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The Five-fold Ministry Gifts. Introduction A . The ultimate goal of all ministry is to help the be- lievers grow in the image of Christ. B. The purpose of the five-fold ministry gifts is: 1. for the maturing of the saints, 2. for the work of the ministry,
The Five-fold Ministry Gifts Introduction A. The ultimate goal of all ministry is to help the be- lievers grow in the image of Christ. B. The purpose of the five-fold ministry gifts is: 1. for the maturing of the saints, 2. for the work of the ministry, 3. for the building up of the Body of Christ. C. Jesus gave the ministry gifts to the Church until He returns for the Church. D. A person will know a Divine call by a conviction in their own spirit and a witness in their own heart. 1. A person cannot make him/herself a ministry gift. 2. The anointing is the evidence of a Divine call.
Ministry Gifts E. The ministry gifts came and come from Christ where He sits on the right hand of the throne of God. Jesus gave the first ministry gifts when He ascended to Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. F. The ministry gifts are people who are called of God. 1. Philip is called an evangelist. 2. Peter is called an apostle. 3. Paul is called a prophet, teacher, and an apostle. G. God equips His ministry gifts with spiritual gifts (supernatu- ral gifts). These spiritual gifts are listed in 1 Cor. 12:8-10 as the nine gifts of the Spirit: 1. Word of Wisdom 2. Word of Knowledge The Revelation Gifts 3. Discerning of Spirits (They reveal something)
Ministry Gifts 4. Prophecy 5. Divers Kind of Tongues The Utterance Gifts 6. Interpretation of Tongues (They say something) 7. Faith 8. Gifts of Healing The Power Gifts 9. Working of Miracles (They do something) H. Ministry gifts consist not in name (tithes), but in power! I. Jesus Christ is Head of the Church and therefore He has lordship over the entire ministry.
Ministry Gifts J. FAITHFULNESS TO THE CALL requires: 1. Study [2 Tim. 2:15] Preparation time is never lost time. 2. Dedication 3. Consecration – To be set apart for God’s service [Romans 12:1; 2 Timothy 2:21]. 4. Submission to the will of God. 5. Integrity 6. Development, maturity, and growth 7. The sum of these is character. K. The Fivefold Ministry Gifts 1. 1 Corinthians 12:28 2. Ephesians 4:11 3. Hebrews 3:1
The Hands Ministry • The Apostle (Governing) A. The Greek word for apostle is apostolos. It means one sent forth; a sent one [John 20:21]. B. An apostle is one with a commission. C. The signs of an apostle [2 Corinthians 12:12] 1. signs 2. wonders 3. mighty deeds D. An apostle must have a deep, personal relationship with the Lord that is beyond the ordinary [Galatians 1:13-24, 2:1-2]. E. The apostle’s ministry seems to embrace all other ministry gifts. F. The distinguishing result is the ability to establish chruches. G. A missionary who is really called by God and sent by the Holy Ghost is an apostle.
The Hands Ministry H. There are FOUR CLASSES OF APOSTLES: 1. Jesus – The Apostle of our Profession [Hebrews 3:1] 2. The Apostles of the Lamb [Acts 1:21-22; Rev. 21:14] 3. New Testament Apostles a. Paul [Acts 14:14] b. Andronicus and Junia [Romans 16:7] c. Silvanus and Timothy [1 Thess. 1:1, 2:6] 4. Apostles of Today – Marks of an apostle of today: a. Outstanding spiritual gifts b. Deep personal experience c. Power and ability to build churches d. Able to provide adequate spiritual leadership
The Hands Ministry • The Prophet (Guiding) A. It is totally unscriptural under the New Testament to seek guidance through the ministry of the prophet [Rom. 8:14]. B. A prophet speaks an immediate revelation given at the spur of the moment, by sudden inspiration of God (by direct Divine inspiration). C. To stand in the office of a prophet, one must: 1. Be a minister of the Gospel, separated, called, anointed, and appointed by Christ Jesus. 2. Have a consistent manifestation of at least two of the revelation gifts, plus prophecy: a. Word of Wisdom b. Word of Knowledge At least two of the c. Discerning of Spirits gifts plus prophecy
The Hands Ministry 3. Have visions and revelations. Three types of visions common to this office are: a. Spiritual Visions – A person has a vision in his spirit, or sees in his spirit. This is the lowest type. b. Trance – When one falls into a trance, his phy- sicalsenses are suspended for the moment [Acts 10:10-11, 22:17-18] c. Open Vision – A person’s physical senses are not suspended. His physical eyes are not closed and he sees into the realm of the spirit. This is the highest type of vision [Rev. 1:9-18]. D. The healing ministry accompanies the prophet’s office.
