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Nuclear Waste Transportations from Germany to Russia. and some other issues… Ecodefense! www.antiatom.ru idc.moscow@gmail.com. Presentation. Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride (UF 6 ) – Hazardous Waste UF 6 Transportations from Germany to Russia Campaign Against Nuclear Transportations.
Nuclear Waste Transportations from Germany to Russia and some other issues… Ecodefense! www.antiatom.ru idc.moscow@gmail.com
Presentation • Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride (UF6) – Hazardous Waste • UF6 Transportations from Germany to Russia • Campaign Against Nuclear Transportations Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 - Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride – Uranium Tails What happens at Gronau? Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 - Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride – Uranium TailsWhat happens at Gronau? Almelo, April 28, 2007
Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride (UF6) – Hazardous Waste • Radioactive (238U and 235U - α and γ-radiation) • Chemical hazard (UF6 + H2O HF, UO2F2) • HF ia a strong acid • U acts as a heavy metal poison, accomulates in bone, replacing Ca • UO2F2 (Uranyl fluoride) easily absorbed into the blood • Fluorine contamination of water and soil Almelo, April 28, 2007
Depleted Uranium Hexofluoride (UF6) – Hazardous Waste It is clear that sudden release of large quantities of uranium hexafluoride if windborne could conceivably cause large numbers of casualities. In theory, such an occurance could in certain weather conditions produce lethal concentrations in places 20 miles (32 km) from the point of release. A. Price (1978), BNFL, England Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 Transportations - Railway Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 Transportations - Railway Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 Transportations from Germany to Russia • Place of origin: URENCO Deutschland GmbH, Gronau, NRW • Targets: • Novouralsk • Seversk • Zelenogorsk • Angarsk Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 Transportations from Germany to Russia Almelo, April 28, 2007
Risks during transportation of radioactive waste to Russia • Railroad accidents • Terrorists attack • Lack of appropriate guarding (According to nuclear industry, U-tails doesn’t need the guarding at all) Almelo, April 28, 2007
Closed cities Almelo, April 28, 2007
Closed cities Almelo, April 28, 2007
Closed cities Almelo, April 28, 2007
Closed cities • Lack of information • Lack of public control • Lack of democracy Almelo, April 28, 2007
What happens in Russia According to 2007 report by Peter Diehl, during last several years Urenco sends to Russia U-tails depleted down to 0,224%. In that case, Russia does not re-enrich the tails for Urenco. Almelo, April 28, 2007
What happens in Russia According to 2007 report by Peter Diehl, during last several years Urenco sends to Russia U-tails depleted down to 0,224%. In that case, Russia does not re-enrich the tails for Urenco. Almelo, April 28, 2007
Storage – steel containers, 10-12 tons Almelo, April 28, 2007
Storage: Open air fields Almelo, April 28, 2007
Storage: Open air fields Almelo, April 28, 2007
Risks during storage of U-tails in Russia • Conventional fire • Container corrosion • Terrorists attack • Plane crash Almelo, April 28, 2007
Why Urenco is sending radioactive waste to Russia? • Price of disposal in Germany/EU is too high • If radioactive waste will be disposed within the EU borders, the price of Urenco’ production may become 5 times more expensive • Russia doesn’t charge for disposal of waste Almelo, April 28, 2007
Why Russia accepts radioactive waste? • Art. 49 of the Law on environmental protection forbids the import of radioactive waste. But corruption allows nuclear industry to continue that business. • Russian nuclear industry has large enrichment facilities which aren’t used. Almelo, April 28, 2007
Hazardous effects Almelo, April 28, 2007
Campaign Against Nuclear Transportations • Nuclear Transportations Report, Fall 2004 • Anti-nuclear Camp at Novouralsk, August 2005 • Rallies in front of Consulate and Embassy • Round Table in St.Petersburg, June 2006 • Camp in Seversk, July 2006 • Rally in Gronau, Nov 2006 • Rally in Irkutsk, Dec 2006 • Strafanzeige, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Campaign Against Nuclear Transportations A report “Nuclear waste import: minimal profit, maximal waste”. Vladimir Slivjak, Peter Diehl, Ecodefense, Moscow, 2004. The first disclosure of the problem. Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in Ekaterinburg, 2005 Urals is not Nuclear Dump; Foreign Uranium – Dirty Urals. Almelo, April 28, 2007
Camp in Seversk, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in Tomsk, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in Tomsk, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in Tomsk, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in Tomsk, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Presentation of report in Tomsk • July 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Press-conference and protests in Ekaterinburg attracted all kinds of media which delivered anti-nuclear message to over a million of people Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in front of German Embassy in Moscow, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in front of German Embassy in Moscow Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in front of German Embassy in Moscow Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in front of Urenco in Gronau, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Rally in front of Urenco in Gronau, 2006 Almelo, April 28, 2007
Strafanzeige gegen Urenco Deutschland GmbH und unbekannt • Was filed to the Prosecutor in Münster in November 2006 • Accusation – illegal nuclear waste export • Investigation is taking place • The Prosecutor was going to close the case, but we provided additional evidences • The Prosecutor refused to meet Almelo, April 28, 2007
UF6 transportations via St.Petersburg Андрей Ожаровский, <Экозащита!>, Россия
Антиядерное сопротивление Архангельск-Северодвинск 2007. Акция против строительства плавучей АЭС. Символическое «решение» проблемы ядерных отходов!
Антиядерное сопротивление Ростов-на-Дону, март 2007. Пикет против строительства второго реактора на Волгодонской АЭС.
Антиядерное сопротивление Москва, февраль 2007. Блокада главного входа в здание Федерального агентства по атомной энергии.
Антиядерное сопротивление Москва, февраль 2007. Блокада главного входа в здание Федерального агентства по атомной энергии. Участвуют представители 12 городов.
Антиядерное сопротивление Блокада посольства ФРГ в Москве в знак протеста ввозу ядерных отходов. Акции проходили (и проходят) также в СПб и Екатеринбурге
Антиядерное сопротивление Ангарск-Иркутск, июль-август, 2007. Лагерь протеста против планов создания Международного центра по обогащению урана в Ангарске.
Антиядерное сопротивление Ангарск-Иркутск, июль-август, 2007. Лагерь протеста против планов создания Международного центра по обогащению урана в Ангарске.
Антиядерное сопротивление Ангарск-Иркутск, июль-август, 2007. Лагерь протеста против планов создания Международного центра по обогащению урана в Ангарске. Насилие со стороны милиции – к сожалению не редкость.