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Dublin, August 20 12. The 2011 Pobal HP Deprivation Index for Small Areas (SA) Conceptual Underpinnings. The Purpose of Composite Deprivation Indices. It is difficult to simultaneously comprehend the spatial distribution of multiple indicators at multiple points in time
Dublin, August 2012 The 2011 Pobal HP Deprivation Index for Small Areas (SA)Conceptual Underpinnings
The Purpose of Composite Deprivation Indices It is difficult to simultaneously comprehend the spatial distribution of multiple indicators at multiple points in time For practical purposes, there is a need for a single indicator which draws a variety of observations together Such indices can provide the basis for the effective targeting of the most disadvantaged areas Such indices can provide a means by which to assess changes over time, and facilitate monitoring and evaluation However, it is important that such indices enjoy broad support amongst all key stakeholders, including government departments, state agencies, community representatives and the broader public
A Comprehensive Definition of Poverty • Relative Poverty “People are living in poverty if their income and resources (material, cultural and social) are so inadequate as to preclude them from having a standard of living which is regarded as acceptable by Irish society generally.” (Government of Ireland, NAPS, 1997) • Relative Deprivation “The fundamental implication of the term deprivation is of an absence – of essential or desirable attributes, possessions and opportunities which are considered no more than the minimum by that society.” (Coombes et al., DoE – UK, 1995)
Traditional Approach: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) • Ordinary Factor Analysis (EFA) reduces variables to a smaller number of underlying Dimensions or Factors V1 F1 V2 V3 V4 V5 F2 V6 • EFA is essentially an exploratory technique; .i.e. data-driven • all variables load on all factors • the structure matrix is the (accidental) outcome of the variables available • EFA cannot be used to compare outcomes over time
New Approach: Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) • Confirmatory Factor Analysis also reduces observations to the underlying Factors, however d V1 1 L1 d V2 2 d V3 3 d V4 4 d V5 L2 5 d V6 6 • CFA requires a strong theoretical justification before the model is specified • the researcher decides which of the observed variables are to be associated with which of the latent constructs • variables are conceptualised as the imperfect manifestations of the latent concepts • CFA model allows the comparison of outcomes over time • CFA facilitates the objective evaluation of the quality of the model through fit statistics
Strengths of CFA-based Deprivation Indices • true multidimensionality, based on theoretical considerations • provides for an appropriate treatment of both urban and rural deprivation • no double-counting • rational approach to indicator selection • uses variety of alternative fit indices to test model adequacy • identical structure matrix across multiple waves • identical measurement scale across multiple waves • true distances to means are maintained (i.e. measurement, not ranking) • distinguishes between measurement of absolute and relative deprivation • allows for true inter-temporal comparisons
Overview of Successive Deprivation Indices, Haase & Pratschke 1996 - 2012 Haase et al., 1996 Haase, 1999 Pratschke & Haase, 2001 Pratschke & Haase, 2004 Haase & Pratschke, 2005 Haase & Pratschke, 2008 Haase & Pratschke, 2010 Haase & Pratschke, 2012 Haase & Pratschke, 2011
The Underlying Dimensions of Social Disadvantage • Demographic Decline(predominantly rural) • population loss and the social and demographic effects of emigration (age dependency, low education of adult population) • Social Class Deprivation(applying in rural and urban areas) • social class composition, education, housing quality • Labour Market Deprivation(predominantly urban) • unemployment, lone parents, low skills base
The Basic Model of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index d Age Dependency Rate 1 Demographic d Population Change Growth 2 d Primary Education only 3 d Third Level Education 4 d Persons per Room Social Class 5 Composition d Professional Classes 6 d Semi- and Unskilled Classes 7 d Lone Parents 8 Labour Market d Male Unemployment Rate Situation 9 d Female Unemployment Rate 10
Solution 2: A Longitudinal SEM Model 2006 2011
Comparison of Models Both the means model and the longitudinal model rely on the same factor model Using the means model, it is possible to measure the change that occurred in the mean of the latent variables between 2006 and 2011 Both the means model and the longitudinal model impose equality constraints on all factor loadings The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is estimated using a multiple group means and covariance structure model
Distribution of HP Index Scores, 2006 and 2011 most disadvantaged most affluent The Figure shows the distribution of the 2006 and 2011 Absolute HP Index Scores in 5-point ranges (one half of a standard deviation)
Smoothed Distribution of AbsoluteHP Index Scores, 2006 and 2011 most disadvantaged most affluent The Figure shows the decline by 7.0 points in the mean of the Absolute HP Index Scores between 2006 and 2011 (or 0.7 of a standard deviation)
Smoothed Distribution of relative HP Index Scores, 2006 and 2011 most disadvantaged most affluent The Figure shows the distribution of the 2006 and 2011 Relative HP Index Scores, after de-trending the absolute scores by the difference in means
Mapping Deprivation most disadvantaged most affluent
Comparison of Absolute Deprivation Scores, 1991 and 2006 • Shows the massive increase in disadvantage in wake of the recession after the 2006 Census, affecting literally every part of the country.
Comparison of Relative Deprivation Scores, 1991 and 2006 • The pattern between affluence and disadvantage, whereby affluence is greatest in the urban peripheries and gradually declining towards more rural locations, remains broadly intact. • There is some indication that the reach of the affluent commuter belts has somewhat diminished. • Within the Greater Dublin Area, there is a marked shift in the location of the most affluent areas. Whereas in 2006 the Western part of the Region scored high in affluence, in 2011 this is again primarily concentrated in Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown.