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Session 25

Session 25. Translation of Passive Sentences From English Into Chinese and Vice Versa 英汉被动句的翻译. 任何语言都有表达被动意义的被动句式。英语 和汉语,作为两种发达的语言,均具有丰富多彩的 被动句式。英语中表被动意义的句子,大多使用被 动语态,其句法结构是主语 + be 的不同形式+动词 过去分词。 请观察下面这个简单句的不同时态和不 同体的被动语态句式: He is asked to make a contribution to the in-

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Session 25

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  1. Session 25 Translation of Passive Sentences From English Into Chinese and Vice Versa 英汉被动句的翻译

  2. 任何语言都有表达被动意义的被动句式。英语 和汉语,作为两种发达的语言,均具有丰富多彩的 被动句式。英语中表被动意义的句子,大多使用被 动语态,其句法结构是主语+ be 的不同形式+动词 过去分词。请观察下面这个简单句的不同时态和不 同体的被动语态句式: He is asked to make a contribution to the in- surance scheme.(一般现在时态) He was asked to …(一般过去时态的被动语 态句式) He will be asked to … (一般将来时态的被动 语态句式) He would be asked to …(过去将来时态的 被动语态句式)

  3. He is being asked to …(现在进行体的被动 语态句式) He was being asked to …(过去进行体的 被动语态句式) He has been asked to … (现在完成体的 被动语态句式) He had been asked to … (过去完成体的 被动语态句式) He will have been asked to …(将来完成体 的被动语态句式) He would have been asked to …(过去将来 完成体的被动语态句式) 英语被动句的使用频率远远高于汉语被动句。 据统计,《新概念英语》New Concept English第

  4. 三册的60篇课文,标题不算,共有1321句,其中 被动句就有311句,占句子总数的24%,即大约四 分之一的句子为被动句。在科技英语中,被动句的 比例则更高。汉语表示被动意义,除了用被动句以 外,更多的是用主动句。英语被动句多,汉语被动 句少,这是英汉两种语言的一个重要差别。这一差 别的原因在于:英语是一种重形式的语言,被动的 意思主要由被动语态这种固定的形式来表达;而汉 语是一种在形式(形态)上呈弱势的语言(刘宓庆, 2001:350),意义上的主动和被动没有固定不变的 形式,其区别主要靠语言各部分意义上的逻辑关系 来确定。如“工作完成了”这句汉语,主题是“工作”, “工作”的状态是已经“完成”了。这两部分意义上的逻 辑关系是动宾关系,即“完成工作”,但汉语不必说

  5. “工作被完成”。本堂课探讨英语和汉语被动句的“工作被完成”。本堂课探讨英语和汉语被动句的 翻译方法。讨论的英汉被动句不仅包括平常所说 的形式明显的被动句,而且还包括那些其谓语动 词或谓语部分含有被动意义的主动句,这类句子 从逻辑意义的视角来看实际上是被动句。 一、英语被动句的翻译 我们知道,在没有必要说出施动者,或者不愿 说出施动者,或者无法说出施动者,或者为了强调 受动者时,英语就用被动语态来表达。相比之下, 汉语虽然也使用被动语态,但它的使用范围不是很 广。在通常情况下,英语被动句可以译成汉语被动 句,也可以译为汉语主动句。究竟做何选择,必须 考虑汉语的表述习惯,从句式、修辞和辅助词语等

  6. 方面多动脑筋,尽最大可能译出原文的被动意义方面多动脑筋,尽最大可能译出原文的被动意义 (孙万彪,2000:106:107)。下面就英语被动 句的常见处理方法作一简单探讨。 1.1 英语被动句译成汉语被动句 总体说来,大多数英语被动句形式上一目了然。 虽然大多数汉语被动句形式上不明显,但形式上明 显的汉语被动句也为数不少。许多汉语被动句是通 过汉语中常用的“主谓被动句式”和“词语手段”来实现 的。所谓“词语手段”,就是使用汉语中通常用来表示 被动意义的标志性词语。汉语被动句除了使用“被”这 个词之外,还使用其他一些词语,如“受”、“遭”、“挨”、 “给”、“让”、“叫”、“由”、“获”、“使”、“把”、“得到”、 “受到”、“遭到”、“予以”、“加以”、“经过”、“为……所” 等等。尽管大多数英语被动句译成汉语的主动句为好,

