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The New System of Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, and Individualized Education Program Development in Michigan. Presenters. Sheryl Diamond Supervisor, Program Accountability Unit Nancy Rotarius Policy Coordinator, Program Accountability Unit Beth Cooke

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The New System of Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, and Individualized Education Program Development in Michigan

  2. Presenters Sheryl Diamond Supervisor, Program Accountability Unit Nancy Rotarius Policy Coordinator, Program Accountability Unit Beth Cooke Education Consultant, Program Accountability Unit

  3. Agenda • Status of Rules • Child Find • Initial Evaluations • Determination of Eligibility • Initial Provision of Special Education • Development of the IEP • Initiation of the IEP • Question and Answer

  4. Status of Rules

  5. Rule Promulgation The Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) Department Adopts Rules Request for Rulemaking Draft Rules Public Comment Draft Rules

  6. Change is Coming Alignment and compliance with the IDEA’s evaluation process

  7. Child Find

  8. Initial Evaluations

  9. System of Initial Evaluation Evaluation Determine Eligibility and Needs If Necessary, Request Consent for Initial Provision of Special Education Programs and Services Develop IEP or Services Plan Provide Notice of Provision of FAPE Provide Notice If Necessary, Request Consent foran Evaluation Initiation of Services Written Request for an Evaluation

  10. Evaluations

  11. Evaluators

  12. Determination of Eligibility

  13. Initial Provision of Special Education

  14. Public vs. Non-public

  15. Public vs. Non-public

  16. Development of the IEP

  17. Initiation of the IEP

  18. Question and Answer

  19. Additional Questions? Please contact the Michigan Special Education Information Line at: 1-888-320-8384

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