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New York City Department of Education Cluster 6 Networks 609 – Debra Van Nostrand, Network Leader. WELCOME! CFN Network 609 Science Workshop Richard Tudda, Achievement Instructional Specialist Anniversary Day ~Thursday, June, 2011 CFN 609.
New York City Department of EducationCluster 6Networks 609 – Debra Van Nostrand, Network Leader WELCOME! CFN Network 609 Science Workshop Richard Tudda, Achievement Instructional Specialist Anniversary Day ~Thursday, June, 2011 CFN 609
SCIENCE Thursday, June 7th, 2012Public School 69K ~ Science Lab8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Middle School Agenda Presenters: Richard Tudda, Achievement Instructional Specialist & Amanda McBrien,Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center • Breakfast: 8:00 a.m. – 8:20 a.m. • Welcome / Introductions / Thank You to: PS 69K Ms. Capetanakis, Principal; Ms. Jo Ann Yenzer & Ms. Raquel Powers, Asst. Principals, Ms. Anne Marie Enge and Ms. Janine Giammarino, Science Specialists • Welcome: Amanda McBrien , Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory & John De Angelis, Regional Vice President Triumph Learning • Introduction to The Next Generation Science Standards -Research -Timeline -Framework Design • Hands-On Lab Activity ~ Amanda McBrien, Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center -DNA Learning Centers – trips, school visits and borrowing lab kits • Feedback Forms • Raffle Drawing ~ Good Luck! • LunchwithJohn De Angelis, Regional Vice President Triumph Learning • Current Coach Science supplementary materials print & online • Common Core offerings in ELA & Math print & digital Thank you for your active participation!
SCIENCE Thursday, June 7th, 2012Public School 69K ~ Science Lab 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Elementary School Agenda Presenters: Richard Tudda, Achievement Instructional Specialist & Amanda McBrien,Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center • Lunch11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. withJohn De Angelis, Regional Vice President Triumph Learning • Current Coach Science supplementary materials print & online • Common Core offerings in ELA & Math print & digital • Welcome / Introductions / Thank You to: PS 69K Ms. Capetanakis, Principal; Ms. Jo Ann Yenzer & Ms. Raquel Powers, Asst. Principals, Ms. Anne Marie Enge and Ms. Janine Giammarino, Science Specialists • Welcome: Amanda McBrien , Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory & John De Angelis, Regional Vice President Triumph Learning • Introduction to The Next Generation Science Standards -Research -Timeline -Framework Design • Hands-On Lab Activity ~ Amanda McBrien, Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center -DNA Learning Centers – trips, school visits and borrowing lab kits • Feedback Forms • Raffle Drawing ~ Good Luck! Thank you for your active participation!
The Inception & Evolution of the NGSS Under the charge of Achieve, Inc., a non-profit education reform organization, 26 states are currently leading the development of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The standards will undergo multiple reviews, including two public drafts. The first public draft was made available on May 11, 2012 – June 1, 2012. The science education community had the opportunity to review the document and provide input to Achieve and its writers. A second public review will take place later this year, with a final document expected in 2013. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA ) encourages science educators to actively participate in the review process by taking the time to review this important document. The draft was available online at www.nextgenscience.org, along with a survey/questionnaire to solicit feedback about the document. Feedback was due back by June 1, 2012.
Background: • The National Research Council of the National Academy of Science began developing the framework for K-12 Science Education • 26 States (including NYS) are working with Achieve in the development of K-12 Science Standards. Forty-four states have agreed to adopt the NGSS. • July 2011 the National Research Council released A Framework for K-12 Science Education • Building Capacity for State Science Education (BCSSE) held two meetings (Nov 2011, March 2012)……..
Projected Timeline . . . .
Dimensions of the Framework Framework Overview: Dimension 1 – CONTENT: Disciplinary core ideas Dimension 2 – PRACTICES: Scientific & Engineering Practices Dimension 3 – CROSSCUTTING Cross-cutting concepts
Dimension 1: Disciplinary Core Ideas • Disciplinary core ideas have the power to focus K–12 science curriculum, instruction and assessments on the most important aspects of science. To be considered core, the ideas should meet at least two of the following criteria and ideally all four: • Have broad importance across multiple sciences or engineering disciplines or be a key organizing concept of a single discipline; • Provide a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems; • Relate to the interests and life experiences of students or be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge; • Be teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication. • Disciplinary ideas are grouped in four domains: the physical sciences; the life sciences; the earth and space sciences; and engineering, technology and applications of science.
