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E-News. Published by the JH E-News Journalists. Evergreen Christian School 12-13-12. Devotion (1). Verse: Luke 2:7 ‘’She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in clothes and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.’’
E-News Published by the JH E-News Journalists Evergreen Christian School 12-13-12
Devotion (1) • Verse: Luke 2:7 • ‘’She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in clothes and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.’’ • Because Christmas is right around the corner, we should remember the true meaning of Christmas. Of course, it is fun to get presents and eat good food, but it is about Jesus. Jesus came to the earth as a baby, was born in a stable, and died on a cross for OUR sins. He truly loves us more than we could ever imagine. He could have come as an earthly king and ruled over all the sinners. He could have had someone else die for the sins of the world. He did not, though, because he loves us.
Devotion (2) • He came in so quietly, in a humble little stable to be born. The first place baby Jesus lay his head was in a dirty manger. • So, this Christmas remember the true meaning. Thank Jesus for all he did, and how he has blessed you. • HaveAVery MerryChristmas! By, Isabelle May
Upcoming Events Upcoming events Christmas Program Today on Upcoming Events, we will be discussing the Christmas Program, which is scheduled on December 13th, from 6:00 pm-7:00pm. Music, choir, and handbells teacher, Ms. Thompson, and band and orchestra teacher, Mrs. Berets, have both been working very hard to prepare their students for this wonderful event. Most parents and teachers aren’t completely informed on the performance music yet, but we can guarantee that it will touch the hearts of all who attend. Thank you for reading Upcoming Events, and make sure to check back next week!
Comics Brotherly Love (1)
Comics Brotherly Love (2)
Comics Brotherly Love (3)
Birthdays Birthdays in December! Madi B. December 9th Shelby L. December 22nd Ashley A. December 2nd Grace H. December 14th Jack K. December 17th Brandon M. December 9th If you want your birthday in the next E-News, email Mrs. VandeKieft at lynette@esconline.cc.
Sports • Good Passes: Logan Wood to Aidan Short, which led them to score • Highest Scorers: Logan Wood, Ethan W., and Connor G. had lots of rebounds • Strengths in the game: Very good rebounding • Interviewed: Logan Wood and Hailey Sanne’ Score!! 44-14Concordia Lutheran vs. ECS
Campus Interviews Interviewing Miss Thompson (1)By: Madelyn Campbell Q. Why did you want to become the choir teacher at ECS? A. “I loved choir and loved to sing, and my choir teacher had a big impact on my life.” Q. Is it difficult to put on a concert? Why? A. “It can be because all of the grades have a lot to memorize.”
Campus Interviews Interviewing Miss Thompson (2)By: Madelyn Campbell Q.What is your favorite thing about teaching at ECS? A. “The concerts because that’s when you get to see all of your hard work and the kids’ hard work.” Q. What is your favorite type of music? Why? A. “Jazz, because it is the most fun to sing.” Q. Which is harder to teach, elementary or JH? Why? A. “Elementary, because I have to prepare and plan for so many different grade levels.”
Find the words below in the Christmas puzzle Word Search
Is your favorite subject History, English, or Math? Math: 18 History: 22 English: 12 Survey
Jokes What did the stamp say to the envelope? Stick with me, and we’ll go places! Where do tough chickens come from? Hard-boiled eggs! Why did the piglets not want to hang out with their father? ‘Cause he was a boar! Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove he wasn’t a chicken! What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede? A walkie - talkie!
Local News Local News • People of the ECS community, there is a rare orange and black butterfly called the monarch. When you’re out walking around, look towards the milkweed and nectar. Some people wonder how the monarch knows where to go to migrate. Something interesting is that they look to the sun to know when to go. A monarch weighs an average of ½ a gram, .27 to .75. the monarch is less than 1 cm to 5 cm.