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Day 36: The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

Day 36: The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic. Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 25, 2011 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green. Distribute. Presidential Charts Collect Homework Essay. The New Government. Objective: Students will:

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Day 36: The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic

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  1. Day 36: The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic Baltimore Polytechnic Institute October 25, 2011 A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green

  2. Distribute Presidential Charts Collect Homework Essay

  3. The New Government Objective: Students will: Evaluate to what extent Jefferson contradicted himself once he became the President of the U.S. Explain how Jefferson’s idealistic Revolution of 1800 proved to be more moderate and practical once he began exercising presidential power. Describe the conflicts between Federalists and Republicans over the judiciary and how John Marshall turned the Supreme Court into a bastion of conservative, federalist power to balance the rise of Jeffersonian democracy

  4. 1. Lewis and Clark's expedition through the Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following except a) a rich harvest of scientific observations. b) treaties with several Indian nations. c) geographical knowledge of the previously unknown region. d) a plausible American claim to the Oregon region. e) opening of the West to future exploration and trade. 2. After killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Aaron Burr a) fled to France. b) fled to England. c) was arrested and found guilty of murder. d) was arrested and found innocent of murder. e) plotted to divide the United States. 3. By 1810, the most insistent demand for a declaration of war against Britain came from a) New England merchants. b) the West and South. c) Federalists. d) the middle Atlantic states. e) southern states. 4. The war hawks demanded war with Britain because they wanted to do all of the following except a) wipe out renewed Indian resistance. b) defend American rights. c) gain more territory. d) retaliate for the British burning of Washington, D.C. e) revenge the manhandling of American sailors. 5. Federalists opposed the acquisition of Canada because a) there were too many French there. b) Canadian business would prove too competitive. c) it was too agrarian and would give more votes to the Democratic-Republicans. d) they believed that the Canadians could never become Americanized. e) too many Indians lived there.

  5. Louisiana in the Long View Outcomes of the Louisiana Purchase Ideal of great agrarian republic Precedents for future expansion acquisition of foreign territory acquisition of foreign peoples incorporation into the Union on an equal basis Napoleonic Code still utilized in Louisiana as its legal system

  6. Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery scientific observations knowledge of the Indians maps Aaron Burr Conspiracies Attempted to plot the secession of New England Hamilton exposed the conspiracy and Burr challenged him to a duel Burr tried to secede the western territories but that was exposed.

  7. A Precarious Neutrality Despite his intentions, Jefferson became deeply entangled in the foreign-policy conflicts of the Napoleonic era, leading to a highly unpopular and failed embargo that revived the moribund Federalist Party. Impressment Chesapeake Affair Embargo Act-forbade the export of all goods from the United States Illicit trade ballooned and Jefferson convinced Congress to pass enforcement legislation Non-intercourse Act-trade with all but Britain and France

  8. Macon’s Bill No. 2 The U.S. Congress would restore its embargo against France or Britain, whoever did not repeal its commercial restrictions. Napoleon played on the same promise with Britain Napoleon wanted the US to keep its embargo against Britain-Why? Madison thought the British would repeal their Orders in Council rather than see the US trade with France

  9. Native American Unrest War Hawks in Congress-late 1811 Many from the South and West Upset with: Impressments British Orders in Council Indian threat to pioneer settlers Tecumseh & Tenskwatawa never to cede land to whites unless all Indians agreed Scalp buyers in Canada nourishing Indians’ growing strength Fall 1811-Battle of Tippecanoe William Henry Harrison marched to Tecumseh’s headquarters and were soundly beaten

  10. Mr. Madison’s War British arming of hostile Indians Whoops of the war hawks On to Canada Madison turned to war to restore confidence in the republican experiment-Why? June 1, 1812-Madison asks for war Split in the voting House:79-49 for war Senate: 19-13 for war Explain why New England opposed the war for a free sea?

  11. Cooperative learning There is time to complete the presidential election charts, and begin work on the decades chart for the 1800’s.

  12. Homework Read Chapter 12 Charts/Charts/Charts

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