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Learn about UNL, a computer language that enables information processing across language barriers, replicating the functions of natural languages in human communication.
An Introduction to Universal Networking Language (UNL) 1/5/2020
What is UNL? Universal Networking Language (UNL) is a computer language that enables computers to process information and knowledge across the language barriers. It is an artificial language that replicates the functions of natural languages in human communication. It expresses information or knowledge in the form of semantic network with hyper-node. Unlike natural languages, UNL expressions are unambiguous. Although the UNL is a language for computers, it has all the components of a natural language. It is composed of Universal Words (UWs), Relations, Attributes. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
UNL Expression John is reading a novel. UNL Hypergraph read(icl>do) @entry.@present.@progress agt obj novel(icl>book) John(iof>person) UNL Expression [UNL] agt(read(icl>do) @entry.@present.@progress, John(iof>person)) obj(read(icl>do) @entry.@present.@progress, novel(icl>book)) [/UNL] 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Universal Words (UWs) A UW represents simple or compound concepts. There are two classes of UWs: unit concepts compound structures of binary relations grouped together ( indicated with Compound UW-Ids) A UW is made up of a character string (an English-language word) followed by a list of constraints. <UW>::=<Head Word>[<Constraint List>] 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Types of UW Basic UWs They are bare Head Words with no Constraint List. They are character strings that correspond to an English word. A basic UW denotes all the concepts that may correspond to those in English. for example: go take house Restricted UWs They are Head Words with a Constraint List. Each Restricted UW represents a more specific concept, or subset of concepts. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Types of UW (…continued) The Constraint List restricts the range of the concept that a Basic UW represents. for example: state(icl>express) state(icl>country) state(icl>abstract thing) state(icl>government) Extra UWs They are a special type of Restricted UW. Extra UWs denote concepts that are not found in English. Foreign-language words are used as Head Words using English (Alphabetical) characters. for example: ikebana (icl>flower arrangement) kathak (icl>dance) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Relations A relation label is represented as strings of 3 characters or less. The relations between UWs are binary. rel (UW1, UW2) They have different labels according to the different roles they play. At present, there are 41 relations in UNL For example, agt (agent), ins (instrument), pur (purpose), etc. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Attribute Labels Attribute labels express additional information about the Universal Words that appear in a sentence. They show what is said from the speaker’s point of view; how the speaker views what is said. (time, reference, emphasis, attitude, etc) @entry, @present, @progressive, @topic, etc. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
The boy who works here went to school @ entry @ past go(icl>move) agt plt @ entry boy(icl>person) school(icl>institution) agt here plc work(icl>do ) :01 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
The boy who works here went to school UNL expression: {UNL} agt(go(icl>move).@entry.@past, :01) plt(go(icl>occur).@entry.@past, school(icl>institution)) agt:01(work(icl>do), boy(icl>person.@entry)) plc:01(work(icl>do),here) {/UNL} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
agt Birds fly {UNL} agt (fly(icl>do).@entry.@pres.@generic, bird(icl>fauna)@pl) {/UNL} He is running. The students are attending this class 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
agt (agent) agt defines a thing that initiates an action. An agent is defined as the relation between: UW1 - do, and UW2 - a thing where: UW2 initiates UW1, or UW2 is thought of as having a direct role in making UW1 happen. agt (do, thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Obj John wants a pen. {unl} agt(want.@entry.@present, John) obj(want.@entry.@present, pen.@indef) {/unl} I have read a story. The ice melted. (ice is obj here) She prepared food for John. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
obj (affected thing) Obj defines a thing in focus that is directly affected by an event or state. An affected thing is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a thing, where: UW2 is thought of as directly affected by an event or state. obj (occur, thing) obj (do, thing) obj (be, thing) obj (uw(aoj>thing,obj>thing), thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
mod I have read a story of ghosts. agt (read.@entry.@complete.@present, I) obj (read.@entry.@complete.@present, story.@indef) mod (story.@indef, ghost@pl) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
