obligated time should include breaks, 1 hour total, per officer, per shift. • Unobligated Time • Proactive Patrol • Proactive Traffic Enforcement • Community Engagement • Follow-ups on Criminal Cases
IACP Ideal Ratio • The IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police) recommends that 1/3 of an officer’s time be spent on responding to and handling calls for service or other “obligated” duties. The remaining 2/3 should be dedicated to administrative activities and proactive duties. • Thus, in accordance with industry standards, we should have 20 minutes per hours in obligated time, 40 minutes unobligated.
Our Current Ratio2 Officer Minimum Staffing, 3 Officer Most Frequent Level, 4 Officer Full Staff
2021 Ratio With Current Staffing2 Officer Minimum Staffing per Shift, 3 Officer Most Frequent Level, 4 Officer Full Staff
2021 Planned Staffing Goal (20 Patrol Officers) • 3 Officer Minimum per Shift • 5 Officer Full Shift
Shift Relief Factor • Shift Relief Factor: The number of actual staff required to fill a single patrol position, 365 days a year. This accounts for regular days off, leave, training, etc. This can vary by agency, depending on collective bargaining agreements, training levels, and other factors impacting actual time on the street. • Lower Allen’s number is 2.6 based on available-for-work time of 1685 hours per officer, per year. • To virtually ensure 4 PATROL officers per shift (8 per day), 20.8 PATROL officers are needed. We have 16.
Methodology No one model is absolute. We have used five in this analysis. • Simple Obligated Time • Obligated Time • Population • Patrol Activities • Projected Population and Patrol Activities based on current level of service/workload
Simple Obligated Time • The total currently obligated hours, times 3 to get a 1:2 ratio of obligated to unobligated time (33.3% obligated, 66.6% unobligated). • In Lower Allen, the current workload results in 15358 obligated hours. • Times 3 to get the total patrol time = 46075 • Divide this by the number of hours an officer is on the street, annually (1685) • Result: 27 PATROL officers.
Obligated Time • Based upon calculations from inputs in the spreadsheet provided by the IACP Patrol Allocation and Deployment for Law Enforcement Managers Program • Inputs included total patrol activities and the time taken to perform those activities, resulting in a recommendation of 10.5 patrol officer on the street, per day. • To fill those 10.5 spots, a shift relief factor (how many bodies does it take to staff one position, 365 days per year). That number, as explained in an earlier slide, is 2.6. • The recommendation based on this method is also 27
Population (Comparables) • This method accounts for the population served by Lower Allen Officers, compared with similar surrounding agencies. • Based on units (patrol officers) fielded per day, divided by how many thousand residence are served, a factor is developed. • In comparing numbers and incorporating experience and known call loads, Hampden, with the larger population and similar call volume as Lower Allen, is understaffed. Upper Allen, by comparison, appears to be overstaffed. • If we split the difference between LA and UA, the factor is .51, resulting in a recommended fielding of 9.16 officers per day. • 9.16 x the Shift Relief Factor (2.6), gives a total PATROL officer staff of 24.
Patrol Activities • This method accounts for the patrol activities performed by Lower Allen Officers, compared with similar surrounding agencies. • Based on units (patrol officers) fielded per day, divided by how many thousand calls the agency fields, a factor is developed. • By comparison, we are understaffed. • If we go by the average of Upper Allen and Hampden, our factor is 1. Using that factor, the recommended PATROL units to be fielded, per day, is 11.6, or 6 per shift. • 11.6 x the Shift Relief Factor (2.6), gives a total PATROL officer staff of 30.
Conclusion Summary (Part 1) • Simple Obligated Time: 27 PATROL Officers • Obligated Time: 27 PATROL Officers • Population: 24 PATROL Officers • Patrol Activities : 30 PATROL Officers • Average of methodologies: 27 PATROL OFFICERS
But what about the last methodology? • Projected Population and Patrol Activities based on current level of service/workload in order to MAINTAIN the current level of service and workload balance. • This one is more complicated • Some background information must be presented first….
UCR CRIME • Criminal Incidents (UCR Cases) have gone up 31% from the 2011 low. • These are the incidents that usually take the extra time at the beginning and require follow-up later.
Criminal Arrests • Criminal Arrests, in keeping with the UCR increase, also shows a 31% increase over the low during this period.
