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The Hunger Games. By: Suzanne Collins. Suzanne Collins.
The Hunger Games By: Suzanne Collins
Suzanne Collins Since 1991 Suzanne has been writing for children’s television including several Nickelodeon shows, as well as preschool views such as the Emmy-nominated Little Bear and Oswald. She also co-wrote the Christmas special Santa, Baby! Most recently she was head writer for Scholastic Entertainment in Clifford’s Puppy Days. • Other books • Underland Chronicles (5 books) • When Charlie Mcbutton Lost Power
Protagonist Katniss Everdeen • 16 year old girl • lives in a corrupted capitalistic government • her father dies in a tragic mining accident • forced to take care of her depressed mother and innocent sister • she sneaks into the forest illegally to hunt for food
Antagonist President Snow- • Represents the capitol • Threatens people • Selfish person • Lives a rich life
Favorite Character Gale Hawthorne • Best friend • Hunt together • Lost father in same accident as Katniss • Likes Katniss
Least Favorite Character- Haymitch Abernathy • Down drunk • Survivor of Hunger Games • Trains the new contestants each year • Has no hope for them
Exposition Every year, there is a “reaping” where names are drawn to go fight to the death in an arena with 23 other youth. These “hunger game” is broadcasted on live T.V. throughout the 12 districts that make up Panem. Because of the capitols' ways, life is far from ideal. Many can’t afford food, lose family members in work accidents, and work long hours and young ages to earn a small wage for their family.
Rising Action When her young vulnerable sister, Primrose, is chosen Katniss quickly volunteers, eager to take her place knowing it could very well be her death sentence. Katniss begins intense training. Her stylist, Cinna, shocks the capitol when he introduces her in flames as opposed to the typical black coal looking outfits. She quickly becomes know as the girl on fire. But when the games start, the capitol uses this against Katniss and it almost takes her out of the game.
Climax When it comes down to the last few contestants, the capitol changes the rules so they can team up with the member from their district if they are still living. Katniss quickly finds Petta and they scrape by and win. The capitol is upset they out smarted them and changes the rules back to one person. They however, again outsmart the capitol.
Falling Action Katniss and Petta return home triumphantly and move into their new million dollar homes as a reward. They struggle with the things they saw and faced while in the arena. Their name is taken out of the drawing as a reward , and provided the funds to support themselves and their family who was permitted to move in with them.
Resolution Katniss and Petta are able to return to semi normal lives. They no longer have the stress of fighting to stay alive and providing for their family. They are with their family and friends and live peacefully.
Setting This book takes place in Panem. This is a city in the land that was once known as North America. In Panem, there is the Capitol which is where all the government and other rich people where. There is also 12 districts that each specialized in something specific, such as coal mining, industry, and agriculture. The thirteenth district had been destroyed when they started to rebel against the corrupted government.
My Ratings • I would give this book a 10!! • Easy to read, follow, and understand • New Ideas • Hard to put down • Makes you think and gets your mind spinning • Helps you realize how good your life is
Themes Government Control Discrimination Work Force Poverty Social Class Reality Television These are some of the themes that can be found in this book. However, I feel these all can be summed up in the words Labor Laws.
. Labor Laws
"I always channel my emotions into my work. That way I don't hurt anyone but myself.“ (Collins) Cinna 5 year old news broadcast
Song In the Arms of an Angelby Sarah Mclaughlin • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu763taYwCU
Billboard Controversy: Signs in Atlanta Say Black Children are 'Endangered Species' Because of 'Too Many Abortions' - ABC News
Brown vs. Board of education- segregation of schools Local newspaper
Brown Vs. Education Britannica labor laws On May 17, 1954 the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously declared that separate but equal educational facilities violated the 14th Amendment, which guarantees all citizens "equal protection of the laws." The Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional.
Works Cited • Bober and Bober, P.A. Unpaid Overtime & Minimum Wages: An Overview. 2010. 20 February 2010 http://www.boberlaw.com/?OVRAW=labor%20laws&OVKEY=overtime%20labor%20law&OVMTC=advanced&OVADID=1245364521&OVKWID=9564544021&OVCAMPGID=173786521&OVADGRPID=654243909&OVNDID=ND1. • Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. • 5-year-old Purse Snatcher on Tape. 2010. • Child Labour.2006 • Child labour .Perf. Sarah Mclaughlin. 2009.
http://discoverer.prod.sirs.com/discoweb/disco/do/article?urn=urn%3Asirs%3AUS%3BARTICLE%3BART%3B0000223168http://discoverer.prod.sirs.com/discoweb/disco/do/article?urn=urn%3Asirs%3AUS%3BARTICLE%3BART%3B0000223168 • http://www.yourworkrights.com/index.php/unpaid-overtime?gclid=CL7txvGvqKACFRJWagod4RxkZw • Brown vs. Board of Education Nat'l Historic Site (Kansas) - NewsChannel 5.com - Nashville, Tennessee – • Wal-Mart Agrees to Pay Fine in Child Labor Cases - New York Times • Toys 'R' Us Fined for Child-Labor Law Violations | Workforce | Find Articles at BNET • Florida Labor Law Attorney: Unemployment, Minimum Wage, Overtime Pay • http://sks.sirs.com/cgi-bin/hst-article-display?id=SUT0568-0-6396&artno=0000270837&type=ART&shfilter=U&key=labor%20laws&title=Making%20Human%20Junk%3A%20Child%20Labor%20As%20a%20Health%20Issue%20in%20the%20Progressive%2E%2E%2E&res=Y&ren=N&gov=N&lnk=N&ic=N CHILD LABOR IN AMERICA: WHO'S PROTECTING OUR KIDS? -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-angry-soup-of-racism/ http://www.rd.com/advice-and-know-how/thats-outrageous----kids-working-dangerous-jobs/article27365.html http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/232305-funny-or-memorable-quotes-from-the-hunger-games