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Steps to Receiving Teacher Licensure

Steps to Receiving Teacher Licensure. EDUC 580 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOL SPRING 2010. Do you ever feel like this about the teacher licensure process?. Step 1. NCU pre service teachers must make sure all of their test scores ( cbest , orela and praxis) are given to their licensure counselor. Step 2.

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Steps to Receiving Teacher Licensure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steps to Receiving Teacher Licensure EDUC580 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOL SPRING 2010

  2. Do you ever feel like this about the teacher licensure process?

  3. Step 1 • NCU pre service teachers must make sure all of their test scores (cbest, orela and praxis) are given to their licensure counselor.

  4. Step 2 • NCU pre service teachers should navigate to the TSCP website: http//www.tspc.state.or.us

  5. Step 3 • Once to the website NCU pre service teachers need to select the forms option

  6. Step 4 • NCU pre service teachers once to forms need to select either the C1 for a substitute license or C1-I for a teaching license.

  7. Step 5 • NCU pre service teachers should print out instructions.

  8. Step 6 • NCU pre service teachers need to print out either the C-1 or C1-I form depending if they need a substitute license (C1) or if they need a standard teaching license (C1-I). Or

  9. Step 7 • NCU pre service teachers need to select fill out the correct form with all correct information. OR

  10. Step 8 • NCU students need to write a check out for $100 to TSPC. 6/30/2010 TSPC 100.00 One Hundred dollars / no cents Kristin Brenner Teacher Licensure

  11. Step 9 • NCU students need to mail in form with money to TSPC after correctly filled out. OR And 6/30/2010 TSPC 100.00 One hundred dollars/no cents Teacher Licensure Kristin Brenner

  12. Step 10 • NCU students should immediately inform their licensure counselor when they have completed the licensing process. • or visiting knocking on d Just wanted to let you know I have completed the licensure process and submitted the necessary paperwork Licensure Counselor

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