  7. 但根据汉语表达习惯,许多英语被动句仍应译成但根据汉语表达习惯,许多英语被动句仍应译成 • 相应的汉语被动句。请观察以下实例。 • They are deprived of their rights. 他们被剥夺 • 了权利。 • (2) Any minute we would surely be spotted by • enemy planes flying in and out of the airfield. • 我们随时都会被出入机场的敌机发现。 • (3) If the scheme is approved, work on the project • will start immediately. 如果方案被批准了,工程 • 将即刻动工。 • (4) At the end of the month he was fired for incom- • petence. 由于能力太差月终他就被解雇了。 • (5) When we were first captured, my own reaction • was mainly one of fear and suspicion. 我们刚被

  8. 俘时,我本能的反应主要是又害怕又怀疑。 (6) How long will it be before black and white tele- vision sets are found only in museums? 还要过 多久黑白电视机才会被送进博物馆呢? (7) The dictionaries have been affected with damp. 这些字典受潮了。 (8) The town was destroyed by an earthquake. 这座城镇在一次地震中受到了严重破坏。 (9) He was carefully nursed by Carrie’s mother. 他受到嘉莉母亲的细心护理。 (10) Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world. 我们的对外政策受到全世界 人民的支持。 (11) They were given a hearty welcome. 他们受到

  9. 热烈欢迎。 (12) Those who performed deeds of merit shall be rewarded. 立功者一定受到奖励。 (13) Anyone who leaves litter in these woods shall be prosecuted. 凡在这些树林里乱扔废物者必 将受到指控。 (14) Only those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are bright. 月亮只有受到太阳照 射的部分才是亮的。 (15) He was set upon by two masked men. 他遭到 两个蒙面人的袭击。 (16) Last year the region was visited by the worst drought in 100 years. 去年这个地区遭受了 100年来最严重的旱灾。

  10. (17) A lot of houses were damaged in the earth- quake. 许多房屋在地震中遭到了破坏。 (18) I was seized with sadness as I thought of how the ancient city had been spared during the Second World War and now might be des- troyed by an impending riot. 我想到了这座 古城在第二次世界大战期间幸免遇难、现在 却要遭到即将到来的暴乱的破坏,内心感到 悲伤。 (19) This time he was tipped over by his buddies. 这次他挨了哥儿们一顿揍。 (20) The little boy was criticized three times last week. 这个小男孩上周挨了三次批评。 (21) I started to explain that I could not do my best

  11. since my spectacles had been taken away from me, but she wouldn’t let me finish. 我 开始解释说,我不可能干得最好,因为我的 眼镜已给拿走了,但她不准我讲完。 (22) All the money I had saved was stolen. 我所 有的积蓄都给偷走了。 (23) The crops were washed away by the flood. 庄稼让洪水冲毁了。 (24) The old man was knocked down by a speeding truck. 那位老人是让一辆超速行使的卡车撞倒的。 (25) She was caught in the downpour. 她叫暴雨淋着了。 (26) Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by man. 地球上早期的火肯定是 由大自然引燃的,而不是人类所为。

  12. (27) The three machines can be controlled by a single operator. 这三台机器可以由一人单独 操纵。 (28) Natural light or “white” light is actually made up of many colors. 自然光或者说“白”光,实 际上是由许多颜色组成的。 (29) Most letters from his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital. 大多数他妻子给他的 信件是由医院里的护士念给他听的。 (30) The science fiction has been translated into Chinese by a friend of mine. 那部科幻小说 是由我的一个朋友译成中文的。 (31) The picture was painted by Dufy. 这幅画是 由杜菲画的。

  13. (32) The injured were carried off with RAF helicop- ter. 受伤者是由(英国)皇家空军的直升飞机 运走的。 (33) He was released immediately after Batisth fled from Cuba. 在巴蒂斯塔逃离古巴后,他马上获释。 (34) The application of computers should be paid enough attention to. 计算机的应用应予以足 够的重视。 (35) It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means. 这种事情必须在适当 的时候用适当的手段予以处理。 (36) Problems should be resolved in good time. 问题应该及时加以解决。 (37) Population growth can be controlled if we make up our mind. 如果下定决心,人口增长

