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Top 5 Aspects that Will Define Digital Marketing in 2020

Digital Marketing in Dubai is on the rise. Driven by a tech-savvy population of consumers who opt for online shopping due to competitive prices and convenience, the e-commerce market in the UAE is set to reach AED 40 million by close of 2018. This growth is fueling demand for digital marketing services as businesses turn to online platforms to sustain growth. Increasing online competition is also pushing businesses to digital marketing solutions to match their rivals. For more information https://www.digitalmediasapiens.com/

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Top 5 Aspects that Will Define Digital Marketing in 2020

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  1. TOP 5 ASPECTS THATWILL DEFINE DIGITAL MARKETING IN2020 https://www.digitalmediasapiens.com/

  2. 1. DIGITAL MARKETING COMPANIES AS CONNECTORS Brandswillbeseekingtoconnectwiththeiraudiencesand marketingcompanieswillbetheplatformsthatbringthem together.Greatdigitalmarketingcompanieswillbethosethat serveasproductcompaniesandnotasservicecompanies. Productcompanieswillinnovatefastandwitheveryiteration, providevalue.

  3. 2. WIDE APPLICATION OFARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE By 2020, wide integration of artificial intelligence in digital marketingwillbewitnessed.Artificialintelligencewillbeusedto optimize voice search on company websites to complement the conventionaltext-basedsearch.Businesseswillupgradelivechats ontheirwebsitestochat-botspoweredbyartificialintelligenceto improve customer experience and differentiate them from competitors.

  4. 3. INCREASED USE OFVIDEOS By2020,companieswillfocusmoreongeneratingvideo contentbasedoncustomerinputs,notthebrand. digital marketingagency willhelpturncustomerfeedbackandexperiencesinto marketingcontentthatcanbeshareddigitallyusing videos.

  5. 4. DATADRIVEN MARKETING By2020,digitalmarketingwillbedrivenbydataascompanies focusonbuildingbrandloyalty.Mappingcustomerneedswill beanintegralpartofimprovingcustomercommunicationand experience.Inthecomingyears,digitalmarketingcompanies willusecustomerfeedbackanddatatocreatemarketingtools likewebsitesforspecificaudiences.

  6. 5. DEMAND FORAUTHENTIC, TRANSPARENTMARKETING Customerswillexpectmoreinformationaboutproductor servicequality.Assuch,companieswillhavetobemore authentic,transparentandwillbeexpectedtoprioritize customerneeds.

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