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3ºESO Tourism Project

3ºESO Tourism Project. Criteria A Knowledge and Understanding : Produce information about tourism in a country of your choice ( but not a country we have already studied !) Criteria B Investigation : Create a detailed itinary for a tourist visit to that country

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3ºESO Tourism Project

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  1. 3ºESO Tourism Project Criteria A Knowledge and Understanding: Produce informationabouttourism in a country of yourchoice (butnot a country wehavealreadystudied!) Criteria B Investigation: Createa detaileditinaryfor a touristvisittothat country Critieria C CriticalThinking: Explainthebenefits and problemstourism has created in that country Criteria D Communication: Presentthisinformation in aninterestingway: Short Documentary Play PowerPoint Poster

  2. Criteria A Tourism data • howmanytouristsgotothe country? • How has thischangedover time? • Howmuchmoney do touristsspend in the country? • Whatcountrieshavetouristscome from? • Where do touristsgo in the country and what do they do?

  3. CriteriaB: TouristHoliday Itinaryforone of thefollowinggroups: • Retiredcouple • Familywithyoungchildren • Young Couple Youritinarymustinclude: • A detailed plan foreachday • A budgetthat uses realisticpricesfortheevents

  4. Criteria C: Assessment of TheBenefits and Problemsbroughtbytourism • Explainthebenefits and problemscreatedbytourism in yourchosen country usingthefollowingcategories: • Social • Economic • Environmental Remember: Thehighest grades will be forinformationthatisspecifictothe country you are studying

  5. Criteria D: Communication You can choosethe media youwanttopresentyourproject in… BUT, remember: • Theinformationmust be given in a clearwayusinggood English • Itmust be structuredlogically so itiseasytounderstand • Youmustinclude a bibliography

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