  14. 是能够加以控制的。 (38) To separate iron from the impurities the iron ores must be melted. 为了使铁跟杂质分离, 铁矿石必须经过冶炼。 (39) I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所 深深感动,后来我就把它们写在圣诞贺卡上。 (40) Such conduct will be looked down upon by all with a sense of decency. 这种行为将为所有具 有良知的人们所蔑视。 (41) As soon as all the facts have been found out, we can begin to formulate a theory. 一旦所有 的事实为人们所发现,理论即可逐步形成。 (42) All the buildings were destroyed by a big fire.

  15. 所有建筑物均为大火所焚毁。 (43) This new theory has now been adopted by many scientists who are searching for life in outer space. 这一新理论现在已为许多 寻找外层空间生命的科学家所采纳。 (44) But one hundred years later, the Negro is still not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the mana- cles of segregation and the chains of discrimi- nation. 然而100年过去了,黑人依旧没有获得 自由,100年过去了,黑人的生活仍然很悲惨, 为种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的锁链所摧残。 以上44个英语被动句都给翻译成相应的汉语被 动句。所有译句都忠于原文,同时也符合译语习惯,

  16. 读来流畅易懂。带有“被”标志词的被动句较为常见。读来流畅易懂。带有“被”标志词的被动句较为常见。 包含“由”或“让”这两个标志词的被动句也是典型的 汉语被动句式。包含“由”这个标志词的被动句可以 去掉“由”而被动意义不变。如以上的(26)至(32) 的译句都可删除“由”而意义不变。“为······所······”则是 一种十分典型的通常用于书面语的汉语被动句式。 1.2 英语被动句译成汉语主动句 英语被动句使用频繁,处处可见;汉语被动句 则使用不多,较为少见。这是英语和汉语的显著差 异之一,亦是其惯用法之一。因此,英语被动句通 常翻译成汉语主动句。例如: (45) Our plan has been approved by the President of our university.校长批准了我们的计划。 (46) Large quantities of steam are required by mo-

  17. dern industry. 现代工业需要大量蒸汽。 (47) A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics.电子技术提供了一种新的显示时间的方法。 (48) Friction can be reduced and the life of the ma- chine prolonged by lubrication.润滑可以减少 摩擦,延长机器寿命。 (49) The result of the invention of the steam engine was that human power was replaced by mecha- nical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是,机械力代替 了人力。 (50) During twenty years of environmental work that has taken me to eighty countries, I have been constantly struck by the fact that one resource lies at the heart of all life and most livelihoods

  18. for the planet’s citizens. It is water. 我做过20 年环境保护工作,去过80个国家。在此期间, 有一件事不断给我留下深刻的印象:有一种 资源,它是地球居民的生命所系,是地球居民 的生活所依,这就是水。 (51) By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization, but at a cost of over 200 Belgian and French lives. 大战结束 的时候,这个组织拯救了八百人,但那是以二 百多比利时人和法国人的生命为代价的。 (52) The news was passed on by word of mouth. 众口相传就把这则新闻传开了。 (53) To explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again. 为了探测月球的表

  19. 层,人们一次又一次地发射火箭。 (54) Mr. Billings cannot be deterred from his plan. 人们不能阻止比林斯先生实行他的计划。 (55) Copper articles have been used for several thousand years. 人们使用铜器已有数千年了。 (56) The workers were seen repairing the machine. 有人看见工人们在修理机器。 (57) The lecture is considered very important for beginners. 大家认为这讲座对初学者很重要。 (58) Nearly 400 tons of accumulated refuse and dregs were removed altogether in five days. 五天内清洁工运走了近四百吨堆积的垃圾与 渣土。

