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outlet. N. A: 120 ft –Stabilize. Figure 3: Plan View all dimensions are approximate scale: approx.60 ft /in. B: 130 ft – Stabilize. C: 30 ft - Stabilize. E: 80 ft - Open. D: 50 ft - Open. creek. parking lot. G: 50 ft - Stabilize. F: 50 ft - Stabilize. sidewalks.
outlet N A: 120 ft –Stabilize Figure 3: Plan View all dimensions are approximate scale: approx.60 ft /in B: 130 ft – Stabilize C: 30 ft - Stabilize E: 80 ft - Open D: 50 ft - Open creek parking lot G: 50 ft - Stabilize F: 50 ft - Stabilize sidewalks I: 55 ft - Stabilize H: 50 ft -Stabilize campground road
Staked erosion blanket to cover newly graded surface Figure 4: Typical Bank Cross-Section all dimensions are approximate plant slopes with native grass, shrubs and trees set second gabion back ~ 9 in cut slopes back to 3H:1V if possible (otherwise 2H:1V) > 2:1 creek finish slope to outward end of gabions bed ~ 5 ft Two (2) ~3 ft x 3 ft x 6 ft (H x W x L) galvanized gabions, rotated minimum of 6. Fill with 4 to 8 in stone. excavate gabion ~ 2 ft below bed filter cloth placed under, on top of and behind gabions
Figure 5: Examples of Shrub Placement in or on Gabions Shrubs to be planted 2 per stack of 6-foot long gabions (see detail) slope creek bed Shrub Planting Detail (view from creek or bank) 2’ 2’ 2’ Ball-stock shrubs (w/ root ball included) Gabions http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/unpavedroads/ch5.pdf
Figure 6: Vegetation Details refer to Figures 3 and 8 for location All dimensions are approximate. Shrub and tree placement shown is not exact - for figurative purposes only.Shrubs can be live stakes or balled stock (root ball included). See notes for more planting information. Typical Vegetative Buffer – “Open” Typical Vegetative Buffer – “Stabilize” Erosion mat over entire buffer 12-18 ft 12-18 ft Erosion mat over entire buffer creek creek NO gabions Plant native grasses and forbs only shrub density: ~ 1 shrub per 3-5 sq. ft creek trees Native grasses and forbs intermixed among shrubs and trees (hatching not shown) creek shrubs grasses & forbs gabions scale: approx. 25 ft /in
outlet A Figure 7: Plan View with Improvements see Figures 6 and 7 for details on sections A, B, C, D, and E scale: approx.60 ft /in B C E D creek parking lot G trees F sidewalks shrubs I H campground road
NOTES: • Bank planting & grading areas should be kept to a maximum12-foot width near sidewalks (Areas E and F). • Bank slopes shall be graded to 3H:1V where possible, otherwise 2H:1V. • If sediments from the creek bed are mechanically removed as part of regular park maintenance, ensure that 2 feet of bed cover remains next to the bottom of the gabions to keep them in place. • GABIONS: • Nearest supplier of Macaferri gabions is CSI Geoturf – Contact: David Ringle. • Phone: (231)943-4002 • 657 W. Blue Star Drive, Traverse City, Michigan 49684 • Technical support and CAD drawings (sometimes for free for public projects): • Macaferri Gabions • Ken Hughes/Tersea Lynch 2351 Versailles Rd., Ste. 302 Lexington, KY 40504 • E-Mail: koffice@maccaferri-usa.com Telephone: 859.255.1343 • See attached Macaferri specification sheet for gabions sizing and installation information. • See attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers document SR-22, Gabions for Streambank Erosion Control for installation recommendations. • Cost provided for gabions is for galvanized gabions only (not PVC-coated). Cost includes shipping and enough wire for gabion assembly. Can also purchase “hog rings” for connection that can be easier to use/install- additional cost for 90 gabions ~ $700.00. • GRASSES: • A suggested mesic (tolerant to dry and wet conditions) seed mix is attached. This seed mix has been provided by Borealis Seed Co., Marquette, MI. (906) 226-8507. • Suggested application rate = 1 lb/3,000 sq.ft. Plant throughout vegetated area.
NOTES (continued): • SHRUBS: • Suggested species of shrubs: • red-osier dogwood (Cornusstolonifera) • ninebark (Physocarpusopulifolius) • upland willow (Salix humilis) • pussy willow (Salix discolor) • *Shrubs planted on top of gabions should be balled stock for best establishment. Shrubs planted on bank can be balled stock or live stakes. Live stakes are less expensive, but balled stock establishes more quickly. Also live stakes look, initially less visually appealing. • TREES: • Suggested species of trees: • red maple (Acer rubrum) • quaking aspen (Populustremuloides) • white or paper birch (Betulapapyrifera) • EROSION BLANKET & STAKES: • Curlex HV (High Velocity) Straw/Coconut mat or similar is recommended. www.curlex.com. • 6” wire stakes are recommended for fastening to bank. See manufacturer instructions for proper installation. • Erosion blanket to be installed and secured after seeding and fertilization. • Suppliers of Trees, Shrubs and Erosion Mat: • Lake Superior Tree Farm, Chassell,MI, 906-523-6200 (Contact: David Crouch) • Great Lakes Nursery, Watervliet, MI, 269-468-3323, www.greatlakesnurseryco.com/ • Cold Stream Nursery, Free Soil, MI, 231-464-5809, www.coldstreamfarm.net/ • Engels Nursery, Fennville, MI, 296-543-4123, www.engelsnursery.com/ • *Follow vegetation supplier instructions for planting, fertilization and care. • Fertilizer should be applied to bank area when planting vegetation. 3/10/10 fertilizer is recommended. Slow-release fertilizers are not recommended. Follow manufacturer application instructions closely.