The Hands Ministry E. NOTE: 1. The prophets in the Old Testament were called “seers” – they would see and know things supernaturally. 2. There are no prophets among the laity. 3. The simple gift of prophecy does not make one a prophet [Acts 21:8-9]. 4. The simple gift of prophecy speaks unto men edifica- tion, exhortation, and comfort, according to 1 Cor. 14:3. 5. Sometimes the prophet operates in the place of a foreteller (one who predicts or tells something before- hand). a. Agabusforetold a drought [Acts 11:28] b. Agabusforetold what would happen to Paul [Acts 21:10-11]
The Hands Ministry • The Evangelist (Gatherings) A. An evangelist is one who brings the Evangel (The Good News). He or she is a messenger o good tidings. 1. An evangelist brings the message of the redeeming grace of God. 2. The evangelist’s favorite theme is salvation in its sim- plest form. 3. The only New Testament example of an evangelist is Philip. He had one message – Jesus Christ [Acts 8:5, 35]. B. The supernatural equipment that accompanies the evange- list are (1) miracles; (2) gifts of healing. C. The marks of true evangelism are: 1. Supernatural advertisement [Acts 8:6] 2. Must preach the Word [Acts 8:12, 35] 3. Individual decision – The ability to supernaturally get a person or people to choose Christ [Acts 8:36-37]. 4. A need to be complemented by other ministry gifts.
The Hands Ministry • Pastor (Guarding) A. The Greek word for pastor is translated shepherd. B. Jesus is the Great Shepherd – the Chief Shepherd of all God’s sheep [1 Peter 5:2-3]. C. Jesus has undershepherds. A pastor is an undershepherd of God’s sheep [1 Peter 5:2-3] D. The pastor has oversight of the flock (the ability to govern). 1. The Greek word episkopos is translated overseer [Acts 20:28]. 2. The Greek word episkopos is translated bishop (an elder; a mature person who rules and teaches [1 Tim. 3:1]). E. Must be able to teach God’s Word [1 Tim. 3:2]. F. Not greedy or after money as a motive for serving God [1 Peter 5:2; 1Tim. 3:3].
The Hands Ministry G. Not a novice (beginner [1 Tim. 3:6, 5:17]). H. The office of the pastor is one of the most important offices. 1. Without this office, all other ministry is practically in vain. 2. This office is given the most instruction in the NT than any other office. 3. There is no higher, more respected, more needed office, that God could call one to than the office of pastor. I. It is the Holy Ghost Who makes men overseers, not man! J. God has supernatural equipment – the Gifts of the Spirit – for the pastor. Especially: 1. Word of Wisdom 2. Word of Knowledge 3. Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues K. The most outstanding characteristic of the pastor is a “shepherd’s heart.”
The Hand Ministry • The Teacher (Grounding) A. Teachers and teaching is well defined in the NT. B. It is the only ministry gift listed by name in all three lists of ministry gifts: 1. Ephesians 4:11 2. 1 Corinthians 12:28-29 3. Romans 12:4-7 C. One can stand in the combination of teacher and any other ministry gift office: 1. prophet and teacher 2. pastor and teacher 3. Acts 13:1 D. Teacher without any other calling usually goes from place to place. E. It is a Divine gift [Romans 12:4].
The Hands Ministry F. The teaching ministry requires a Divine gift – a Divine endowment or empowerment to teach. G. No teaching ministry in the power of the Holy Ghost is dry! It will convey rivers of living water [1 Cor. 3:6-9]. H. Divisions can be caused by unbelief and hardness of heart, even when teaching is in the power of the Spirit [John 6:66]. I. A true teacher will shun causing divisions, but will notcompro- mise the doctrine of Christ [Hebrews 6:1-2]. J. The purpose of this gift is to “build-up” the Body of Christ. K. Teachers should always be ready and open to receive fresh glimpse’s of the truth [REVELATION MARK’S A TEACHER’S MINISTRY!]