  20. (59) If you are asked personal questions, you need not answer them. 如果有人问你的私事,你尽 可以不答。 (60) She hadn't been told Bette's other name,or she‘d forgotten it. 人家没告诉过她蓓蒂姓什么, 或者她忘了。 (61) Rivers are controlledby dams. 拦河堤把河流 控制住了。 (62) By the evening the occupation was complete, and the people were chased off the streets by an eight o’clock curfew. 至傍晚,占领已告完 成。八点钟开始的宵禁把人们从街道赶走。 (63) Other forms of energy can be changed to elec- tric energy by generators. 发电机能把其他形式 的能转变为电能。

  21. (64) He was regarded as a Republicanby every- one, even though he had always thought of himself as an “Independent”. 所有人都把他看作 共和党人,尽管他一直认为自己是“无党派人士”。 (65) He has been trying to find a way in which rub- ber could be made hard, nonsticky, and yet elas- tic. 他一直在寻找一种方法,把橡胶做得硬而 不粘,而且还有弹性。 (66) The famous hotel had been practically des- troyed by the big fire. 大火使这著名的旅馆几 乎全部毁灭。 (67) We are kept strong and well by clean air. 洁净 的空气使我们身体健壮。 (68) Their friendship was turned to enmity through

  22. idle gossips. 流言蜚语使他们之间的友谊变成 了怨仇。 在(45)至(52)的译句中,源语被动句的施 动者转为译句的主语,原文的主语转为译句的宾语。 例句(53)至(60)的译句之主语是增加的。译句 中这些增加的主语实际上是原语被动句所省略的逻辑 主语。英语被动句(61)至(65)给译成汉语的“把” 字句,“把”字所管辖的名词是原文的结构主语,原文 中往往由by和with引出的施动者转为译文的主语。 (66)至(68)被译为汉语的“使”字句。上述各个英 语被动句都给翻译成汉语的主动句,虽然译句改变了 原句的语态,但表达的意义与原文一致。显然,上述 各个译句流畅易懂,符合汉语习惯表达法。尤其值得 注意的是,上述有些例句也可翻译成通顺的被动句,

  23. 然而有些例句如果翻译为被动句,尽管可以理解,然而有些例句如果翻译为被动句,尽管可以理解, 但不符合汉语习惯,读来拗口,极不通顺。 1.3 英语被动句译为不带被动标志性词 语但包含被动意义的汉语句子 众所周知,英语主要是形合的语言,汉语则 主要是意合的语言。这是英语和汉语的主要差异 之一,也是这两种语言各自的主要习惯表达法之 一。因此,英语被动句结构一目了然;而不少汉 语被动句则不然。许多汉语句子不带表被动意义 的标志性词语,看上去好像是主动句,但实际上 包含被动意义,这样的汉语句子的被动意义是通 过其主谓成分表达的逻辑意义关系来确定的。例如:

  24. (69) He was assassinated in a theater last night. 他昨晚在一家剧院遇刺身亡。 (70) Roger, you are wanted on the phone. 罗杰, 你有电话。 (71) Solution to the problem was ultimately found. 问题的解决方法终于找到了。 (72) His leg was broken in an accident. 他的腿在 一次事故中折断了。 (73) A new student is kept on probation for one semester. 新学生要见习一个学期。 (74) If you are pushed for time, you had better give it up though it’s your favorite. 如果你时间紧迫, 你就割爱吧。 (75) He has been wedded to translation. 他与翻译 结下了不解之缘。

  25. (76) The happy man cannot be harried. 吉人 自有天相。 (77) The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感,从来没有完 全消除。 (78) This thing must be handled with care. 这东 西必须轻拿轻放。 (79) The laundry has been done and was put in the basket. 衣服已洗好,放在筐里了。 (80) Most trees are denuded of leaves in winter. 大多数树木冬天落叶。

  26. (81) Most of the questions have been settled satis- factorily, and only a few questions of secondary importance remain to be discussed. 多数问题已 圆满解决,只剩下几个次要问题有待讨论。 (82) The Great Hall of the People was built in 1959. 人民大会堂是在1959年修建的。 (83) Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。 (84) The first explosive in the world was made and used in China. 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制作 和使用的。 (85) Bile is introduced into the duodenum by the bile duct. 胆汁是通过胆道进入十二指肠的。 (86) Another source of light is produced by electric

  27. sparks in tubes containing special gases; that is known as fluorescent or cold light. 另一种光源是由电火花在含有特殊气体的 管子中产生的;这种光源叫做荧光或冷光。 (86) Poets are born, but orators are made. 诗人 是天生的,而演说家则是后天造就的。 (87) The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易做出的。 (88) Many documents still remain to be waded through. 许多文件是仍然需要耐心阅读的。 (89) China-ink stains cannot be washed out. 墨 汁斑渍是洗不掉的。 (90) Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.

