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Status and plans for a Southern Ocean observing system for climate

Status and plans for a Southern Ocean observing system for climate. Steve Rintoul, Kevin Speer and Eberhard Fahrbach Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung Bremerhaven, Germany. Schmitz (1996). Heat and freshwater budget Gas exchange Sea ice biota Technical challenge.

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Status and plans for a Southern Ocean observing system for climate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status and plans for a Southern Ocean observing system for climate Steve Rintoul, Kevin Speer and Eberhard Fahrbach Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und MeeresforschungBremerhaven, Germany

  2. Schmitz (1996)

  3. Heat and freshwater budget Gas exchange Sea ice biota Technical challenge Sea ice

  4. Rintoul 2001

  5. pot. Temperature [°C] pot. Temperature [°C] Mean temperature in the Weddell gyre at the Greenwich Meridian Warm Deep Water temperature increased until the mid 1990’s and is decreasing since HOWEVER: Cooling and freshening in the East Antarctic sector Weddell Sea Bottom Water temperature is still increasing

  6. Time series of salinity in Winter Water Salinity increase in the Winter Water HOWEVER Freshening of mode and intermediate waters

  7. Wide range of time scales:Aliasing!? Increase of temperature and salinity in the bottom water of the Weddell Sea from moored instruments and CTD profiles

  8. Relevant time scales (ACW, SAM, ENSO, AADP) exceed duration research projects Total trends Congruent with SAM Recent trends in surface temperature and wind (Dec-May 1969-2000). Thompson and Solomon 2002

  9. Carbon uptake Sabine et al., 2004

  10. IPAB WCRP/SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys Problems to maintain it due to seasonal sea ice Committments are needed

  11. Sea ice Altimeter Scatterometer Gravimeter SST SSS

  12. CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Implementation Panel

  13. CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Implementation Panel

  14. Calibration by means of Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean CASO – IPY CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Implementation Panel

  15. A Time Series Science Team for the development of sustained time series stations Joint sponsorship of GOSS/GCOS (OOPC), research (CLIVAR OOP, JGOFS, …) and the DEOS

  16. Recent ARGO float distribution http://argo.ocean.fsu.edu/images/big-so-map.pdf

  17. Ice compatibility of ARGO floats: a 3 step process  ISA/iSore/RAFOS – Float = fully ice compatible

  18. Range of RAFOS signals in the Weddell Sea

  19. Sound sources (red: to be deployed by Keith Nichols, BAS, black: in the water, blue: in plan) and floats (green: floats)in the Weddell Sea west of the Greenwich Meridian. The extension of the network will occur in cooperation with Svein Osterhus frorm the Bjerknes centre in Bergen (Norway)

  20. Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model Data from all Argo floats are assimilated in to the Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) run at the Met Office. Images of potential temperature, salinity and velocity at five metres and 995.5 m supplied by the Met Office at monthly intervals are provided

  21. Enhancements needed • Sea ice zone • Sea ice thickness/volume • Ocean properties under sea ice • Expanded met buoy network • Coastal margin; onshore-offshore exchange • Meteorology • High quality ship obs (IMET on supply vessels) • Air-sea flux reference stations • Argo • Maintaining and re-seeding array • Under sea ice • Repeat hydrography + tracers + time series stations • Good plans, but not all funded • Satellite data streams must be maintained. • Altimeter; gravity; ice; SST; SSS, wind

  22. SCAR/SCOR Oceanography expert group

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