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The Nerd

The Nerd. The typical Nerd just tagged along, Annoying the others with his squeaky high voice as he sung a song. He is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet, And he always keeps his hair slicked back and neat. His pants may be pulled up with suspenders high above his waist,

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The Nerd

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Nerd The typical Nerd just tagged along, Annoying the others with his squeaky high voice as he sung a song. He is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet, And he always keeps his hair slicked back and neat. His pants may be pulled up with suspenders high above his waist, But if you took his big glasses off you could see is acne filled face. As a Nerd he is very smart, And is always sincere when it comes to someone's heart. He offers up his intelligence to others for cash, So he makes good money but without getting his head bashed. From his head to his toes he looks like a nerd, But on the inside he is wild like a free bird. Stylish is not what you would call the outfits he wears, From his golf shirts to his pleather shoes, of which he has three pairs. Though he may look odd on the exterior, He is one of the best guys you will ever meet once you get to know his interior.

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