  28. 彩虹是在阳光透过天空中的小水滴时形成的。 以上各个英语被动例句都给翻译成形式上不明 显的汉语被动句。这些译句没有表被动意义的标志 性词语,好像是主动句,但从逻辑意义上看,实际 上是被动句。其主语都是形式主语或结构上的主语, 因为它们并非是有关行为的执行者,而是有关行为 的接受者。值得注意的是,以上例句(82)至(90) 都给译成带有“是……的”这种结构的汉语句子。因为 “描写事物过程、性质和状态的英语被动句,其表意 功能与系表结构相近”(毛荣贵,2001:121)。这类 描写事物过程、性质和状态的英语被动句有时带有by, with, in, from等引导的短语,有时则没有这样的介词 短语。这类英语被动句译成汉语时,可以采用“是… …的”这种结构。 4、 英语被动句的其他译法

  29. 除了上述几种常用的翻译方法以外,英语 被动句还可以采用别的方法加以翻译。 1.4.1翻译成转换了主语的汉语句子 英语被动句翻译成汉语时,有时可以采用灵 活的翻译法,即从原句中或从其深层概念里挑选 一个适当的名词概念作为译句的主语,代替原句 的主语。例如: (91) English is spoken in Britain, the U. S. and some other countries. 讲英语的国家有英国、 美国和其他一些国家。 (92) The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday. 法庭将在星期三公布调查结果。 (93) Many new opportunities will be opened up in the course of time for those with a university

  30. education. 今后,具有大学文化水平的人将会 获得很多新的就业机会。 (94) It’s crystal clear: what’s been schemed for in his plan is power rather than money. 很清楚, 他这个计划图谋的是权,而不是钱。 (95) My brother was taught shorthand by Mr. Green. 我弟弟的速记是格林先生教的。 (96) Communications satellites are used for inter- national living transmission throughout the world. 全世界都将通信卫星用于国际实况转播。 (97) Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market. 许多人要求建立一个阿拉伯共同市场。

  31. (98) In an adversary spots are soon seen. 对手 的缺点最易发现。 (99) Not too much can or should be read into the percentages. 这些百分比不能说明太多的问题, 也不应利用它们来说明太多的问题。 上述各句的译句之主语都是从原句中挑选出来 的关键词语或合乎逻辑的表达法。所有这些译句非 常通顺,切合汉语表达习惯,而且与原文内容相一致。 1.4.2 译成汉语的无主句 一般说来,除了个别的独词句以外,英语句子 起码应该有主语和谓语(部分)。与此相反,汉语 则有为数不少的无主句。这亦是英语和汉语的主要 差别之一。因此,相当一部分英语被动句给译成汉 语的无主句。例如:

  32. (100) When the anthem had been played, the Congress began. 奏完国歌后,大会开始。 (101) A telephone was fitted up in the pavilion. 亭子里装了一部电话。 (102) Time can always be found to do things one wants to do. 只要想干,总是可以找到时间的。 (103) The last time I went back to my hometown, a big power station was being built there. 上次 我回家时,那儿正在修建一所大发电站。 (104) Helsinki became a flourishing port, and a university was founded at Turku. 霍尔辛基 变成了一个繁荣的港口,在图尔库还建成了 一所大学。 (105) Suddenly a grimy hand was stuck out of the

  33. window. 忽然,从窗户伸进一只肮脏的手。 (106) The complains were not well listened to. 没有很好地倾听这些批评意见。 (107) The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end to. 必须立即终止这种讨厌的噪音。 (108) Attention has been paid to the new mea- sures to prevent corrosion. 已经注意到这些 新的防腐措施。 (109) Many strange new means of transport have been developed in this century. 在本世纪, 发明了许多新奇的交通工具。 (110) Where can you be reached? 在什么地方 可以找到您?(请问您住在什么地方?)