Patrol Activities • With the projected population increase, and using the calculated average of .75 patrol activities per citizen, the rate of patrol activities over the coming years can be projected.
Patrol Activities Per Officer Projection • Assuming a steady rate of patrol activities (PA), the projected patrol activities, per officer, increases from the current rate of 867 to 938 • To keep the rate per officer the same, and maintain the current level of service, the number of PATROL OFFICERS needs to increase to 20 by 2021. (16 Currently)
Current situation (2016 numbers) • With 1 officer, there are -20 unobligated hours (impossible to sustain) • With 2 officers (minimum staffing) there are 2 unobligated hours (dangerous to sustain) • With 3 officers, there are 25 unobligated hours (tight, but do-able, should not be sustained for long periods) • With 4 officers (full shift), there are 48 unobligated hours for a 46:54 Obligated:Unobligated ratio, closer to ideal • With 5 officers (ideal staffing) there are 71 unobligated hours, a slightly better than ideal 37:63 ratio. We do not have this staffing level.
2021 Projections Based on Staffing • 1 officer: - 23 unobligated hours (would be irresponsible) • 2 officers: zero unobligated hours (officer are taking reports and there is NO proactive activity or follow-up happening. Dangerous to try and likely impossible to sustain) • 3 officers (proposed minimum staffing): 23 unobligated hours (dangerous to try to sustain, long term, but do-able in short bursts) 64:36 ratio Obl:Un • 4 officers: 46 unobligated hours 48:52 ratio (tight, but do-able IF staffing maintained, but you will see later just how often we have/do not have full staffing). • 5 officers (proposed full shift): 69 unobligated hours. A very good 38:62 ratio but only if the WHOLE SHIFT is on duty. Training and leave usually preclude this. However, we can do this, as it closely approximates our current work rate.. • 6 officers (ideal staffing): 92 unobligated hours. 32:68 ratio
2026 Projections Based on Staffing • 1 officer: -25 unobligated hours (would be irresponsible) • 2 officers: -2 unobligated hours (officers are taking reports and there is NO proactive activity or follow-up happening. Dangerous to try and impossible to sustain) • 3 officers (proposed minimum staffing): 21 unobligated hours (dangerous to try to sustain, long term, but do-able in short bursts) 67:34 ratio Obl:Un • 4 officers: 44 unobligated hours 50:50 ratio (tight, but do-able IF staffing maintained, but not long-term) • 5 officers (proposed full shift): 67 unobligated hours. A decent 40:60 ratio but only if the WHOLE SHIFT is on duty. Training and leave usually preclude this. • 6 officers (ideal staffing): 90 unobligated hours. 33:67 ratio
Conclusion (Part 2) • Based on an extrapolation of the current workload, options for 2021 staffing can be projected • To maintain the current work-rate, per officer, each platoon will need to consist of 5 officers, putting 20 PATROL officers on the street. We currently have 16. To maintain equilibrium, 4 officers need to be hired by 2021. Understand that this maintains STAUS QUO. • To get the work-rate, per officer, closer to the ideal ratio of 33/66 obligated/unobligated time, 6 officers per shift, or 24 PATROL officers are needed. This gets us to a 37:63 ratio. • To get to recommended staffing levels and allow for all of the things that can be achieved with the proper amount of unobligated time, 8 patrol officers would need to be hired by 2021.
2026? • As a word of warning, the population up-trend that will continue with the current planned development will result in a need for 6-officer platoons to maintain the current work-rate for a total of 24 patrol officers. • 5 officer squads by this time will put us behind our current status as far as ability to handle workload.
Probability of Saturation • What it means: This is the percent chance that when you call for an officer, they will be unavailable due to being on another call. • Based on calls per hour, a conservatively calculated average of 80 staff minutes per call (current experience), and the number of officers on the street. • 2021 Projections Chart
Probability of Saturation • What level of service should be maintained/provided? • As a citizen, I want a cop to come when I call. • As an administrator, I want cops to be able to respond immediately, a vast majority of the time. • An 87.2% chance that no one will be available is not desirable. • Minimum staffing would need to increase to 3 to achieve a 36.62% chance that this would happen. • To do this, each of the current 4 squads (4 officers each) need to expand to 5 officers per squad.
