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EPIDEMIOLOGY AND GENETICS OF ALZHEIMER´S DISEASE. Jana Povova, Omar Sery, Hana Tomaskova, Petr Ambroz, Anna Pohlidalova, Vladimir Janout Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Ostrava, Czech Republic Department of Biochemistry, Brno, Czech Republic. INTRODUCTION.
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND GENETICS OF ALZHEIMER´S DISEASE Jana Povova, Omar Sery, Hana Tomaskova, Petr Ambroz, Anna Pohlidalova, Vladimir Janout Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Ostrava, Czech Republic Department of Biochemistry, Brno, Czech Republic
INTRODUCTION • Itisgenerallyacceptedthat Alzheimer´s disease (AD) isthe most frequentformofdementia. • Etiology of AD isstillunknown and there are threehypotheses, what risk factors are responsiblefordevelopmentofthedisease: - vascular risk factors - genetic risk factors - behavioral risk factors
EPIDEMIOLOGY • Fromdifferentreasonsthere are no exact data aboutthe incidence and prevalence of AD - no compulsorynotification - difficult to distinguishbetweendifferent formsofdementia - no exactdiagnostic test • There are mostlyonlyestimatesofreal incidence or prevalence … in theCzechRepublic 120 000 casesof AD notified
STUDY • Since 2010 wehavebeenperforminganepidemiological study to assesstheimportanceofselected risk factorsfromvascular and geneticfields. • Theaimofthe study is to recruit 800 casesof AD and 800 controls. • In thispaperwe report somepreliminaryresultsfromanalysesof 394 cases and 287 controls.
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA • CASES - MMSE < 24 - slowdevelopmentofcognitiveimpairment - otherformsofdementiaexcluded (CT exam.) • CONTROLS - MMSE > 28 - samegenderandage (± 5 years)
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA • Recruitment: 394 Cases 130 Controls • Gender: 79 % females 76 % females • Age (average) 79 73 • 96,7 % of cases with late onset (after 65 years) • Education: in group of cases 49 % elementary,72 % lower than high school in group of controls 36 % high school • Clinical course: in 85 % slow
GENETICS • We start withfocusing on genes: - Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) - Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) • Gene forApoEisfound on chromosome 19q13.2 and has 3 major alleles 2,3,4. • It has 6 genotypesdepending on combinationof these threealleles. • Theallele 4 istheonlyconfirmedgeneticfactorcontributing to both early and lateonsetof AD.
GENETICS • ACE gene islocated on the chromosome 17q23 and has 2 major alleles I and D. • It has 3 genotypes depending on combination of these two alleles. • Itwasreportedthatthe ID and II genotypes are associatedwiththe risk of AD (DD genotype isconsidered as neuroprotective).
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) • ApoE4 allelesignificantlyincreasethe risk of AD. (OR 2,52; 95% CI 1,832-3,482) • In bothfilesthe genotype E3/E3 was most frequent (cases 47 % andcontrols 60 %) • Thefrequencyof genotype E4/E4 was in cases 3 %, in controls 0,3 % only.
Genotypes ACE • Allele I increases risk of AD (OR 1,08; 95% CI 0,87 – 1,34) but so far difference is not significant. • In both files the genotype ID was most frequent – cases 49 % and controls 57 %. • Genotype II was in cases in 22 % and in controls in 17 % (marginal significant difference – OR 1,43 95% CI 0,97-2,12)
Conclusions – vascular risk factors • In patientswith AD were CVD more often in theirhistorycompare to controlsbutthedifferencewas not significant. • Diabetes, strokeandhypertensionwereinverselyrelated to AD whatiscontrary to somepublishedresults. • In case ofhypertensiontheinversaldifferencewasstatisticalysignificant. Thesamefindingwaspublished by someotherresearchers.
Conclusions – genetic risk factors • Relationship between ApoE4 allele and AD was confirmed in presented paper with high statistical significance, what make it possible diagnostic marker for AD. • In ACE gene was only marginal reliance of alelle I presence and higher risk of AD development.