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Exploring the European Union: History, Evolution, and Impact

Discover the European Union, a union of countries and people in Europe, from its formation post-World War II to its current endeavors. Learn about its growth, decision-making process, impact on economy, environment, and more.

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Exploring the European Union: History, Evolution, and Impact

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Europe Day 2018

  2. What is the European Union? It is European = it is situated in Europe It is a union = it unites countries and people.

  3. Europe – The Continent Europe is one of the world’s continents. More than 700 million people live in Europe with 500 million living in the European Union

  4. How rich is the EU compared to the rest of the world? Size of economy: GDP in trillions of euro (2017) Wealth per person: GDP per person (2017)

  5. History of the EU • In the space of 30 years there were two wars which caused huge damage to Europe's people • After the second world war European leaders asked ‘what can be done to prevent wars in the future and how can we work together?’ • It was from this thought that the idea of European countries working together to solve their differences came. • The EU that we know now is very different to how it looked after World War 2

  6. European Coal and Steel Community In 1950 six European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) agreed to unite their coal and steel industries. They set up the European Coal and Steel Community. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community (EEC), or ‘Common Market’.

  7. European Economic Community The six countries got on so well that they decided to go a step further and to set up the European Economic Community (EEC). The main idea was to create a 'common market'. That means getting rid of all national obstacles to free trade, such as border checks and customs duties, as if Europe were one country.

  8. Not just economics… • Over the years, more and more countries joined the EEC. • They started working together in many more areas, for example, • to protect the environment and • to build better roads and railways across Europe.

  9. Growing bigger together • Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Union on 1 January 1973 bringing membership of the EEC to 9 • In 1981, Greece becomes the 10th member of the EU • Spain and Portugal follow in 1986 • In 1995 the EU gains three more new members: Austria, Finland and Sweden. • In 2004 the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia join • Bulgaria and Romania join in 2007 • Croatia becomes the 28th member of the EU in 2013

  10. What the European Union does today The EU tries to make life better for all of us. Let's have a look at some examples. MoneyIn the past, each country in Europe had its own currency. Now, many EU countries use one single currency, the euro. Freedom for young peopleThe EU supports young people who want to spend some time studying or training in another European country. :

  11. What the European Union does today Freedom for employees EU citizens may live and work in any EU country of their choice. Climate actionIn international negotiations on climate change, the European Union speaks with one voice.

  12. What the European Union does today Helping poorer regions Some areas in Europe need money to build new roads and railways; in other places many people are looking for a job. The EU provides funding for specific projects that address these needs. Helping neighbouring countries The EU helps other countries improve schools, hospitals and social protection. This is a secondary school in Kosovo. Wastewater treatment plant in Croatia, financed with the help of EU funds

  13. Making food safer What the European Union does today There are many more things the EU is doing today:

  14. The EU is even working in space with satellites that help cars navigate more intelligently and make air travel safer. The EU is even working in space…

  15. How the EU makes decisions As you can imagine, it takes a lot of effort by many people to organise the EU and make everything work. So who does what? The European Commission is made up of 28 Commissioners, one from each member state. Their job is to think about what would be best for the EU as a whole. They propose laws and make sure that the EU treaties are respected.

  16. The 28 Commissioners

  17. The European Parliament The European Parliament represents all people in the EU. Its members are chosen in an election every five years. All adult citizens in the EU have the right to vote.

  18. The Council and the European Council In the Council, ministers of EU Member States meet to discuss EU matters, take decisions and pass laws. In the European Council all the leaders of the EU countries (Presidents, Prime Ministers or Chancellors) get together to set Europe's general strategy. European Council meeting, 9th March 2017

  19. The Court of Justice The Court of Justice makes sure that all EU countries stick to the laws that they have agreed upon. The Court also checks that these laws respect 'fundamental rights', such as freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. Court of Justice, Luxembourg

  20. How EU laws are made Citizens, interest groups, experts: discuss, consult Commission: makes formal proposal Parliament and Council of Ministers: decide jointly National or local authorities: implement Commission and Court of Justice: monitor implementation

  21. Enlargement: from six to 28 countries

  22. What about you?

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