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Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Briefing 2019-20 Annual Performance Plan. Prepared: Adv. Thabo Mokoena DATE : 9 July 2019. PRESENTATION OUTLINE. Strategic overview Department structure overview Process followed towards the 2019/20 app Strategic Overview 2019/20 APP applied principles
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Briefing2019-20 Annual Performance Plan Prepared: Adv. Thabo Mokoena DATE: 9 July 2019
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Strategic overview Department structure overview Process followed towards the 2019/20 app Strategic Overview 2019/20 APP applied principles Seven (Priorities) of the 6th Administration 2019/20 Situational Analysis Overview of Performance over the past five years (MTSF) Expenditure Growth Trends (Year-on-year) 2019/20 APP Outline: Programme 1.1: Corporate Services Programme 1.1: Financial Administration Programme 2: Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate (MHSI) Programme 3: Mineral Regulation (MR) Programme 4: Mineral Policy and Promotion (MPP)
PROCESS FOLLOWED TOWARDS THE 2019/20 APP • Individual Programme / Branches strategic planning session in preparation for Minister’s session • 24 – 25 August 2018 - Strategic break-away session between Minister, Deputy, Members of SMS, Chairpersons and CEO’s of Public Entities • 05 – 06 December 2018 – Follow-up strategic break-away session between Minister, Deputy, Members of SMS, Chairpersons and CEO’s of Public Entities, • 30 November 2018 – Submission of the 2019/20 APP to the DPME and DMR Internal Audit for review and inputs, • 30 January 2019 - Submission of the 2019/20 APP to the Auditor-General for review and inputs, • February 2019 – Incorporation of inputs received from DPME, Internal Audit, Auditor-General • May 2019 – Uploading of the 2019/20 APP onto the DPME performance reporting system (EQPRS) • 28 June – 01 July 2019 – Tabling of the 2019/20 APP in both the National Assembly and NCOP
APP Applied Principles Management Involvement – APP was developed by management of the department under the guidance of the Executive Authority, Realistic Targeting – the adopted performance targets accurately reflects what the DMR will endeavour to achieve given the available human and financial resources and the prevailing operating conditions, Alignment - the APP remains in line with the tabled 2014 – 2019 Strategic Plan, National Outcomes - the department continue to aim to achieve its strategic objectives that are aligned to the National Outcomes Strategic Goals – the department remains committed to achieving the following strategic goals: Increased investment in the minerals, mining and petroleum sectors Transformed minerals sector Equitable and sustainable benefit from mineral resources Efficient, effective and development-oriented Department Focused and Consistent strategy aimed at delivering organisational Vision and Mandate
Expenditure Trends Of note: The budget of the department is not growing in real terms Different contracts in the department grow between 8% and 10%. The cost of living adjustments for salary level 1 to 12 increases by CPI plus depending on the negotiated adjustments. These increase that are above the general growth of the department’s budget erodes the department’s programme allocations. In 2021/22 financial year the department’s budget reduces by 3,78% due to discontinued allocation for geological mapping
DMR Budget allocation (1) Transfers accounts for 51% of the total budget MPP accounts for 48% of the total budget because of Mintek and CGS transfers In 2021/22 financial year the department’s budget reduces by 3,78% due to discontinued allocation for geological mapping (CGS)
DMR Budget allocation (2) Out of the 52% transfer, 43% is for Transfers to Public Entities and 9% is for project transfer MPP accounts for the smallest share of the DMR allocation (excluding transfer payments) CGS budget reduces by R184,3m or 42% in the outer year due to discontinuation of the Economic Competitiveness Support Package for research work in Geoscience laboratory All DMR Public Entities were cut by R45,4m over the 2019 MTEF to effect salary freeze for executives earning R1,5m and above; and a 2,8% salary increase for executive earning up to R1,499m
Programme 1.1 – Corporate Services DDG: CORPORATE SERVICES Ms Pat Gamede
Programme 1.2 – Financial Administration ACTING CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Ms D Morabe
Financial Administration – 2019/20 Key Projects 1. System refresh, which includes changing to cloud technology to improve system availability and to prepare for the development of the integrated system.
Programme 2: Mine health and Safety Inspectorate Chief Inspector of Mines Mr D Msiza
MHSI – 2019/20 Key Projects (9 of 9) Elimination of Occupational diseases, fatalities and injuries Training of Rock Engineers and Seismologist Regulations to be promulgated Project to investigate the capacity and possibility of mine hospitals extending health care facilities to the surrounding communities, improvement of access to health care.
Programme 3 – Mineral Regulation DDG: Mineral Regulation Adv M Malebe