mod(modification) Mod defines a thing that restricts a focused thing. A modification is defined as the relation between: UW1 – a focused thing, and UW2 – a thing that restricts UW1 in some way. mod (thing, thing) mod (thing, uw(mod>thing)) the whole story mod(story(icl>tale), whole(mod<thing)) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
mod He heard the music of the sea {unl} obj(hear(icl>perceive{>do}(agt>person,obj>thing)):03.@entry.@past, music(icl>creation):0D.@def) agt(hear(icl>perceive{>do}(agt>person,obj>thing)):03.@entry.@past, he:00) mod(music(icl>creation):0D.@def, {/unl} sea(icl>water):0Q.@def) I have read a book on politics I met the director of the institute. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
plc I saw a leopard in the campus. agt (see.@entry.@past, I) obj (see.@entry.@past, leopard.@indef) plc (see.@entry.@past, campus) I met the director of the institute in the guest house. John was arrested at the airport by Mumbai Police. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Plc (place) Plc defines a place where an event occurs, or a state that is true, or a thing that exists. A place is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event, state, or thing, and UW2 – a place or thing understood as a place. plc (occur, thing) plc (do, thing) plc (be, thing) plc (uw(aoj>thing), thing) plc (thing, thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
plt The boy went to school. agt(go(icl>move).@entry.@past, boy(icl>person)) plt(go(icl>move).@entry.@past, school(icl>institution)) He rushed to the hospital. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Plt(final place) Plt defines a place where an event ends or a state that becomes false. A final place is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a place or thing defining a place, where: UW2 is the specific place where UW1 ended, or UW2 is the specific place where UW2 becomes false. plt (occur, thing) plt (do, thing) plt (uw(aoj>thing), thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
plf He jumped from a building. agt (jump.@entry.@past, he) plf (jump.@entry.@past, building.@indef) He came from Delhi. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Plf(initial place) Plf defines a place where an event begins or a state that becomes true. An initial place (or place-from) is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a place or thing defining a place, where: UW2 is the specific place where UW1 started, or UW2 is the specific place from where UW1 is true. plf (occur, thing) plf (do, thing) plf (uw(aoj>thing), thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tim I met the director of the institute in the guest house on Sunday. agt (meet.@entry.@past, I) obj (meet.@entry.@past, director) mod (director, institute) plc (meet.@entry.@past, guest house) tim (meet.@entry.@past, sunday) The fire brigade arrived at midnight. She was certified dead at 4.50 am . 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tim(time) Tim defines the time an event occurs or a state is true. Time is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a time, where: UW1, taken as a whole, occurs at the time indicated by UW2. tim (occur, time) tim (do, time) tim (be, time) tim (uw(aoj>thing), time) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tmt I worked till breakfast agt (work.@entry.@past, I) tmt (work.@entry.@past, breakfast) The firing was kept up till dark. The jury adjourned the case until Friday. He doesn't expect you until five. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tmt(final time) Tmt defines a time an event ends or a state becomes false. Final time is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a time, where: UW2 specifies the time at which UW1 ends, or UW2 specifies the time at which UW1 became/becomes false. tmt (occur, time) tmt (do, time) tmt (uw(aoj>thing), time) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tmf We have lived here since 1994. agt (live.@entry.@present.@complete, we) plc (live.@entry.@present.@complete, here) tmf (live.@entry.@present.@complete, 1994) I haven’t eaten since breakfast. He is blind from birth. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
tmf(initial time) Tmf defines the time an event starts or a state becomes true. Initial time is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a time, where: UW2 specifies the time at which UW1 starts, or UW2 specifies the time at which UW1 became/becomes true. tmf (occur, time) tmf (do, time) tmf (uw(aoj>thing), time) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
dur You should receive a reply within seven days. agt (receive.@entry@should, you) obj (receive.@entry@should, reply.@indef) dur (receive.@entry@should, day.@pl) qua (day.@pl, 7) The ambulance arrived within seven minutes. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Dur(duration) Dur defines a period of time during which an event occurs or a state exists. A duration is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or a state, and UW2 – a period during which the event or state continues. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
qua He needs a lot of encouragement {unl} obj(need(icl>necessitate):03.@entry.@past.@present, encouragement(icl>aid):0I) agt(need(icl>necessitate):03.@entry.@past.@present, qua(encouragement(icl>aid):0I, lot(icl>quantity):0B.@indef) {/unl} he:00) He took a sip of tea. He pressed a couple of buttons. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
