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Explore new physics in Higgs sector through Higgs/Radion mixing, decay branching fractions, and extended models like SUSY. Test Higgs potential at ILC, with emphasis on double Higgs production and invisible decays.
Higgs Sector Profile at ILC T Barklow, hep-ph/0411221
Higgs/Radion mixing The Higgs Profile and the Physics beyond In models with new particles mixing with the Higgs boson, branching fractions are modified, generally through the introduction of an additional (invisible) decay width; J Hewett, T Rizzo Models of extra dimensions stabilised by the Radion are characterised by potentially large changes to Higgs decay Branching fractions:
Determining the Higgs Potential Fundamental test of Higgs potential shape through independent Determination of gHHHin double Higgs production Opportunity unique to the ILC, LHC cannot access double H Production and SLHC may have only marginal accuracy;
Double Higgstrahlung at 0.5 TeV Double WW Fusion at 1 TeV HH Mass Decay Angle
Reanalysis of HHZ production with realistic simulation of SiD detector and full backgronds; Emphasis of Particle Flow performance and algorithm optimisation; Barklow, LCWS07
Indirect Signals of New Physics in the Higgs Sector Desch et al., hep-ph/0406322
The Higgs Profile and the Physics beyond In models with extended Higgs sector, such as SUSY, Higgs couplings get shifted w.r.t. SM predictions: Desch et al., hep-ph/0406322
The Effect of Theory Uncertainties Droll, Logan, PRD76 (2007)
MSSM Higgs Sector with CP violation Resonant CP-violation phenomena in Higgs sector to be investigated at ILC using Higgstrahlung process; Ellis, Lee, Pilaftsis., PRD72 (2005)
Invisible Higgs Decays In ADD model mixing of Higgs and KK graviscalar and H decay in graviscalar pairs generate invisible width which can be detected at ILC; Study of invisible H decay and at ILC allows to tightly constrain model parameters: LHC ILC MB, Dominici, Gunion, Wells, LCWS05
Invisible Higgs Decays Radion mixing in RS models shifts Higgs couplings; Possible reduction of Higgs yields at LHCbut clear signature in ILC data from precision data on bb and WW couplings: MB, De Curtis, Dominici et al., PLB568 (2003)
Heavy Higgs Sector in MSSM ACFA Study hep-ph0301172
Indirect and Direct Limits on H+ LEP-2 B Factories
Dark Matter Direct Searches and SUSY Higgs at the Tevatron Exclusion regions for discovery of at Tevatron (2 x 4 fb-1) Negative Direct DM results reduce likelihood of heavy SUSY Higgs discovery at Tevatron, while Direct DM signal would make Tevatron discovery likely. Carena, Hooper, Skands, hep-ph/0603180
Constraining the Higgs Sector with WCDM Allanach et al.,hep-ph/0507283
Heavy Higgs Sector in MSSM Desch et al., hep-ph/0406229
Heavy Higgs Sector in MSSM Scenarios at large tan b, such as LCC3 and LCC4 and EGRET compatible region have large sensitivity on tan b; e+e-"H+H-"tbtn sensitive to tan b process produced with typical cross section of ~ 2 fb at 1 TeV giving BRs accuracy of O(3-6%).
The Higgs Sector of the LCC4 Point LCC4 point in A0 Funnel region Benchmark point defined in cMSSM LCC4 Benchmark
Selection Criteria • General selection cuts: • at least 4 hadronic jets (JADE algorithm) • (at least 5 ptc/jet); • force event to 4 jets; • apply di-jet btagging; • reconstruction Efficiency = 40 %
b-Tagging and Particle Flow Di-jet b-tagging for CMOSVTX02 Particle Flow for LDC01Sc Model [Cluster cheater to achieve ] eb = 0.85 eudsc = 0.02
Selection Criteria Etot
4-jet Kinematic Fit Perform constrained kinematic fit to 4-jet system, which uses Lagrange multipliers and minimises a c2 constructed from the measured energies and directions of the jets; Impose centre-of-mass energy and momentum conservation; Consider jj jj pairing giving smallest mass difference and plot di-jet masses Mjj (2 entries / evt); Port of PUFITC+ developed for DELPHI at LEP2 (N Kjaer, M Mulders) to MarlinReco framework MB, Hooberman
Preliminary DiJet Mass Fit Optimise resolution with |Mjj1 – Mjj2| < 25 GeV Total Efficiency 23% Fit with Crystal Ball Function and extract Mass and Width: (Preliminary)
Comparison with Detector Parametric Simulation SIMDET SIMDET
Further DM Constraints from HA BR(A gbb) Analysis of Markov Chain MSSM scans to identify further observables to possibly improve DM density determination at the ILC
A0 Branching Fraction Determination b Contrast bbtt to bbbb based on missing energy, nb. of hadronic jets and jj+recoil masses; bbtt Reconstruction Efficiency 35% b b b Determine BR(Agtt) from rate of bbtt to bbbb tags, WW + ZZ background appears small; b Expect ~ 0.15 ~0.07 t t b
Stau Tri-linear Coupling - Atau Constrain Atau through H gtt decays: Stau Couplings to H/A: Atau ~~ In A funnel, MA<Mt1+Mt2 and the only such decay allowed by CP for the pseudoscalar Agt1t2is not available; Heavy H0 gt1t1 scales with Atau and can be used to constrain stau trilinear coupling in this regime.
Stau Tri-linear Coupling - Atau H/A Branching Ratios vs Atau Atau scan for LCC4 MSSM parameters withHDECAY2.0 Large Hgt1t1 can be detected by standard bbtt + bbbb analysis and used to constrain Stau trilinear coupling
DM density accuracy for LCC4 with HA analysis Phys.Rev.D74:103521,2006. MB, Hooberman, Kelley