  34. (111) It is suggested that each speaker is allowed five minutes. 建议每位发言者讲话五分钟。 (112) The quality of the products must be guaran- teed. 必须确保产品质量。 以上12个英语被动句都给翻译成汉语的无主句, 十分流畅,准确忠实。如前所说,在没有必要说出 施动者,或者不愿说出施动者,或者无法说出施动 者,或者为了强调受动者时,英语就用被动语态来 表达。在同样的情况下,汉语则使用无主句来表达。英语和汉语各自的这种惯用法特征鲜明,异曲同工。 1.4.3以It为形式主语的一些被动结构的翻译 以It为形式主语的一些被动结构有其固定的表达 法。注意观察以下实例: (113) It is universally accepted that … (人们)普遍认为…… (114) It must be admitted that … 必须承认……

  35. (115) It is generally agreed / recognized that … 人们通常认为…… (116) It is announced (declared, claimed) that … 据称;有人宣称 (117) It is arranged that … 已经商定…… (118) It is sometimes asked that … 人们有时会问…… (119) It is asserted that … 有人主张…… (120) It is assumed that … 假定 / 假设…… (121) It is believed that … 人们认为…… ;有人认为 (123) It has been calculated that … 据计算…… (124) It is generally considered that … 大家认为…… (125) It was so decided that … 就此决定…… (126) It is demonstrated that … 据证实,已经证明 (127) It can not be denied that … 无可否认……

  36. (128) It was estimated that … 据估计…… (129) It is expected that … 人们希望…… (130) It is felt that … 人们感到…… (131) It was found that … 人们发现…… (132) It can be foreseen that … 可以预料…… (133) It is hoped that … (我们)希望…… (134) It has been illustrated that … 据说明 / 据图示…… (135) It is well known that … 大家知道……; 众所周知…… (136) It is learned that … 据闻…… (137) It was made beyond any doubt that … 毫无疑问…… (138) It is mentioned that … 据说…… (139) It should be noted that … 应当指出……

  37. (140) It should/must be pointed out that … 应该/必须指出…… (141) It is predicted that … 据估计……; 预计…… (142) It is proposed that … 有人提议/指出 (143) It has been proved that … 已经证明…… (144) It is recommended that … 有人推荐 (建议)…… (145) It is reported that … 据报…… (146) It is said that … 据说…… (147) It may be safely said that … 可以有 把握地说…… (148) It may be said without fear of exag- geration that … 可以毫不夸张地说……

  38. (149) It will be said that … 有人会说…… (150) It can be clearly seen that … 可以清楚地看到…… (151) It will be seen from this that … 由此可见…… (152) It has been stated that … 有人指出;据称 (153) It is stressed that … 人们强调说;我们强调…… (154) It must be stressed that … 必须着重指出…… (155) It is suggested that … (有人)建议…… (156) It is supposed that … 据推测…… (157) It is taken that … 人们认为……;有人认为…… (158) It was told that … 有人曾经说…… (159) It is thought that … 有人认为…… (160) It is understood that … 人们明白; 大家知道…… 1.4.4 翻译成如下特殊结构的句子 一些含有by词组的英语被动句,可以译成“的

  39. 字结构主语+是……”这样的句子。如: (161) It was suggested by him. 提出这个建议 的是他。 (162) He was questioned by a policeman. 盘问 他的是一个警察。 (163) I was recommended by a teacher. 推荐我 的是一位老师。 (164) The letter was written by a secretary. 写这 封信的是一位秘书。 (165) I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70’s, white-haired, and still beautiful. 接见我的是一位高挑轻盈,满头银发的女人, 她虽然年逾古稀,但神采奕奕,风韵犹存。

  40. 以上探讨的是英语被动语态的句子翻译成 汉语的方法技巧问题,究竟采用何种译法,要 具体情况具体分析。要在符合翻译原则的前提 下,选用恰当的方法和适当的技巧灵活加以处理。 下面谈谈汉语被动句译成英语的方法问题。 Questions for discussion: 1. Why are English passive forms used? 2. How are they normally translated?

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