Where are we now?(First 25 weeks of 2018) • Minimum staffing is two • 36% of shifts at full staffing • 40% at 3 officers • 21% at 2 officers • 2% required shifting assets to ensure coverage
Where are we now?(1/1/19-4/7/19) • Minimum staffing is two • 15.7% of shifts at full staffing • 56.7% at 3 officers • 27.6% at 2 officers
What does this mean for the future? • If we continue to maintain current staffing (2 officer minimum, 4 officer squads), in 2021 probability of saturation (POS) will be: • 87.2% POS 21% of the time. • 36.6% POS 40% of the time. • 13.4% POS 36% of the time • 4.3% NEVER this good. • With the recommended 5-officer squads with a 3-officer minimum: • 4.3% POS 36% of the time • 13.4% POS 40% of the time • 36.6% POS 21% of the time • 87.2% NEVER this bad.
Option: Maintain Current Staffing • Pros • Financial Impact • Cons • Reduced to zero proactive work • Agency becomes call-takers • Lack of timely response • Diminished capability to carry out the mission statement. • Officers worked harder than similar agencies. • Possible recruitment/retention issues.
Option: Increase to 5-officer Squads by 2021 • Con • Financial Impact • Pros • Maintain current work-rates • Maintain current level of response • Provide for at least minimal proactive work. • Maintain current capability to fulfill mission statement. • Retention, recruitment negative impact reduced
Option: Increase to 6-officer Squad by 2021 • Con • Greatest Financial Impact • Pros • Achieves ideal staffing ratios based on vetted research by the IACP. • Ideal ability to divide time between what must be done and what CAN be done. • Positive impact on recruitment/retention • Minimize response times • Maximize effectiveness through proactive work.
Summary and Recommendation • As discussed in the Strategic Plan Workshops with the Board during 2018, demands for police service keep increasing. • As Arcona development continues, and re-development creates new opportunities, further increases in calls for service and required police activity will be needed. • How do we assure sufficient staff to meet the service demand?
POLICE DEPARTMENT GOAL • 5-patrol officers per platoon by 2021 to cover the increased demand for services that currently exists, along with the anticipated demand with the projected growth. • This gets police officer staffing to break-even levels on workload per officer by 2021. • By 2026 the prognosis is more dismal.
As Arcona comes to completion and re-development continues, increases in staffing continue to be needed • By 2026, the analysis indicates 8 additional officers would be required to maintain current service levels. • At each level, this accomplishes a near-50/50, obligated/ unobligated rate. We’d need to add officers at double these rates to get into the 1/3 obligated, 2/3 unobligated that would be the ideal. Knowing that we won’t get to there, we still need to plan accordingly with that 50/50 goal in mind, which means increasing staffing overall by 8 additional officers by 2026.
CURRENT PLAN • 5-PATROL Officer Squads by 2021 • Requires one additional officer per squad added over 2-4 years • Achieves balance between the hazards and service reduction of maintaining current staffing without creating the financial burden of rising to the level of staffing that the analysis recommends. • Maintains the current level of service through 2021.
Action Plan to Achieve the GOAL • Two officers in 2019, one each in 2020 and 2021, each are July hires, impacting budget for ½ year with each initial addition. • Assuming an officer stays at the full time rate for 6 months, and that the average patrolman’s benefit percent without OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) remains at 52%, and without overtime, holiday call out, OIC, or other special pay, and without uniforms, training, equipment, etc. the fiscal impact of the options would be roughly $350,000* in the 2022 budget.
IMPACT POTENTIAL • Know that by current staffing models and anticipated growth, if our current minimum staffing of 2 PATROL officers per squad is still the same in 2021, there may be days where 5 hours worth of calls will not get answered in that day, compounding daily for each day of minimum staffing. • In 2026, that number will be at 13 hours per day at our current 2 PATROL officer minimum level.
Questions? Thank you for your attention during this presentation
NON-PRESENTATION SLIDES • What follows are additional slides that were developed to present information in a different way. In many cases, they are more complex or present data in a manner that is not as cleanly presented in a PowerPoint. They have been placed here for your own education and information, should you wish to review them.
Definitions • Obligated Time (also Committed Time): that time spent actively responding to or engage in calls for service, including dispatched calls of emergency and non-emergency natures, preliminary investigations, prisoner transports, or other activities of a nature that requires an officer or officers to be committed to the event and unavailable to perform other activities.