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DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. What are some territories the Nazi’s controlled during WWII? Why are some potential difficulties in defeating the Nazi’s? Why is a direct invasion of Germany too risky?. Allied Victory in Europe!!!. US troops began to turn the tides in the allies favor by 1942

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  1. DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • What are some territories the Nazi’s controlled during WWII? • Why are some potential difficulties in defeating the Nazi’s? • Why is a direct invasion of Germany too risky?

  2. Allied Victory in Europe!!!

  3. US troops began to turn the tides in the allies favor by 1942 • However, it was too risky to launch a direct attack in France • Why were the allies so cautious even after the entrance of the U.S.?

  4. The Mediterranean Germany placed French North Africa under the control of Vichy France (French faction allied with the Nazi’s) Will the Vichy French fight the allies in Africa? Dwight D. Eisenhower leads operation torch After months of fierce battles in the region the axis powers finally surrender (1943)

  5. Italy • North Africa opens up a gateway to Sicily for the allies • General George S. Patton seizes Sicily in less than a month • Italy welcomes the allies and the Germans help Mussolini escape • A new Italian government signs an armistice with the allies • Allies now invade southern Italy to fight German forces • Allies (mostly U.S. and British) take Rome after about 4 months of intense fighting • Mussolini is executed by Italian rebels • his body is displayed in the streets and beaten

  6. Do Now. • Describe D-Day. • Identify the Holocaust • Define Genocide

  7. Operation Overlord (Eisenhower) • German occupied France is finally invaded by the allies—planned for years • Germans were tricked by the allies • False clues making them think allies would invade at Calais (Northern France) • D-Day (June 6, 1944) the allies invade Normandy—5,000 landing craft carry about 150,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers • Invasion does not go smoothly, units get mixed up and Normandy is heavily fortified (concrete bunkers, tank traps, and landmines) • Hitler thinks Normandy is a distraction and real allies invasion will be elsewhere • He does not send reinforcements to the area • Paris is liberated on August 25, 1944

  8. The Holocaust • The systematic slaughter of European Jews • Genocide—the purposeful annihilation of an entire people • The allies discover these concentration/extermination camps as they invade • They find starving people in the thousand (30,000 at a time)

  9. Germany • Russia had been pressing Germany while Americans and the British took France • Germans launch a massive latch effort • Battle of the Bulge—200,000 Germans attack a US force that is initially only 80,000 strong • Reinforcements are provided the allies begin to quickly push the Germans back

  10. Berlin • April 30, 1945 Hitler commits suicide in his bunker under a destroyed Berlin • He shoots himself in the mouth while biting on a cyanide capsule at the same time • Germany surrenders on May 7th May 8th is known as V-E day or Victory in Europe Day

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