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RELATIVE CLAUSES. WHOSE WHOM WHERE WHEN DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES. WHOSE. Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede iyelik(sahiplik) bildiriyorsa, hem insanlar hem de nesneler için whose kullanılabilir. WHOSE.

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  2. WHOSE • Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede iyelik(sahiplik) bildiriyorsa, hem insanlar hem de nesneler için whose kullanılabilir.

  3. WHOSE • My, her, our, ….. gibi iyelik sıfatlarının yerine kullanılır. • Romeo and Juliet were two lovers. Their parents hated each other. • = Romeo and Juliet, whose parents hated each other, were two lovers.

  4. WHOSE • The chair must be thrown away. Its legs are broken. • = The chair whose legs are broken must be thrown away. • Annesi banakada çalısan kız tatil için para biriktiriyor. • = The girl whose mother Works in a bank is saving money for her holiday.

  5. WHOSE • Lastigi patlak olan otobüs bu istasyonda 2 saat bekleyecek. • = The bus whose tyre is flat will wait at this station for 2 hours.

  6. WHOM • Him, them, us, ….. gibi nesne durumundaki sahıs zamirlerinin yerine kullanılır. • The man was Mr. Jones. I met him yesterday. • = The man whom (who) (that) I met yesterday was Mr. Jones.

  7. WHOM • My sister whom (who) (that) you’ve met once, will come to visit me tomorrow. • The woman whom (who) (that) I told you about is over there. • *** Yukarıdaki 3 örnek cümlede de relative pronoun’lar, ardlarından isim geldigi için atılabilir.

  8. WHERE • Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede yer bildiriyorsa, relative kelimesi olarak “where” kullanırız. • I like the hotel. We stayed there last summer. • I like the hotel where we stayed last summer.

  9. WHERE • I know the hospital. He works in the hospital. • I know the hospital where he works. • A cinema is a place. We can see films there. • A cinema is a place where we can see films.

  10. WHERE • He liked the seaside resort. We spent our holiday there. • He liked the seaside resort where we spent our holiday. • The city is full of tourists. He lives there now. • The city where he lives now is full of tourists.

  11. WHERE • EĞER NİTELEDİĞİMİZ İSİM CÜMLEDE ÖZNE VEYA NESNE KONUMUNDA OLUP DA “YER” (in the garden, at school..” BİLDİRMİYORSA “WHERE” KULLANILMAZ. • Bir ismi tanımlarken where kullanılmaz. When ve where yalnızca yer ve zaman(ör: at the cinema, in the room, gibi) belirtirken kullanılır.

  12. WHERE • My father likes the house. It has a big garden. (tanımlama cümlesi) • My father likes the house which /that has a big garden.

  13. WHERE • My father likes the house. He was born in that house. • (yer bildiriyor) • My father likes the house where he was born.

  14. WHEN • Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede “the year, that day, on that day, in that year, on that hour” gibi zaman bildiriyorsa, relative kelimesi olarak “”WHEN” kullanılır. • 1453 is the year. Fatih conquered İstanbul in that year. • 1453 is the year when Fatih conquered İstanbul

  15. WHEN • I will never forget the day . I met her on that day. • I will never forget the day when I met her.

  16. WHEN • Bir ismi tanımlarken when kullanılmaz.When yalnızca ZAMAN (on Tuesday, in the year gibi) belirtirken kullanılır. • 1989 is the year. I met her in that year. (zaman bildiriyor) • 1989 is the year when I met her.

  17. WHEN - WHICH • 1989 is the year. I can’t forget it.  (tanımlama cümlesi) • 1989 is the year which / that I can’t forget.

  18. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • Önceden tanımlanan veya bilinen isimleri tanımlarken eğer Relative Clause yapısı kullanırsak virgül kullanılması gerekir.Bu tür yapılara Non-Defining Relative Clause yapısı denir

  19. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • İstanbul, where I live , is wonderful.  • (İstanbul zaten bilinen bir isim. Yani where I live tümcesi çıkarıldığında anlamda bozulma olmaz)

  20. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • The city where I live is wonderful.          •   (the city ama hangi city? Bunu belirtmek için kullandığımız relative clause yapısı çok önemli.Yani                                                       where I live tümcesi çıkarıldığında anlamda bozulma olur.)

  21. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • The woman who lives next door is a nurse.     (defining) (gerekli bilgi) • Mrs.Brown, who lives next door, is a nurse.    (non-definig)  (ekstra bilgi)

  22. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • A person who lives in İstanbul may have a lot of problems. • My brother Yılmaz, who lives in İstanbul, is a computer technican.

  23. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • Tanımlanmış isimler • A father who is very strict with his children is not approved much. • My father , who works in Kazakhistan, is not a strict person.

  24. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • We stayed at a hotel which a friend of mine recommended us. • We stayed at that hotel, which a friend of mine recommended us.

  25. NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE • The cell phone which is on the sofa belongs to me. • The red cell phone, which is on the sofa, belongs to me

  26. EXAMPLES • My sister, who is 25, will get married next week. • My friend Mehmet, whose son you have met, is an English teacher. • Mr. James, whom I have been working with for 10 years, is a very intelligent man. • Ankara, where millions of people live, has many problems to settle.

  27. EXAMPLES • A city where millions of people live may probably have many problems. • I need a friend whom I can always trust. • I need my friend Ali, whom I can always trust.

  28. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • Relative Clause,  “of” içeren miktar ifadeleri içerebilir: some of, many of, most of, none of, two of, half of, both of, neither of, each of, several of, a few of, little of, a number of…gibi. • Bu ifadeler kullanıldığında sadece “whom, which, whose” kullanabilir. • Her zaman virgül kullanılır.

  29. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • In my English class there are 10 students. Most of them are from İzmir. • In my English class there are 10 students, most of whom are from İstanbul.

  30. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • I bought five books. Two of them are about music. • I bought five books, two of which are about music.

  31. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • They talked about Mary. One of her problems was coming to class late. • They talked about Mary, one of whose problems was coming to class late.

  32. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • She received two job offers, neither of which she accepted. • I have three sisters, all of  whom are living in İstanbul. • Shakespeare is one of the writers, most of whose works are still very popular nowadays.

  33. Miktar İfadeleri (Expressions of Quantity) • She tried five pairs of shoes, none of which she liked. • The new school has 500 hundred students, many of whom are boys. • Last night we watched a romantic movie, one of  whose scenes I will never forget.


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