qua(quantity) Qua defines the quantity of a thing or unit. A quantity is defined as the relation between: UW1 – a thing, and UW2 – quantity, where: UW2 is the number or amount of UW1. qua (thing, quantity) Two dogs qua(dog(icl>animal), 2) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
pur He applied for a certificate. pur (apply.@entry.@past, certificate.@indef) agt (apply.@entry.@past, he) They have a budget for research. They vote for a scheme. They called for a review. We went for a swim. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
pur(purpose or objective) Pur defines the purpose or objective of an agent of an event or a purpose of a thing that exists. A purpose or objective is defined as the relation between: UW1 – a thing or an event, and UW2 – a thing or an event, where: The UWs are different. When UW1 is an event: UW2 specifies the agent’s purpose or objective, or UW2 specifies the thing (object, state, event, etc.) that the agent desires to attain by carrying out UW1, or When UW1 is not an event: UW2 is what UW1 is to be used for. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
and John and Mary are friends. and :01(Mary, John) aoj (friend.@pl.@entry.@present, :01) She is singing and dancing. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
And(conjunction) And defines a conjunctive relation between concepts. A conjunction is defined as the relation between: UW1 – a concept, and UW2 – another concept, where: The UWs are different, and UW1 and UW2 are seen as grouped together, and what is said of UW1 is also said of UW2. and (uw, uw) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
rsn I am late because of the rain. aoj (late, I) rsn (late, rain) She is famous for her painting. The city is known for its beauty. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Rsn(reason) Rsn defines a reason why an event or a state happens. A reason is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a reason for an event or state, where: UW2 is a reason why UW1 happens. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
gol He gave a book to Mary. gol(give, Mary) agt(give,he) obj(give, book) I deposited five thousand rupees in the bank account. Mary sent a parcel to John. The bank granted me a £500 loan. I was granted permission to visit the palace. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Gol(final state) Gol defines a final state of object or a thing finally associated with the object of an event. A final state is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event, and UW2 – a state or thing, where: UW2 is the specific state describing the obj (of UW1) at the end of UW1, or UW2 is a thing that is associated with the obj (of UW1) and the end of UW1. gol (occur(gol>thing), thing) gol (do(gol>thing), thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
ben She prepared food for John. agt (prepare, she) obj(prepare, food) ben(prepare, John) She cooked chicken for John. John gave a present to Bill for Mary. 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Ben(beneficiary) Ben defines an indirectly related beneficiary or victim of an event or state. A beneficiary is defined as the relation between: UW1 – an event or state, and UW2 – a thing, where: UW2 is thought of as being indirectly affected by UW1, as the beneficiary or victim. ben (occur, thing) ben (do, thing) ben (uw(aoj>thing), thing) 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
THE END Ref: http://www.undl.org/unlsys/index.html 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
Some Examples He liked the sweetness of the cream {unl} obj(like:03.@entry.@past, sweetness(icl>taste):0D.@def) agt(like:03.@entry.@past, he:00) mod(sweetness(icl>taste):0D.@def, cream(icl>class):0U.@def) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
He needs a lot of encouragement {unl} obj(need(icl>necessitate):03.@entry.@past.@present, encouragement(icl>aid):0I) agt(need(icl>necessitate):03.@entry.@past.@present, he:00) qua(encouragement(icl>aid):0I, lot(icl>quantity):0B.@indef) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
He is a kind of missionary {unl} aoj(missionary(icl>teacher):0G.@entry.@present, he:00) mod(missionary(icl>teacher):0G.@entry.@present, kind(icl>-):08.@indef) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
He rejected the claims of mismanagement {unl} obj(reject(icl>judge{>be}(aoj>thing{,obj>thing})):03.@en try.@past, claim(icl>title):0G.@def.@pl) agt(reject(icl>judge{>be}(aoj>thing{,obj>thing})):03.@en try.@past, he:00) mod(claim(icl>title):0G.@def.@pl, mismanagement(icl>act):0Q) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
He took a sip of wine. {unl} obj(take(icl>act{>do}(agt>thing,gol>place,src>place)):03. @entry.@past, wine(icl>drink):0H) agt(take(icl>act{>do}(agt>thing,gol>place,src>place)):03. @entry.@past, he:00) qua(wine(icl>drink):0H, sip(icl>quantity):0A.@indef) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial
He was director of the Academy {unl} aoj(director(icl>administrator):07.@entry.@past, he:00) mod(director(icl>administrator):07.@entry.@past, academy(icl>school):0N.@def) {/unl} 1/5/2020 UNL Tutorial