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Chapters 5 1 st and 2 nd Conjugations Future and Imperfect; Adjectives ending in - er. No more present tense for us!. Today we will learn the IMPERFECT and the FUTURE tenses. More tenses. To show how the IMPERFECT and FUTURE differ from the present the Romans used TENSE SIGNS
Chapters 51stand 2nd Conjugations Future and Imperfect; Adjectives ending in -er
No more present tense for us! • Today we will learn the IMPERFECT and the FUTURE tenses
More tenses • To show how the IMPERFECT and FUTURE differ from the present the Romans used TENSE SIGNS • ‘ba’ in the imperfect • ‘bo,bi,bu’ in the future • The personal endings will be the SAME as those you’ve already learned
Translations • The imperfect tenseindicates and action that has not yet been completed, that is ongoing, habitual or beginning. I kept warning you not to go there. You were calling but not one was there. The BEST translations for the imperfect= was ____ing or used to _______ • The future tense indicates action that will happen in the future • The BEST translation for the future= will ______
Imperfect • To make the imperfect • Step 1: Find your stem (same as we did for present) • Step 2: add the tense marker ‘ba’ • Step 3: add the personal endings • Laudo, laudāre LaudābamI was praising Laudābāmuswe were praising LaudābāsYou were praising Laudābātisyou all were praising LaudābatHe was praising Laudabantthey were praising
Practice! • Conjugate maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum “to remain” in the IMPERFECT tense ManēbamManēbāmus ManēbāsManēbātis ManēbatManēbant
The future • To form the future: • Step 1: find your stem • Step 2: add ‘bo,bi or bu’ • Step 3: add the endings • Laudo, laudāre LaudāboI will praiseLaudābimusWe will praise LaudābisYou will praise LaudābitisYou all will praise LaudābitHe will praise LaudabuntThey will praise
Practice! • Conjugate maneō, manēre, mānsī, mānsum “to remain” in the FUTURE tense ManēboManēbimus ManēbisManēbitis ManēbitManēbunt