Dimension 2: Practices • The practices describe behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world and the key set of engineering practices that engineers use as they design and build models and systems.
Dimension 3: Crosscutting Concepts • Crosscutting concepts have application across all domains of science. As such, they are a way of linking the different domains of science. They include: Patterns, Similarity and diversity; Cause and effect; Scale, proportion and quantity; Systems and system models; Energy and matter; Structure and function; Stability and change.
How to Read the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are distinct from prior science standards in that they integrate three dimensions within each standard and have intentional connections across standards. To provide guidance and clarification to all users of the standards, the writers have created a System Architecture that highlights the NGSS as well as each of the three integral dimensions and connections to other grade bands and subjects. The standards are organized in a table with three main sections: • 1) Performance expectation(s) • 2) The foundation boxes, and • 3) The connection boxes
Performance Expectations • The standards are written as student performance expectations. These statements each incorporate a practice, a disciplinary core idea, and a crosscutting concept. The performance expectations are the assessable components of the NGSS architecture identified with lowercase letters, and each combines Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas. The performance expectations were initially written in topical groupings, but can also be viewed independently. Topical groupings of performance expectations do not imply a preferred ordering for instruction—nor should all performance expectations under one topic necessarily be taught in one course. There are two additional statements associated with the performance expectations that are meant to render additional support and clarity: • Assessment Boundary Statements are included with individual performance expectations where appropriate, to provide further guidance or to specify the scope of the expectation at a particular grade level. • b. Clarification Statements are designed to supply examples or additional clarification to the performance expectations.
2. Foundation Boxes Foundation boxes provide additional information, expanding and explaining the performance expectations in relation to the three dimensions: Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. Each statement in any one of the three foundation boxes is coded to the performance expectation(s) that embody it by a lowercase letter in parentheses. • a. Science and Engineering Practice Statements: These statements are derived from and grouped by the eight categories detailed in the Framework to further explain the science and engineering practices important to emphasize in each grade band. Most topical groupings of performance expectations emphasize only a few of the practice categories; however, all practices are emphasized within a grade band. Teachers should be encouraged to utilize several practices in any instruction. The purpose is to demonstrate the specific practice for which students will be held accountable. • b. Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs): These statements are taken verbatim from the Framework, and detail the sub supporting ideas necessary for student mastery of the core idea. • c. Crosscutting Concept Statements: These statements were derived from the Framework to further explain the crosscutting concepts important to emphasize in each grade band. The crosscutting concepts are grouped by the categories detailed in the Framework. Most topical groupings of performance expectations emphasize only a few of the crosscutting concept categories, however all are emphasized within a grade band. Again, the list is not exhaustive nor is it intended to limit instruction.
3. Connection Boxes • a. Connections to other Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) in this grade level: This box will contain the names of science topics in other disciplines that have corresponding disciplinary core ideas at the same grade level. For example, both Physical Science and Life Science standards contain core ideas related to Photosynthesis, and could be taught in relation to one another. As the standards move toward completion, this box will provide links to specific performance expectations. • b. Articulation of DCIs across grade levels: This box will contain the names of other science topics that either 1) provide a foundation for student understanding of the core ideas in this standard (usually standards at prior grade levels) or 2) build on the foundation provided by the core ideas in this standard (usually standards at subsequent grade levels). As the standards move toward completion, this box will provide links to specific performance expectations. • c. Connections to the Common Core State Standards: This box will contain the coding and names of Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts & and Literacy and Mathematics that align to the performance expectations. For example, performance expectations that require student use of exponential notation will align to the corresponding CCSS mathematics standards
New York State Education Department: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/mst/sci/ngss.html Next Generation Science Standards: http://www.nextgenscience.org/ Final Version of the Framework for K-12 Science Education: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13165.
Resources: • Denise McNamara, MSP Grant Director Office of School Programs and Partnerships, NYC Department of Education • Next Generation Science Standards, May 7, 2012 • NSTA Guide (updated 5/16/12)—Leading a Study Group on NGSS
Introducing….. Amanda McBrien , Assistant Director for Instruction DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Introducing….. John De Angelis, Regional Vice President Triumph Learning
Thank your for your participation! RAFFLE DRAWING ~ GOOD LUCK!