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DCMS Lite: WMS at an affordable price

DCMS Lite: WMS at an affordable price . OVERVIEW. DCMS LITE is tailor-made for small warehouses and 3PL providers.

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DCMS Lite: WMS at an affordable price

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  1. DCMS Lite: WMS at an affordable price

  2. OVERVIEW • DCMS LITE is tailor-made for small warehouses and 3PL providers. • DCMS LITE allows you to meet customer requirements and increase picking productivity at a very reasonable cost. Say no to extensive IT infrastructure and expensive hardware. Optimize your pick, pack and shipping operations with minimum hassle. • 24*7 IT support available, backed by a team of engineers having more then 20 years of experience in logistics domain.

  3. WHY DCMS LITE • Perfectly suited for 3PL operators and small warehouses that do not want to invest too much on software/hardware infrastructure. • You do not need to bear the expensive processes of a software designed for bigger warehouses. • Capability to add new features and upgrade as your business grows. • Excellent ROI since the setup cost is very low. • No extra skills required, same workforce can be used for daily operations. No need to hire expensive IT professionals.

  4. Features • Import order using a flat file/email/ ERP interface. • Pick Path optimization. • Enforce customer constraints like Single SKU per Box ,min-max pieces, maximum box weight and many more, Customer specific SKU-cases. • Barcode Scanning. • UCC/CCL label printing. • Rich set of order and shipment Reports. • Print Bill of Lading and international invoice summary. • DCMS Inquiry provides you with powerful Google styled searching features. Search for all warehousing entities like carton, pallet, order, SKU etc.

  5. DCMS Lite System Flow Account ERP (Optional) Vendor 1. Import Orders Shipment Confirmation DCMS Lite DCMS Live Reporting 5

  6. DCMS Lite Process Overview

  7. DCMS LITE Process Flow 1. Import Orders from ERP/flat file 2. Print UCC/CCL Labels/ Packing Slip 3. Pick and pack validate Scan To Pallet(optional) 4. Print BOL and ship. Random Box QC 5. Export Shipments to ERP

  8. Import Orders • Orders periodically downloaded to DCMS system from ERP or entered using flat file received from customer. • DCMS Reports available to indicate download status of orders. • Vendors use these reports to ensure that orders have been downloaded. • Customer uses these reports to ensure that vendors are complying.

  9. Pick and Pack Using DCMS Lite UI print UCC and CCL labels for all imported orders. CCL labels contain location numbers to assist pickers. Picker chooses right size carton as suggested on CCL. Pickers will pick SKUs in cartons. CCL will list the SKU, pieces, and the location where the SKU can be found. If the carton is being under picked, the picker must mark the carton with a red sticker/marker. Affixes UCC and CCL labels to the carton and drops them at the QC station. Random QC is performed and then cartons are shipped. Each SKU will be assigned to a location. This location will print on the CCL along with the SKU. Pickers will use this location as a guide to where the SKU is located.

  10. Sample CCL Label Carton Size CCL lists the contents of the box and must be affixed to each box. SKU Pick Location Pieces to pick

  11. Sample UCC Label Shipping Address This label must be affixed to the box. The bar code identifies the box and will be scanned during the close picking process.

  12. Box QC • Box QC (Box Quality Control) is used to randomly check the contents of the box. • When pickers under pick, they are asked to annotate the carton. Box QC must be used for annotated cartons. • Discovered issues will also be corrected here. • Quality check report 110.14 can be used to ensure vendor compliance.

  13. Scan To Pallet • After Box QC is completed, cartons are taken to the palletizing station. • The UCC Label of the carton is scanned and the system helps in palletizing. • All cartons for a single destination will be placed on the same pallet subject to pallet capacity.

  14. Screenshot - Scan To Pallet

  15. 4. Shipping • Shipping is the last process in DC operations. Cartons packed after order processing is shipped to the end customers. • Based on progress of the order, the shipping manager creates a Bill of Lading and ships the order. • All required shipping documents are automatically printed by system.

  16. Screenshot - Shipping

  17. 5. Export Pickslips to ERP • As orders are shipped, DCMS uploads the shipping details to the host ERP. • ERP processes this information for further billing and accounting processes.

  18. Hardware Requirements at Vendor Site • One Windows 2012 Server to run DCMS Lite Software. • Zebra printers for printing UCC Labels • Laser printers for printing Shipping Documents

  19. DCMS Live Reporting • Track Picking Progress of Orders • Answer: Report 110.103 display summary of all orders along with their respective status (Not Started, Under Process, Picked, On Pallet, Shipped). • Monitor Pick/Pack process • Report 110.21 shows details of picking process in terms of pallets and locations; and Report 110.14 helps to track the box quality control process of an order. • Shipping status of orders • Report 110.21 shows details of BOL and DC of an order which can be used for shipping. • Report 110.16 helps to track unshipped boxes by DC/PO/Bucket & estimated cartons and weight. • See the snapshots of these reports in next slides..

  20. Picking Progress per PO for a Specific Customer

  21. Report 110.21: Truck Loading Report. See at a glance which cartons have not yet reached the shipping dock.

  22. Monitor Quality Check Compliance

  23. Report 110.16: lists all PO with no. of boxes for a particular customer, Helps you track the customer order shipment .

  24. Inquiry • DCMS Lite provides a rich set of Inquiry functions. • Floor users can scan any bar code at any time and the system will display all relevant information. • Similar to “Price Check” functionality in super markets.

  25. DCMS LITE easily upgrades to…. • Automatic routing using EDI 753-754 • UPS/fed-ex integration • Guided truck loading • Appointment Scheduling with carrier

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