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Effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on acid sulfate soils management for Patumthani 1 rice production under water management. Nongkran Maneewan Land Development Department, Thailand. Distribution of acid sulfate soils in Thailand.
Effect of organic and chemical fertilizers on acid sulfate soils management for Patumthani 1 rice production under water management Nongkran Maneewan Land Development Department, Thailand
Distribution of acid sulfate soils in Thailand • Thailand occupied 5.5 million rais or 0.88 million hectares of acid sulfate soils.
Most of area is in the Central plain • Some in the South and the East
Classification of ASS 1. Severely ASS pH<4.0 (jarosite 0-50 cm.) area 870,493 rais (0.139,278 m.ha.)
2. Moderately ASS pH 4.0-4.4 (jarosite 50-100cm.) area 2,211,060 rais(0.353 m.ha.)
3.Slightly ASS pH 4.5-5.0 (jarosite >100cm.) area 2,428,591 rais(0.388m.ha.)
Problems of ASS • low pH(<4.0 -5.0 ) • lack of N P • Al Mn Fe toxicity • low micro organism activities
These soils are suitable for paddy but give the low yield, only 200-300 kg./rai(1.25-1.875 t/hec ) Therefore,managementsof ASS are needed to increase rice yields.
Objectives • study the appropriate rate of chem. fert. • study the appropriate rate of liquid organic fert. and effect of GM • Study the changed of soil properties • To analyze the economic return
RCBD, 7 treats. with 3 reps. • Marl (pH 8.12) was applied and incorporate in soil 7 days before planting. H2SO4+CaCO3 CaSO4 + H2O+CO2
Ayutthaya 499 kg./rai rates of marl for basal application 1123 kg./rai • Okharak • Rangsit 1000 kg./rai
7 Treatments consist of • 0-8-0, 8-8-0 and 12-12-0 N-P2O5-K2O kg./rai (RS and Ay soil series) • 0-0-0, 8-0-0 and 12-0-0 N-P2O5-K2O kg./rai (Ok soil series) • Liquid organic fert. 10 litre/rai • Liquid organic fert. 15 litre/rai • Liquid organic fert. 25 litre/rai
Sesbania rostrata, green manure, was grown and incorporate in soil 10 days before rice planting
chemical fert. was applied 2 times at planting date and 45 days after transplanting and liquid organic fert.was sprayed 3 times at 30 50 and 60 days of rice growth
Result • Factors analysis • GM: N 2.46 % P2O5 0.417% K2O 2.69 % • LOF: -oxin 1.68 mg/l. -giberellin 31.01 mg/l.
Changed of ASS chemical properties • Acidity decreased(higher in pH) • OM. decreased • P2O5 decreased on Ok and Rs • K2O decreased on Ok and Rs
Conclusion 1. Liming is necessary to improve ASS, reduced acidity of soils
2.Fertilizer rates at 8-8-0 N-P2O5-K2O kg./rai (50-50-0 N-P2O5-K2O kg./hec.) gave the highest yields on Rs and Ay soil series.
3. Green manure with liquid organic fert., increase in growth and yield of rice. 4. Water management, Pre-submergence and drainage, reduce soil acidity because sulfuric acid is leached from the soils and.
5.For economic returns, GM with or without LOF gave the highest net incomes on three classes of acid sulfate soils. However, it depends on soil fertility. Therefore, soil analysis is necessary .
commentation 1.On irrigation areas, ASS can get more benefit than rainfed areas 2.Double crops of paddy/year can be done(2-3 crops/year)
3.wet soils prevent sulfuric acid occurring in the soils because of no oxidation. 4. Liming at the rate of LR only 1 time can be useful for 5 years.
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