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A butterfly ’ s life cycle

Get information about the life cycle of butterflies, from eggs to caterpillars and finally transforming into beautiful butterflies. Explore different varieties of butterflies and their fascinating transformations. Find activities and video clips to learn more.

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A butterfly ’ s life cycle

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  1. A butterfly’s life cycle A sample Information Kiosk

  2. Butterflies are insects Insects have 3 body parts and 3 pairs of legs. Image obtained from http://mmem.spschools.org/grade3science/3.Lifecycles!/butterflyparts.html

  3. Butterflies start their life as an egg. There are lots of different kinds of butterfly eggs.Can you see the eggs here? Image obtained from http://www.ottersandbutterflies.co.uk/devon-attraction/16/Butterfly+Eggs.html Image obtained from http://www.gardencentral.org/ner/monarchbutterfly/ Image obtained from http://www.kriyayoga.com/philippines/boracay/butterfly_garden/tropical_butterflies/butterflies.html

  4. When the eggs hatch they are small caterpillars. The caterpillars eat a lot and when they’re ready they build a cocoon or chrysalis and hide away. Image obtained from http://www.kidzone.ws/animals/monarch_butterfly.htm Images obtained from http://www.butterflyhouse.com.au/see/pupa.htm

  5. While the caterpillar is in the cocoon it goes through a process of metamorphosis and changes into a butterfly. Image obtained from http://www.daintreerainforest.com/fauna.html Image obtained from http://www.butterflypictures.net/6-butterfly-pictures.html

  6. There are lots of different varieties of butterflies, but all go through the same life cycle. Image obtained from http://www.irc.vbschools.com/ForTheWeb/Science/pages/ButterflyLifeCycle_jpg.htm Image obtained from : http://www.irc.vbschools.com/ForTheWeb/Science/pages/ButterflyLifeCycle_jpg.htm

  7. Some websites with activities and video clips: • http://www.flashclassroom.com/docs/flash/79_butterfly_emma.swf • http://butterflywebsite.com/ShowNatureVideos.cfm?action=show&videoid=255 • http://butterflywebsite.com/ShowNatureVideos.cfm?action=show&videoid=216

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